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Xbox's 2003 line-up... a bit crap?

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    I for once, certainly didn't buy my Xbox for a load of multi-format PC-like shooters. At least XIII looks interesting.


      Sega are starting to make it impossible for me to ignore XBOX, releasing Out Run n Daytona etc. Would like to try proper online gaming as well, gonna wait for Halo PC version though. When is DOA 4 out aint that gonna b at E3?


        "Dreamcast had homebrew too, and I loved following that scene. The difference with Dreamcast and Xbox is that Dreamcast had some officially released stuff on it that was worth playing with the homebrew as a bonus that comes from an easy architecture. Waiting 12 months for an essential title is fine, it's just that on Dreamcast the wait was more like 6 weeks... "

        No, the difference is Dreamcast homebrew was **** and largely irrelevent. The Dreamcast was simply an exceptional system for arcade ports and the occaisional original game, no system has ever had that many quality games in such a short space of time. Personally I have far more Xbox games than I do Gamecube.

        "I can't possibly understand how anyone could choose Xbox over PS2 with regards to racing games."

        IMO Rallisport, Moto GP, Sega GT 2002 and PGR piss on the PS2 selection. Being able to use a good pad and your own music is significant to me (and besides, the tracks are fine) so speak for yourself. GT3 is a ****ty game to me with no redeemable features beyond car selection and graphics.

        "And that's the problem, I think. I look at my shelf and I see games like DOA3, Halo, Panzer Dragoon, MotoGP, Gunvalkyrie"

        There are a dozen more Xbox games worth buying. You have DOA3 in your collection so your standards are obviously not very high so make that hundreds.

        "I for once, certainly didn't buy my Xbox for a load of multi-format PC-like shooters."

        Nor did I but you'd have to be a complete idiot to turn down affordable ports of Deus Ex 2, Half-Life 2 and Doom 3.


          I for once, certainly didn't buy my Xbox for a load of multi-format PC-like shooters. At least XIII looks interesting.
          Although i didnt buy my xbox for multi-format PC-like shooters, it sure does make me happy seeing PC shooters on the machine, my PC is old now, and i gave up playing PC games. Now i have my chance, and i'm looking forward to it.


            Originally posted by Sidez
            "I for once, certainly didn't buy my Xbox for a load of multi-format PC-like shooters."

            Nor did I but you'd have to be a complete idiot to turn down affordable ports of Deus Ex 2, Half-Life 2 and Doom 3.
            But more original content also...

            I mean, you obviously can't complain at getting a port to your console. But original titles like Ico and Pikmin would be very welcome...


              No, the difference is Dreamcast homebrew was **** and largely irrelevent. The Dreamcast was simply an exceptional system for arcade ports and the occaisional original game, no system has ever had that many quality games in such a short space of time. Personally I have far more Xbox games than I do Gamecube.
              Nah, the Dreamcast homebrew scene was fantastic. There was no use of stolen SDK's and getting stuff to run well was a real challenge - what homebrew should be about really. It's easy enough to port a PC emu to an Xbox, but to get a decent result out of Dreamcast took work and I respected the people behind it all the more for it. There's more to homebrew than enabling you to play stolen games.

              IMO Rallisport, Moto GP, Sega GT 2002 and PGR piss on the PS2 selection. Being able to use a good pad and your own music is significant to me (and besides, the tracks are fine) so speak for yourself. GT3 is a ****ty game to me with no redeemable features beyond car selection and graphics.
              Well if you want to cut your nose off to spite your face that's your perrogative...

              You have DOA3 in your collection so your standards are obviously not very high so make that hundreds.
              Sorry am I talking to the same person that had DOA3 down as an essential reason for buying an Xbox along with Halo, 2 PS2 ports and a ****ty sequel to JSR? Did you find out it was made by Tecmo's US branch or something?

              Nor did I but you'd have to be a complete idiot to turn down affordable ports of Deus Ex 2, Half-Life 2 and Doom 3.
              Indeed you would, but the subject at hand is Xbox games released in 2003 and if you honestly believe we'll see any of them before the year is up you're going to be disappointed come Christmas.


                In my opinion the Xbox has a much better line up for the rest of the year than the other two consoles. Obviously it can't compete with the Gamecube's entire PAL 2003 lineup but I can't think of any annual lineup for any console ever that could compete with Metroid Prime and Zelda.

