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GamesTM Issue 26 Scores

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    Five 9/10's? There must be spunk all over the place.


      lol, poor Strider was covered...


        Originally posted by Alf-Life
        lol, poor Strider was covered...

        Anyway, what's to say it wasn't me doing the spunking...


          Glad to see POP2 getting a good score this has restored some of my faith that I'm going to enjoy it as much as the first game.


            My favourite of 'teh GoldenEye' is how some enemies disappear once you've shot them, even before they hit the ground. Best. Death. Ever.

            Originally posted by Chadruharazzeb
            Five 9/10's? There must be spunk all over the place.
            Yeah - we've branded it 'The 9 Issue'. That said though, there was no more spunk flying around the office than in a usual month.


              Only score I would disagree with there is PoP:Warrior Within. Played it for a few hours at a friends house, and promptly cancelled my pre-order for it when I got home.

              The IGN review, believe it or not, sums it up when they talk of how the game has lost the magic of the first. It's become a generic fighter filled with the worst US rock music I have ever had the misfortune to hear. It's beyond awful, and we quickly resorted to playing the game with the sound muted.

              The extremely forced 'I'm bad' attitude of PoP 2 really grates too, it's almost as if Ubi went out of their way to make the game an unpleasant experience. And not in a good way, as with Silent Hill for example.

              Combat is repetetive, as it was in the first, but there's more of it this time. Platforming bits are still mostly good, but as they now take place in a dull grey world, instead of the rich colourful world of the first.. the charm is gone.

              Maybe it gets better further in, from the first few hours I would give it a big thumbs down.


                I think Ratchet and Clank 3 deserved more than a 7.
                I don't generally play these types of games anymore but i was hooked.

                I think at least a strong 8.


                  Originally posted by martTM
                  My favourite of 'teh GoldenEye' is how some enemies disappear once you've shot them, even before they hit the ground. Best. Death. Ever.
                  Sounds cool My favourite death was I shot someone in the chest with a handgun and they BACKFLIPPED Contrast that with a grenade thrown at an explosive barrel...resulting in nearby enemy FALLING OVER

                  Handgun...leads to backflip
                  Explosive...leads to falling backwards (INTO the explosion!!)

                  Explain that one, EA


                    Disappointed with the 4 for GTA Advance. I had high hopes for that one, as I still think the original is great.


                      Havent read the full thread so forgive me if its in there but has this issue hit the shops yet?



                        Tomorrow, tomorrow...


                          The Sun will come out? No, that's daily mate.

                          I'm intrigued most about the Prince Of Persia score - the aspect I loved most about the previous game was neither puzzles nor fighting, but the relationship crafted between the Prince & Farah - it was an oddly affecting & mature relationship - spoiler ahead -

                          When she popped her clogs, I was genuinely moved.

                          I'm wondering if the new game can have a similar impact for me - look forward to reading the review.
                          Last edited by Geoff D; 01-12-2004, 12:46.


                            Originally posted by Geoff D

                            I'm intrigued most about the Prince Of Persia score - the aspect I loved most about the previous game was neither puzzles nor fighting, but the relationship crafted between the Prince & Farah - it was an oddly affecting & mature relationship - spoiler ahead -

                            When she popped her clogs, I was genuinely moved.

                            I'm wondering if the new game can have a similar impact for me - look forward to reading the review.
                            Farah isn't in PoP2, as you know, and the drastic stylistic shift from fairy tale Arabia/Sinbad, to run down old caves and castles set to rock music is moving in it's own special way.

                            Moved me to cancel my pre-order.

                            I think the best way to sum up PoP 2 would be to say if you liked the original, avoid the sequel, as much of what you liked is gone. The converse may also be true.


                              I still haven't finished POP1 but it's very Ico meets Aladdin, the second one's style doesn't appeal... however, everyone complaining about the "new attitude and rock" would probably still be complaining if it was more of the same.


                                Originally posted by Alf-Life
                                I still haven't finished POP1 but it's very Ico meets Aladdin, the second one's style doesn't appeal... however, everyone complaining about the "new attitude and rock" would probably still be complaining if it was more of the same.
                                I would have liked them to have taken the sinbad stuff further, gone deeper into magic and fairy tale.

                                I can just imagine the designer of PoP 2 being some miserable spotty teen who hates the world, wears a lot of black leather, and listens to thrash metal all day.

                                It's just all wrong.

