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Top 3 worst games in your collection

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    I cull my collection every couple of months or so. Therefore i haven't got many games i would list in a Top 3 Worst list.

    Tomb Raider : Angel of Darkness - Cost me a fiver off Tom (Boog.) Surely this should have been in the "The It's For Free Thread." No? LOL.

    Awful game. Even the simple matter of turning is a chore and don't get me started on "My legs feel stronger." The slowdown is pretty bad as well.

    Thats it. I love all my other games.


      A random selection from the poor games collection:

      1) Dragonriders: Chronicles of Pern (DC). Bought because my wife is a big Anne McCaffrey fan. Utter, utter rubbish - the Resident Evil style 'tank' controls on the character and the lousy camera conspire to make walking across the room a seriously difficult challenge. What made it into a completely hideous nightmare, however, was the fact that the designers decided that, because I hadn't solved the first puzzle in under 5 seconds (literally, I'm not kidding), it was time to repeat the demand of what needed to be done, because I'd clearly forgotten, and not just spent my time fighting to get the thing to walk in a straight line to an object the camera wouldn't let me see. Oops, another 5 seconds have passed, better say it once more.

      And again.

      Once more for luck.

      How about if we tell the player what it is they have to do; they might have forgotten.


      Eventually, after having undergone about 20 minutes of this torture, I reached the second puzzle, where you have to walk up to the dragon and press the 'heal' button. Thats a dragon, a fecking great huge thing that covers most of the screen. However, the game doesn't actually recognise you as wanting to touch the dragon (bear in mind that's all we've been asked to do about 50 times, not in any more detail) on the exact pixel that is the invisible hitbox. ARRGH!!!

      Anything after this is a poor, poor comparison of gaming badness.

      2) Mercedes Benz World Racing (XBox). Lovely modelled world, where you can wander anywhere GTA-stylee, rather than just drive around the track. Unfortunately, there are two seriously broken problems. Firstly, it's fun is limited by the handling model assuming you have one of those mythical XBox steering wheels; full right on the joypad is full lock, and so you spend 90% of your time in a hideous understeering slide. Secondly, and I should have been warned off by the title, every car in the game is a Merc. In itself this shouldn't be a problem, but when after an hour's play I've driven about 6 different specifications of A-Class and nothing else its pretty dull.

      3) Urban Chaos (DC). At the same time, I recognise it should be brilliant. Its basically GTA3, only instead of you being a thug you're a cop. The ambition is amazing, and no doubt the PC version does a reasonable job of meeting that, but the DC really doesn't come close to providing the power that ambition asks for; framerates are poor, draw distance is abysmal, and play areas are rather obviously constrained to give the machine a chance. Controls aren't that great either.


        Ed's just sour about the visuals, which are pretty ****. 3D puyos don't work.


          oh yes... The Last Golem - Dreamcast
          A puzzle game that no matter how many ways you do the puzzle on the 2ed level, it wont let you move on.
          Ahh, I actually kinda like The Last Golem 'cos I managed to figure it out and complete a fair chunk of it. To get past a lot of stages, you need to keep certain blocks intact, piece them together so on completion it pushes the score above the requirement for the level. I think stage 2 has one of those spining sections? I don't recall exactly. So, erm, thanks Tom

          I don't have many 'bad' games, but I think these three are fitting of the thread...

          Sega GT: Homo special -- Crap beyond words.

          Vanishing Point -- omfg stunt mdoe tbh lolzz

          Way of the Warrior -- Way of the **** game more like. Narf.


            Originally posted by anephric

            Blue Stinger on DC: Why? Why in general? Why design a character who runs like he's packed himself?
            Who was that fat guy who when you changed his Tshirt he could change his fighting style? I loved that game, it was sooo ****ing ****e that it was funny. I mean choosing your characters t-shirts


              Now, you see the stunt mode of Vanishing Point was the one thing I really quite liked about the game. The handling was so bloomin' twitchy, and the unlocking method so repetitive that plain old racing was boring as hell, meanwhile. I've even got it twice on DC (US and PAL) because the US release doesn't display in RGB.


                Originally posted by hankwangford
                Ed's just sour about the visuals, which are pretty ****. 3D puyos don't work.
                They play just the same as the 2D ones, and did you know you can change it back to 2D in the options?


                LOL @ the amount of people who received **** games from me >_<


                  Road avenger --sega mega cd-- i rember likeing this when it first came out but it has to be one of the lazyest games ever made, if you dont feel like playing a game put this on as it requires no skill whatsoever, infact the real test is staying awake long enough to press the buttons thats the real test good game to play if you are to munted to do anyting else.

                  Gundam Wing Federation vs Zion --ps2-- some big robot fighting game the poly models look ****, the controls just feel all wrong, the music is aufull and when you get killed the robot explodes leaveing a pair of comedy legs just sat there. I picked it up on edges recomendation but it all seems wrong it feels really constricted and you dont really get a feeling of the gundams size as your cramped in these tiny areans utter rubbish

                  Fire Warrior --ps2-- Sony sent me the full retail version of this this pile of **** so dont be under the impresion i went out and purchesd this poor excuse for a game. The offline mode sees coridoor after coridoor of bland murky textures, add in ripped of bits from a 101 other first person shooters and some of the worst bosses you could ever wish to meet and you will realy start to wonder whay you even bothred to load this up.

