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Top 3 worst games in your collection

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    Top 3 worst games in your collection

    1) Driving Emotion Type S.

    Oh what emotions came out tonight as I fought with this pile of steaming dog turd.

    2) Street Fighter EX 3

    Ryu and Ken are NOT GAY!!! Arika, what part of this don't you understand!!!

    3) Buchigire Battle Okane (Not real name, there's more but I can't read the other Kanji)

    Digger fighting, so therefore it must be cool. However, when you realise that it doesn't matter which buttons you press, then it becomes quite ****. Press Triangle one time, and it's time for the Big Special Girder Move, press it again and your digger merely farts.

    Go on, tell me some 'classics' I've missed.

    I own loads.... but here are a few

    Wolfchild - Mega CD (I cant remember why I hated it, ive only played it once)
    Cyber Morths ? Atari Jaguar (Green headed ladie telling me waht to do... huh?)
    Castlevania II - NES (So, so dull... and I was about 7 when I got it)

    Edit: oh yes... The Last Golem - Dreamcast
    A puzzle game that no matter how many ways you do the puzzle on the 2ed level, it wont let you move on.
    Last edited by Jakeway; 17-10-2004, 23:40.


      Fable, Project Gotham 2, and GTA Double pack (all xbox)

      EDIT: WHOOPS, Thought this was for BEST games in my collection, read it wrong.

      I guess I'll have to say these games...

      Night Trap, Driver 2, Bruce Lee (ABSOLUTE DOG****E!)
      Last edited by Fragmaster; 18-10-2004, 17:03.


        Current gen stuff

        Resident Evil Dead Aim - Picked it up when i got a gcon 2 and regretted it
        18 Wheeler - Picked it up thinking it would be okay its not, it pains me to see it
        Metroid Prime - Got it, tried to like it for 1 hr, got bored very quickly absolute guff (IMO) even 18 wheeler got more play than this


          Current generation:

          Oni (PS2): My word this sucks balls. I can't believe how poor the control system is. The bad texturing in the distance reminds me of PSOne visuals. (I played the PC version later; now that was good)
          Harvest Moon (GC): It's all personal preference of course, but I can't get into it. Spending literally hours watering plants for practically no profit makes me cry in pain.
          Initial D (PS2): IT'S ****, OKAY?!


          Gale Racer (saturn) - I only bought it because I loved Rad Mobile in the arcade. I don't remember it being this chronic!
          Confidential Mission (Dreamcast) - Incredibly poor excuse for a light gun game.


            Ok, so i now only on a DC so its hard to pick bad games but here goes..



            Virtua Striker 2...Arghhhhhhhhhhhhh MOVE!!!!!!
            Last edited by tokyochojin; 18-10-2004, 03:37.


              Originally posted by hankwangford
              Initial D (PS2): IT'S ****, OKAY?!

              ****ing ****.

              Just like:

              Carve (XBox) - Nobody playing this online ever sums it up. The "japanese" team going "DOH-MOH ARIGAH-TOE" is the nail in the coffin.

              Puyo Puyo Fever (Xbox) - Icky horrible Renderware nonsense. DC version is ****ing gold, the Xbox/PS2/GC versions are cock.

              R: Racing Evolution (GC) - Really wanted to like this (being what? The only "decent" GC racer at the time) but it was pretty naff. Still trying to sell it.
              Last edited by edandersen; 18-10-2004, 01:20.


                i dont really keep games that i dont like (except DOAX) but this is what i have at the moment.

                Magatama : xbox game that was a Play-Asia special a few weeks ago. ordinary controls, boring and slow combat mechanics, and crappy jumping control made this money well and truly wasted.

                Vagrant Story : i wont be owning this much longer. all the reviews made this game sound awesome, and when i finally get a copy its a repetitive bore fest of just endless hacking and slashing and stupid block puzzles. the combat seemed deep at first but it got repetitive real quick, and the whole risk thing with chained battles just didnt excite me. the nail in the coffin was that the character advancement was only via boss battles and involving a random stat wheel that you stopped at a certain point and only got +1 strength or +5 hitpoints or whatever else, which appears to make it seem like you could make it thru the game without ever increasing in a certain stat. strange game that seems highly overrated.

