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Gaming phrases I hate add yours

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    'Fanboy' has been said already but it gets my vote. Especially its used as an insult in the context of someone who can't back up their arguments up.

    'Noob' is also another in this vain both those words get on my wick because I'm more of a 'Fanman' and cant be a really be a 'Noob' not at 34 anyway. I know they've been said but to me they horrible words that gamers seem to use too mucking fuch.


      I make a point of not buying games that feel the need for a 'Unique Selling Point'.

      'Intellectual property' is another one I hate, and the mis-use of the word franchise as a synonym for it bugs the hell out of me. Franchise technically means i) Freedom or immunity from some restriction; ii) A special privilage, especially a constitutional or legal right; or iii) the right or license of a third-party to market another company's goods or services.

      These word makes me feel dirty, like my hobby is a sham orchestrated by greedy, soulless husks. Oh, wait, it is!
      Last edited by MattyD; 18-05-2006, 20:19.


        Originally posted by Roddie
        'pwned' is the worst

        Totally agree with NekoFever on FPS addicts, excellent description by Neko so i wont type it all out again since its pretty much word for word with my beliefs heh, but yeah it drives me up the wall.
        Last edited by Largo; 18-05-2006, 20:34.


          "Nintendophile" because it sounds like pedophile.


            christ half of you seem to hate really basic words!! get over it!

            also, why has noone brought up the worst and most overused insult online, 'noob'.


              Originally posted by GamesMaster
              "Nintendophile" because it sounds like pedophile.
              well, thats just ur ignorance of the english language then surely. have fun


                Originally posted by Mr Fujisawa
                also, why has noone brought up the worst and most overused insult online, 'noob'.
                Someone did...on the first page


                  i think that 'pwnz' really drives me nuts....yup completely missed on me, and it looks/sounds absolutely retarded

                  new ones: 'IP'/ 'franchise' / 'innovation'

                  what's worse i guess, is when people demand new IPs, and go gaga over them, and half the time it's the same old **** under a new name

                  what the...




                      "this is only possible due to the power of the playstation 3"

                      How many times did I hear that in E3 videos, it must be in the developers contract that they have to say it when talking about their games.


                        'Free roam'. I'm getting pretty sick of hearing that one thrown about all the time. Doesn't mater what type of game it is, you'll always get someone (usually on Gamefaqs) asking "is it free-roam?" and if it isn't, they'll go on about how the game will suck or whatever.


                          Soon to be a most hated phrase "TRUEHD"


                            Originally posted by EvilBoris
                            Soon to be a most hated phrase "TRUEHD"
                            Yep, if only because people who know nothing about HD will be using it like it's a real term to try and argue with me as they're running their PS3 through composite on their old 28"

                            EDIT: Another one - fanboyish puns based on manufacturer's names. Micro$oft, Fony, Gaystation, etc. The M$ one in particular annoys me because people seem to do it on forums without even realising it.
                            Last edited by NekoFever; 19-05-2006, 13:52.