                [quote="Burai"]****ty sequel to JSR[quote]

                It certainly was not ****ty. I together with many JSR buffs thought it was superior to the original but at worst it was still good.


                  In a years time, are we going to have an 'Xbox 2004 line-up - a bit spectacular' thread? Ok 2003 looks a little bare (but no worse than last year if we look at May onwards) but even if only half of the potential classics lined up for 2004 are good, it more than makes up for it imo


                    Originally posted by Sidez
                    No, the difference is Dreamcast homebrew was **** and largely irrelevent.
                    Sidez that is one of the most ignorant things I have read in a while, absolutely shamefull.

                    The Dreamcast scene isn't geared towards the people who want something for nothing, Its a "proper" development community none of this port direct X to a direct X machine with an illegal SDK bollocks.

                    Absolutely no care to attention as you can see from the lack of graphic options on the emus (to be honest they look like utter ****e compared to even the early DC development emus), its all geared towards the warez boys.

                    The Xbox homebrew scene is garbage and evident from the lack of interest from anyone to make anykind of homebrew software.



                      they way you are describing next year only the xbox will have AAA titles in store for it


                        Originally posted by replicant

                        they way you are describing next year only the xbox will have AAA titles in store for it
                        That wasn't how I intended it to read

                        Although Nintendo are pushing out a lot of their franchises this year (unless some slip) so you have to wonder how much they'll have left, especially for the first half of 2004? Sure there'll still be plenty of titles, but with the big names out this year, will it seem as impressive?


                          Starfox, and Mario 128 will both be next year for a start. If Shig's comments are to be taken Mario 128 is the true sequel to Mario 64 so if that is the case it will be a major event.


                            it's all about choice. sure if you want an all round one solution console then it's impossible to argue against PS2 but X Box is attractive for a number of reasons. 1st of all there are alot of multiformat titles which have been released and which will be released this year and in almost all cases the X Box version is the best. if you don't have a capable PC then titles such as Wolfenstein, Doom 3, Halflife 2, Deus Ex 2 etc push X Box into the lead imo, just through sheer anticipation levels. and there are exclusives, great exclusives. if you don't already on an X Box you owe it to yourself as a gamer to experience the lies of Halo, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Amped, DOAXBV, Otogi, Crimson Skies, Tekki...

                            some people aren't interested in what Nintendo has to offer (i am however) but i could throw this topic back at you and ask, what's so great about PS2's lineup this year? with lots of titles going multiformat why play the inferior PS2 version? why wait around for Sony to get their online plans together? this thread shouldn't deteriorate into 'lists' but i don't believe X Box's release schedule for this year is as weak as is being made out.


                              Yeah, but no-one buy a console for multi-format releases.

                              Surely you'd buy a console for the exclusives and take the multi-format stuff as it comes?

                              I can't remember anyone who bought an Xbox because it would have a slightly superior version of Tiger Woods or Tony Hawk and, ooh, I might just pick up Halo to go along with them.

                              It certainly was not ****ty. I together with many JSR buffs thought it was superior to the original but at worst it was still good.
                              No it wasn't. It was inferior to the first in almost every way, the level design was chronic (especially in the sewer), the style was so muted, the music wasn't as good, the spray points were hard to find and the map was useless - the only place they improved it was in the simplified control scheme, but compared to the Dreamcast original it was rubbish - almost certainly a result of Hitmaker having to rush it to be ready for the Japanese launch.


                                Why do people presume that Sony are so far behind MS when it comes to being online? There are as many PS2 owners playing online games, and there is a far wider choice of online software available on the PS2 currently than the closed server based Live. If I look at the upcoming PS2 online titles for this year, it is far more appealing that Live. The main issue being that MS do not have a high quality, and established MMORPG waiting in the wings. Sony have FFXI which will perform well. Hopefully titles such as Outrun 2 will be live compatible which should prove successful for MS.

                                Also Babs is right when he says that the a console lives, and dies on exclusive software. Maybe some xbox conversions are slightly better than the PS2, but does the market care? Afterall theres plenty of people in this thread trying to justify playing poorer versions of PC titles on the XB. The thing is the gap between the PC - XB versions will be far greater than the XB - PS2 conversions. So if its ok for XB owners not to bother upgrading to a PC, surely its the same for the PS2 market.

                                Look at Soul Cal 2. The xbox conversion is slightly better. Did it sell more than the Playstation 2 release?