                  Online is laggy and unbalanced a sniper rifle that can dispatch peole in one shot whether you hit them in the big toe or in the face showed this point up very clearley. No coms and a **** load of lag made this a fantastic game to play, so much so that it saw the cd sailing through the air and bouncing off the wall smashing into a million pieces.
                  Last edited by Lebowski; 18-10-2004, 10:24.


                    Originally posted by cyemonkey
                    Road avenger --sega 32X--
                    it was on the mega/sega cd me thinks, i actually quite liked it with cobra command

                    i even thought blue stinger wasnt half bad

                    anyway my top 3 are probably:

                    1/ pocket reversi (neo geo pocket) - the game is awful, othello has always been an awful game and snk had to cease production as X amount hit the stores, hence the stupidly high price

                    2/ gladius (game cube) - just everything is plain awful and i thought raising gladiators would be fun

                    3/ power spikes 2 (neo geo) - i even commissioned somebody to construct me a home conversion of this bad boy, should have played it on emulation first me thinks, awful just awful
                    Last edited by buster_broon; 18-10-2004, 09:48.


                      Generally, games that smell of the brown stuff don't stay in my collection long. The only two that remain to this day are Final fantasy 8 (for reasons I've gone into way too many times than the game deserves) and Alundra - a sluggish PS1 Zelda wannabe with really obtuse puzzles.

                      I may stick the latter in the "It's for free" thread. I've heard there are actually people who like this game.


                        Cuty Suzuki's Ringside Angel (MD) - Wrestling with girls only. The gameplay is horrible and so goddamn slow. There's no time limit and if you're, like me, very bad at this game (I've only played it once) a single round can take up to twenty minutes. Twenty precious minutes! Got to admit though, I laughed for myself when playing it that one time.

                        Teddy Boy (SMS) - I don't get the point! It just gives me a headache.

                        NHL '98 (PS1) - I don't know what this game is doing in my collection. How did it get there?


                          I used to own The Getaway but sold it a day after buying it, then to my horror one of my housemates brought up some PS2 games (but no PS2) in the knowledge I would be bringing mine with me to the house - lo and behold, The Getaway was nestled in there. I don't think I can even begin to describe how painful this game is; terrible control, terrible typecast characters and plot, generally very frustrating and not very fun to play at all.

                          Secondly, Kingdom Hearts. I could rant and moan about how they've cheapened the FF franchise to high heaven lately, but seeing as I managed to avoid FFX-2, this gets the brunt of my frustration. Whilst they did take it upon themselves to make you feel guilty for ever being a fan of the series, I think what upsets me most is that I could see the engine being used to make a new Seiken Densetsu (Secret / Legend / Sword of Mana) before the Disney license got involved.

                          Aaaaaand, Driving Emotion Type S. I can't go off on one too badly about this as I haven't actually played it. It's poorness was what allured me to it, and after seeing it in CEX for ?4 I couldn't resist. The store assistant tried to convince me it wasn't worth it, even to laugh at, but after a brief 'discussion' of its merits it finally became mine. Now there's just the dilemma that my PS2 won't even boot the disc; I'm guessing it has some kind of quality control mechanism that is shielding me.


                            OK Currently in collection :

                            FIFA 2005 - My jaw hit the floor when I realised how utterly ****e this game is - It defies belief that anybody would buy this period let alone over Pro Evo 4... Spent about one half of a match in my disc tray and will never return there.

                            Full Spectrum Warrior - My 4 men are standing behind a truck, there are two terrorists with guns right in front of them and they are in the fire sector. Why then have the two terrorists just gunned down all 4 of my team ? Should have been awesome but for the glitches which are numerous.

                            Sega Rally (N-Gage) - Yes I know the technology is being stretched beyond it's limits but what the **** ? Have you heard of handling ? I've played better java top down rally games (?5) than this bag of premium priced pish.


                              X-Men Next Dimension (GC) - thought this was gonna be another X-Men Mutant Academy (which I thought was semi-good on PS) so I ended up picking it up in a 2 for 1 deal with Rogue Leader. I was wrong. It's a 1 on 1 fighting game in which the fighting just seems really lacking, the moves are horrible to do on the GC pad (you have to use the d-pad to get most moves out, and if you're familiar with the GC d-pad you know this sucks), and it's buggy as hell. People can get stuck in walls and throw projectile attacks, but you can't go into the wall after them, so you get your ass handed to you. This game has great ideas like the true 3d arenas which you can knock people from one level to another, but it's just horribly done.

                              Also didn't really like any of the Tomb Raider games after the second one. The series should have stopped at that point as they got too samey. At least TR2 was significantly different from the first.

                              Federation vs Zeon is a decent game, but you need to be a fan of Gundam, I guess. It DOES play like a slow Virtual-On, but Gundams were hardly fast in the shows. Also, it's based on an anime from the '70s and has typical '70's anime music, which probably does sound horrible to anyone who doesn't know that. It is a much better game multiplayer though.


                                Originally posted by Tom Salter
                                They play just the same as the 2D ones, and did you know you can change it back to 2D in the options?


                                LOL @ the amount of people who received **** games from me >_<
                                Not played it, only ever seen screenshots - but Ed is forever harping on about it.

