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GamesTM Issue 26 Scores

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    Originally posted by Kotatsu Neko
    I would have liked them to have taken the sinbad stuff further, gone deeper into magic and fairy tale.
    Couldn't agree with you more and if they felt the need to add end of level bosses then they should have all been Ray Harryhausen-esque in nature and look! This is the first game where I am going to use the Game "10 day" trial period to see whether I will want to keep it or not. I am very interested to read the Games TM review but as has been said I fear it has taken a step in the wrong direction for the series.


      "You bitch!" Okay, so that's a bit out of line. But in trying to summarise the Prince of Persia's dramatic shift from w…

      It's not looking all that rosy from a read of this either. Shame, I loved The Sands of Time.


        Originally posted by Reef
        Couldn't agree with you more and if they felt the need to add end of level bosses then they should have all been Ray Harryhausen-esque in nature and look! This is the first game where I am going to use the Game "10 day" trial period to see whether I will want to keep it or not. I am very interested to read the Games TM review but as has been said I fear it has taken a step in the wrong direction for the series.
        I believe that Game allow longer than 10 days for a return this time of year, I think they give you until January to make up your mind.


          On Baad Bwoy's note, how is Game's 10-day period thing affecting the games industry anyway? How big is the loss? And what about all their preowned stuff where they get 'pure' profit back? Isn't renting games illegal in Japan (or did it use to be or something)?


            Originally posted by Concept

            It's not looking all that rosy from a read of this either. Shame, I loved The Sands of Time.
            Read the review and yep, it's pretty much how I feel about it. Only I wouldn't have given it 7, for me the rock music and 'I'm dead hard, me' style is so painful it would shave a good couple of points off the score.

            Don't know what the best outcome of this could be. If nobody buys it, Ubi may just cancel the series alltogether. But as the reviewer says, if people do buy it, then the Sinbad era Prince will be gone forever, and Ubi will be encouraged to stray even further into the realm of spotty teens and misery.


              "We goes through our....etc"

              Page 149...not sure that grammer is correct.


                Originally posted by Welrain
                "We goes through our....etc"

                Page 149...not sure that grammer is correct.
                You've spotted a mistake... Well done...


                  Do I get a prize?

                  Anyway excellent issue as far as I'm concerned. It arrived on time too. Going from strength to strength. Did I miss the retro review thing where the 8bit formats are compared or is it missing this move. I love that section.


                    Originally posted by Welrain
                    Do I get a prize?

                    Anyway excellent issue as far as I'm concerned. It arrived on time too. Going from strength to strength. Did I miss the retro review thing where the 8bit formats are compared or is it missing this move. I love that section.
                    I'm a bit narked about that as it's the first retro piece by a contributor (Rllmuk's 213) and it's an obvious mistake I should have picked up on. The whole of this months retro section was about the PlayStation, so there was no Clash of the Titans unfortunately.

                    However, it is returning next month and it's The New Zealand Story


                      Excellent (pst...heres ?5..let the Amstrad win)


                        Originally posted by Geoff D
                        I'm intrigued most about the Prince Of Persia score - the aspect I loved most about the previous game was neither puzzles nor fighting, but the relationship crafted between the Prince & Farah - it was an oddly affecting & mature relationship - spoiler ahead -

                        When she popped her clogs, I was genuinely moved.

                        Farah died?

                        Are you sure? ...I don't remember that at all... although I did complete the game with a friend in one sitting, I may have transcended human form and assimilated myself with the console when that happened. I can't remember it at all...


                          Originally posted by nips

                          Farah died?

                          Are you sure? ...I don't remember that at all... although I did complete the game with a friend in one sitting, I may have transcended human form and assimilated myself with the console when that happened. I can't remember it at all...
                          I don't recall that either. In fact I thought at the end

                          the prince went back in time and Farah didn't remember him



                            Originally posted by Welrain
                            "We goes through our....etc"

                            Page 149...not sure that grammer is correct.


                              hehe. And the legend continues.


                                Originally posted by nips

                                Farah died?

                                Are you sure?
                                Yeah baby - prior to completion of the game Farah runs off ahead of the Prince - when he catches up with her, she's fighting some beasties who knock her off a ledge; the Prince tries to save her but she lets herself plummet. All of this is undone during the end sequence though, as time is rewound & as Kotatsu Neko points out, Farah doesn't even know the Prince.

                                I was quite moved at that point.

