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Games that aren't for "pussies".

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    Yeah thats what I like about the system really, its about playing how you want too, which i personally prefer over having to switch through the three forms like a lunatic to master the game.

    The only thing that annoys me is how the upgrade system works as I am ocasionally in a form that I didn't want to upgrade when I collect a power up. A post mission upgrade screen where you can spend aquired points might have been more helpful...


      I thought you had to use all three to be really effective, which is where I struggle, cos I'm too slow, and get hit in-between forms.


        I definitely use all three (especially on bosses), but 20% base, 20% heavy and 60% glide speaks for itself really.

        Hey maybe we should turn this into the first play thread, lmao :P


          If you notice the game categorizes the way you play depending on your strengths, theres no better or worse form for any situation really.


            Hmm, yeah I'm a 'Grappler' which to be honest doesn't mean much to me.. since you pretty much die if you smack into anything!


              Glide Wing for me especially when it was upgraded then I loved it. Althought during boss battles the Heavy Wing for me cos it's all about destroying em' as quick as possible.


                ****, well I guess I'll need to crack out Orta again too, once I've finished... one of the million other games I'm playing. My g/f will tell me off if I don't finish something She's getting tired of me jumping around from one game to another coz she finds it hard to watch sometimes and needs to be told what was going on since she last saw the game.
                I think last time I played Orta (which was the first proper time really) I got to the level after the bit with the two/three snake/dragon bosses in the jungley bit and died on the next boss after that. Can't really remember. Guess it's nearly time to remember.


                  Changing forms when fighting the bosses is absolutely essential if you want the top scores. You also have to be quick to change when upgrading if you've already maxed out one form.

                  I also change to a quicker form for certain enemy waves that are a bit too swift for heavy wing to handle.


                    Originally posted by mid
                    Either I'm monumentally crap at Viewtiful Joe (not exactly an unlikely possibility, I'll admit) or that's bloody hard as well.
                    Not so hard if you take the time to engage with the games mechanics - it's really important to duck and dodge attacks. The bosses are also easily taken down if you know the correct procedure. I recommend you check an FAQ as once cracked its one of the best games thias generation.


                      Cold Fear on "Extreme" (unlocks after clearing Hard), sweet christmas pudding, this is rock solid, only mentioning this because i'm playing it atm, stuck on the merc fight near the helipad elevator, getting raped in crossfire and it's one hit/shot death type meh situation.

                      Special mention to Steel Battalion also, whilst not actually a hard game it does however have a rather neat approach to game ending scenarios...

                      Xbox : Oh dear, oh dear, you failed to eject! sorry but i'm now going to delete your campaign save, please do not turn off your xbox while I pwn your file as it will just make a bad situation worse. Thanks for playing!!!!!

                      Xbox : Oh dear, oh dear, you ran out of campaign funds! sorry but i'm now going to delete your campaign save, please do not turn off your xbox while I pwn your file as it will just make a bad situation worse. Thanks for playing!!!!!


                        Ikaruga aside, and i have played a majority of games mentioned so far on this thread including ninja gaiden, (which is difficult) i have to say the japanese version of super mario bros 2, when i finished it i exhaled, a rather large one, i don't do that too often.

                        It can be picked up on the famicom mini classic vol 21 (i think) great 2d challange, i thought that it couldn't be as hard as all i read, but first time through, memorising e.t.c, it is hard as ****, pick it up if you haven't played it!


                          I agree, Super Mario 2 is rock hard. Bet I wasn't the only one that died first off finding out what that other mushroom did
                          You can get it on Mario AllStars for SNES too if you don't want to find the famicom mini version.


                            C'mon folks, retro games are no-brainers. They were nearly all hard as nails.

