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Top 3 worst games in your collection

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    Originally posted by Valken
    No it doesn't, Ed just feels the need to spit Venom about games made using Renderware for some reason! I guess it's cos he's into developing games and the thoughts of using middleware disgusts him!!! A shame as Renderware is pretty decent and in no way responsible for someone making a **** Puyo Puyo game
    They used Renderware to make the puyos 3D. ****ing 3D! As a consequence, this makes it FAR more annoying to play. It was completely unneeded :/

    And you *can't* turn the 3D off. You can just turn off the combo "effect" (read: distraction.)

    Utter wank:

    Rant over. (for now)
    Last edited by edandersen; 18-10-2004, 10:27.


      Originally posted by buster_broon
      it was on the mega/sega cd me thinks, i actually quite liked it with cobra command

      i even thought blue stinger wasnt half bad
      opps my bad i was gonna put tempo that auful music game and forgot to change that bit but i thought this was more deserving of worst game in my collection


        Originally posted by edandersen
        They used Renderware to make the puyos 3D. ****ing 3D! As a consequence, this makes it FAR more annoying to play. It was completely unneeded :/

        And you *can't* turn the 3D off. You can just turn off the combo "effect" (read: distraction.)

        Utter wank:

        Rant over. (for now)
        I agree, seems a waste of time using a 3D engine if you want them to look 2D - also in the xbox shot why are the green ones not all joined up? eh eh


          Originally posted by edandersen
          They used Renderware to make the puyos 3D. ****ing 3D! As a consequence, this makes it FAR more annoying to play. It was completely unneeded :/

          And you *can't* turn the 3D off. You can just turn off the combo "effect" (read: distraction.)

          Utter wank:

          Rant over. (for now)
          1) I'm not sure what 3D Puyos have to do with anything

          2) I'm not sure it matter that Renderware was used to make the Puyos 3D


            And apart from a bit of aliasing, I can't see what is so different about those two screens, either. But then, I don't really care that much about the graphics on my puzzle games.


              Daiktana (N64) - Absolute cack, i've seen more exciting crisp packets.


                Super Runabout - Dreamcast
                Oh Climax... why even when this game cost me ?3 2nd hand do I still feel ripped off?


                  Top Banana on Amiga: it may have been shareware but it looks like the colour-clashed vomit of a Spectrum +128k.


                    Originally posted by Lactose Intollerant
                    Super Runabout - Dreamcast
                    Oh Climax... why even when this game cost me ?3 2nd hand do I still feel ripped off?
                    umm, Super Runabout is one of my biggest guilty pleasures. Largely because I've got friends in the San Francisco area, and really appreciated how much better the modelling of the city is than the likes of Midtown Madness 2, and covered a larger area than MSR/PGR. Also, the handling is rather less comedic than GTA, which is nice.


                      I've done away with most of my dross, but few still remain...

                      Devil May Cry 2. Crap.
                      Final Fantasy X. Crap.
                      Wrestlemania X8. Crap.


                        Originally posted by Lactose Intollerant
                        Super Runabout - Dreamcast
                        Oh Climax... why even when this game cost me ?3 2nd hand do I still feel ripped off?
                        when you get the tank its fun

                        dont mind that one either


                          Some games in those lists which I really liked...!

                          - Blue Stinger
                          - D2
                          - Road Blaster FX/Road Avenger

                          And a real favourite of mine, Stunt Race FX! God knows how many hours I spent on that one. Wonderful game, another Miyamoto masterpiece.

                          Just goes to prove that what is pap to one person, is genius to another.

                          One of the most disappointing/worst games I own is Ninja Gaiden. Controversial I know, but I thought it was about as enjoyable as a root canal. Actually less enjoyable than that. I also thought the original Onimusha was incredibly dull, as was MGS2.


                            I think I veered near catatonia when I tried to play thru MGS2: the condition, that is, not the band.

                            Blue Stinger mugs grannies in the dead of night to pay for "cake" and orange bentens.


                              Final Fantasy X (PS2) - Linear, linear, linear + random battles. Ugh. The first FF I played, and probably the last.
                              Necronomicon The Dawning of Darkness (PS) - I bought this just after I had read about Dark Corners of the Earth and felt the need for some Cthulhu-adventuring. Big mistake.
                              Metal Gear Solid 2 (PS2) - Unbelievably awful pretentious crap.

                              ... and the ones that almost made the list: Dead to Rights (XBOX), Ray Crisis (PS)


                                I only have 1 **** game in my collection, Tekken 4. I don't buy **** - if I do it gets booted out.

