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Top 3 worst games in your collection

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    Robot Warlords (PS2) - Ive liked a lot Midas picked up for release, but this was so boringly slow/tedious i might have died.

    Crypt Killers (Saturn) - OK so it plays half decent for a gun game, but the graphics look knocked up by a child with toes for fingers.

    NHL All star '97 (Saturn) - the best bit is the fmv tour of the Hockey Museum.

    ...of some above, i really liked super Runabout, Necrinomicom on PS too, point n fun.


      1) Driving Emotion Type S??

      Oh man i hear that, what a pile of excrement


        I have a few too many **** games and hence picking 3 is quite hard. Anyhow here's three that I'd recommend you all to stay well clear of:

        Virtual on Marz (US, PS2) - teh Boog sold it to me which probably means it was bound to be crap, but anyhow it is. Don't buy it.

        The Race: Simple 1500 volume 13 (JAP, PS1) - Absolutely awful excuse for a driving game. Bought it cos it was cheap (?2.20 on eBay). There are all of 2 cars to drive and all of 2 tracks which are both surprisingly similar to each other. How some budget European publisher decided it was worthy of a PAL release is beyond me.

        Crazy Taxi 2 (PAL, DC) - The original was great. Mainly because it was a simple concept with brilliant track design. The sequel got rid of the simplicity (by adding pointless extras such as the hop and multiple passengers) and also the brilliant track design (by basing it in New York where every street looks the same). So what do we have? One rubbish game.


          Rogue Squadron 3 - Rebel ****e.

          Kept around solely for the 2 player co-op mode. I want to fly xwings, not drive various crappy vehicles or run around fighting the worst control system ever. Even the flying bits arent good...the rate of fire is tooooo fast and the levels uninteresting...thanks for that.

          All others games get booted when i smell the brown stuff.


            I hardly ever seem to get rid of the dross I pick up, current 3 worst must be:

            1) Herdy Gerdy (PS2)
            Promised so so much, but the camera absolutely kills it. Pity, cause I really liked the art style in it.

            2) Mystic Heroes (GC)
            Proof that you really can have too much of a good thing. Back to Dynasty Warriors we go...

            3) Ronin Blade (PSX)
            It's trying to do what 'Way of the Samurai' eventually managed on PS2, but it misses it by a margin so wide you could get a bus through.


              Virtual on Marz (US, PS2) - teh Boog sold it to me which probably means it was bound to be crap, but anyhow it is. Don't buy it.
              Anyone spotted a pattern here?


                All my crap games, I trade in. Well, most of them anyway. Let's see what I can dig out from my collection.

                Full Spectrum Warrior (PAL Xbox)
                - While a lot of people would disagree with me on this, it's repetitive rubbish... I tried to like it, but after playing it once, both offline and on live, I can't see myself playing it again i'm sorry to say.

                Phantasy Star Online Ep. 1 and 2 (PAL Xbox)
                - Only fun online, and it's been hacked to pieces. It's simply no fun anymore.

                Le Mans 24 Hours (PAL PS1)
                - ...Dreadful. Looks dreadful, feels dreadful. TERRIBLE racing game.


                  Originally posted by edandersen
                  They used Renderware to make the puyos 3D. ****ing 3D! As a consequence, this makes it FAR more annoying to play. It was completely unneeded :/

                  And you *can't* turn the 3D off. You can just turn off the combo "effect" (read: distraction.)

                  Utter wank:

                  Rant over. (for now)
                  I think the version on my keitai maybe the renderware version..does the job though so will probably invest in the Ps2 version to keep the missus quiet.


                    Originally posted by tokyochojin
                    I think the version on my keitai maybe the renderware version..does the job though so will probably invest in the Ps2 version to keep the missus quiet.

                    I'd kill you and your entire family for this on my phone. Not Renderware either. ****ers.


                      Urban Yeti on the GBA is without a doubt the sh*ttest game I've ever played in my life. Crap graphics... crap sound... and don't even get me started on the gameplay. You get the idea!


                        Genma Onimusha (don't even like it enough to spell it properly)
                        Dead to Rights (****e ****e ****e ****e!)
                        Munch's Oddworld

                        I doubt I'll get a fiver trading these ****ers in, really...


                          [QUOTE=Silvergun X].

                          Full Spectrum Warrior (PAL Xbox)
                          - While a lot of people would disagree with me on this, it's repetitive rubbish... I tried to like it, but after playing it once, both offline and on live, I can't see myself playing it again i'm sorry to say.


                          Have to agree, it's not taxing, it's not exciting, it's got barely enough interesting features to make me blink. But I'm sure most people will think I'm talking crap.


                            Originally posted by anephric
                            Top Banana on Amiga: it may have been shareware but it looks like the colour-clashed vomit of a Spectrum +128k.
                            it wasnt shareware, it was like game of the month in amiga power if i remember rightly too. I ****ing hated that game it terrifies me to this day.


                              Half-Life:Blue Shift makes me sad; a really rubbish episode of a classic game. At least it has the H-L enhancement pack on the CD.

                              Pac-Man World 2 is deeply mediocre, but I only got it for Pac-Man Vs.

                              Then I have some real dogs on retro compilations: Tower of Druaga and Return of Ishtar on the Namco Museums spring to mind (sooo tedious), and then there are some of the carts on the Activision Anthology which are so primitive as to almost beggar belief (eg Freeway, a Frogger clone only with no lateral movement..!)


                                This Gen

                                1). Star Wars RS III (CUBE) Utter sh8t.
                                2). Judge Dredd (X-Box) About the only good thing about this, was the music
                                3). MOH Rising Sun (X-Box) Sh8T beyond words

                                All time

                                1). Virtual Hydlide (Sat) The intro was ok-ish
                                2) Stellar-Fire (Mega CD).At least the music was nice
                                3) I War (Jag) Much like the console , utter cr8p