                War of the Monsters : one trick pony that gets old real quick, purchased purely because i was buying Downhill Domination and i noticed they were from the same people. single player battles feel like the CPU player is really cheap, and multiplayer is fun for a short while, but once you tire of it there is no compulsion to get back into it. ive 'sold' it twice on ebay now but both times the winner hasnt paid for it or contacted me. im cursed to own in forever. and its NTSC so i cant just ditch it at the local gametraders here in australia.

                runner up :

                Final Fantasy X : i just sold this game or it would be in the top three, but this game is easily one of the worst ive ever played. its horribly linear, 95% of the control you have over the character is unrequired as you only have one way to go and its just so you can wander around and trigger endless random battles, and combat is even worse than rock-paper-scissors efforts, in that you have enemies that are vulnerable to certain characters standard attacks that can literally kill them in one or two shots, while everyone else takes 8 or 9 rounds to kill them. and the game tells you who kills what so its not like it even starts out a challenge. so you just wander around aimlessly triggering endless terminally boring battles, or poorly scripted and voice acted cut scenes of an amazingly bare bones story. i just couldnt go on. i thought most random battle console RPGs outside of Persona 2 were terrible, but then i got Shadow Hearts : Covenant in the mail the other day, and its excellent. interesting combat that actually requires some skill in addition to in game attributes, lots of cool abilities that arent just basic magic and ability efforts, and an interesting story line and premise, with entertaining characters.


                  Originally posted by edandersen
                  Puyo Puyo Fever (Xbox) - Icky horrible Renderware nonsense. DC version is ****ing gold, the Xbox/PS2/GC versions are cock.
                  I have this for my mobile, and my missus was harping on about getting it for her ps2 so we could play 2 player, not reccommended then? I mean does the
                  Renderware make so much difference to a game like Puyo Puyo.


                    No it doesn't, Ed just feels the need to spit Venom about games made using Renderware for some reason! I guess it's cos he's into developing games and the thoughts of using middleware disgusts him!!! A shame as Renderware is pretty decent and in no way responsible for someone making a **** Puyo Puyo game


                    My worst games are:

                    Robocop 3 for the SNES... a game that annoyed me so much that it's the only cart I managed to break in a fit of rage. I felt a mixture of pleasure and guilt as I smashed the cart off the road since it was a pressie but it angered me so much.

                    Kao the Kangaroo for the Dreamcast. My first piece of review code back when I did the Sega website thing a few years ago. I'm not sure if it was because I got it for free or because I was smoking a lot of dope at the time but I actually liked it. Shame on me.

                    Finally Terminator 3 for the Xbox... Won it in a compo, got sent it twice... Dragged myself through the first few levels and then gave up in disgust. So **** even Game wouldn't give me a trade for it.


                      1) King Of The Monsters (SNES). Picked this up really cheap, which is the only excuse for owning it really. Its a button masher of the higher order, although I do get it out every now and again for a laugh.

                      2) Doshin The Giant (GC). Never got on with this at all, its so slow! It didnt help I played it after being thoroughly bored with Black & White, but this game is so "un-Nintendo". There is little charm and little of the usual Nintendo magic.

                      3) Stunt Race FX (SNES). A big release for Nintendo, but wholly underwhelmed me in a way no Nintendo game had never before. No charm, no depth and really no reason so play at all.


                        Cruisin' USA on N64: **** frame rate, **** cars, **** music, **** digitised girls, **** handling. ****.

                        Blue Stinger on DC: Why? Why in general? Why design a character who runs like he's packed himself?

                        Kasumi Ninja and Club Drive on Jag: although, strictly speaking, these transcend badness and become objects of glory. Kasumi Ninja in particular, for its farting Scotman.


                          1) half my random sfc collection
                          2) DMC2
                          3) SF EX 3


                            Originally posted by Tom Salter
                            Ryu and Ken are NOT GAY!!! Arika, what part of this don't you understand!!!
                            I always thought they might have a hot Russian menage a trois with Zangief, but no...

                            Is that "gay" or "ghey"?


                              It's both ghey and gay. Quite an achievement.

                              Regarding Puyo Puyo Fever, how can you not like this game!??! Who cares if it's on Renderware, it's a game about falling blocks, and it's far superior to Puyo Puyo 4 (Don't get me started on that game).

                              In fact, I might review it some day

