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GamesTM Issue 26 Scores

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    GamesTM Issue 26 Scores

    Metroid Prime 2 - 9
    Killzone - 6
    GTA: SA - 9
    PoP: Warrior Within - 9
    Ghost Recon 2 - 6
    Football Manager 2005 - 9
    Ratchet & Clank 3 - 7
    Paper Mario 2 - 8
    Goldeneye: Rogue Agent - 3
    The Getaway: Black Monday - 3
    The Urbz - 6
    Grand Theft Auto - 4
    NFS:U2 - 6
    Jak 3 - 6
    Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 - 7
    Halo 2 - 9

    nicely taken from Gamufi

    pretty accurate to me, those what i've played anyway.


      No half life 2 review this month either?


        Originally posted by hasanhadi
        PoP: Warrior Within - 9
        What did the old pop get?

        I haven?t herd good things about this game. Supposedly the magic has all gone and its been replaced with Rock music.


          Another slack review of Goldeneye: Rogue Agent....


          I think he got the point

          Erm, man I am so looking forward to playing Rogue Agent, it makes my eyes bleed.


            Originally posted by jezzace
            No half life 2 review this month either?
            after all the games they reviewed this month and most of them very long, probably very hard to review this one as well.

            and possibly not a lot of major titles next issue for them to review.


              Originally posted by Paul3704
              pretty accurate to me, those what i've played anyway.
              I agree.

              PS. I haven't played any demos of Rogue Agent, but does JibberX have shares in EA or what? :P
              Last edited by Alf-Life; 30-11-2004, 16:43.


                Jibber : Rogue Agent got 2/10 at Eurogamer


                  Whats all the fuss about Rogue agent, have EA released a load of good James Bond games as I think that somehow I must have missed them.
                  Just because its in the first person and has the goldeneye name doesn't mean it is going to instantly be anywhere near as good as the original. Something to do with it being made be a completely different company and programming team.
                  I could be wrong but so far I'm yet to see a review to prove otherwise.




                    I bet EA will be eager to send out review code to EG in future.


                      Rogue Agent doesnt deserve to see the light of day

                      they should do an E.T and bury in the desert.


                        Decent review scores...nice one, GamesTM.

                        I played Rogue Agent today. Good god...that game is crap! It's just so slow and boring It's like walking through treacle, the animation is TERRIBLE and, basically, the AI is dead . I was able to walk into a room, kill 3 people and walk up to the last person without him even moving or looking at me. And it's not like I had been stealthy - ffs I was using two shotguns at the time!


                          lol, or give Free Radical (who're now under their publishing wing) the rights for the sequel.

                          Anyway, I think EA touting their coup of getting the AI programmer from Halo 1 did excite a few people, although from what I've read it just seems they took the GoldenEye name and tried to copy Halo, only being successful in the former.

                          GoldenEye 007 still being my favourite game, I did even buy into the mid hype (I say mid, because at the beginning I was skeptical, and now at the end I'm... vindicted?) but yeah, I heard all the EA employees in interviews saying how much they loved GE007, but sadly it looks like they couldn't cut it.


                            The AI was awful...people just stood there while I shot them or threw grenades at them. The only example of 'smart' AI I saw was when someone ducked behind a box - but that's such a common example it hardly even counts The rest of the time I was just able to walk from one room to the next and shoot people without even stopping to look around. They just stood there and shot back

                            I'm not sure if it falls under AI or not but I noticed the opponents can see through steel I was standing on a platform and an enemy shot me, so I looked around and couldn't see him. Then I saw him...he was standing at the edge of the stairway that led up to the platform. There was NO way he could see me there. And there's definitely no way he could shoot at me and actually hit me from that angle!


                              Originally posted by RLench
                              I'm not sure if it falls under AI or not but I noticed the opponents can see through steel I was standing on a platform and an enemy shot me, so I looked around and couldn't see him. Then I saw him...he was standing at the edge of the stairway that led up to the platform. There was NO way he could see me there. And there's definitely no way he could shoot at me and actually hit me from that angle!
                              Sounds like Half-Life 2!


