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Xbox Live Market Place - General Discussion Thread 1

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    I can't understand why anyone who dislikes something as intensely as Kotatsu Neko dislikes the XBLA releases even bothers posting in a thread about that thing ...

    Kotatsu - you have been borderline trolling for a while now, saying the wrong things in the wrong threads just looking for someone to argue with you. Take this as a friendly warning that enough is enough.


      bignige - if you think someone is trolling with a post then please report the matter to a moderator. Do not take matters into your own hands.



        Originally posted by John Beaulieu View Post
        bignige - if you think someone is trolling with a post then please report the matter to a moderator. Do not take matters into your own hands.

        ...erm ok. I just saw it as a bit of harmless banter. Nothing wrong with a bit of ribbing now & then, surely? I thought it a bit heavy handed in removing the posts though? Surely it's better to have a permanent reminder of just where we went wrong in the hope we don't go in to another thread and repeat the same mistakes?!


          Bah late as usual....

          Where's this free RED pack for R6 then ? Still 800 on the MP !!!


            Originally posted by Kotatsu Neko View Post
            I do like plenty of XBLA games, I just don't think for me it comes close to the amazing quality of games on offer with the VC.
            Bit daft to compare the two so closely though. They might be based on the same technology, but they have significantly different agendas. Nintendo benefits from a wealth of excellent titles from its past.

            I don't think you can fairly compare a service whose aim is to provide an outlet for small developers and allow companies to update their older titles with another service that is effectively a dumping ground for emulated software. To criticise the Live Arcade software for not being as good as the Nintendo library is completly missing the point. You might as well say all modern music is pointless because no-one has yet released an album as good as The Beatles!

            And there are lots of people (like myself) who see the VC as something as missed oppurtunity. I already own most of the games available on it and as great as the classic controller is, nothing can beat playing these games on the original hardware, unless of course there is a strong reason to do so. Super Mariokart with online would have been a dream come true. Instead it's still just a pipe dream.

            There is a massive difference between playing an brilliant title that you have played before in exactly the same guise and playing an old title that has been updated into something fresh and new. I won't argue that Mario 64 is a better game than Jetpac Refuelled, but from where I am standing I would rather pay for the latter. And that's the point, that the VC is aimed at Nintendo virgins, those who have purchased the Wii as their first Nintendo console (or even first console) and have missed the wealth of brilliance that people like us have enjoyed over the years. For us lot, the only real advanatge is having the catalogue all together in one place. Whoopity-do.

            Once we start seeing original to download on the Wii, then you can start comparing the services more closely.
            Last edited by Brats; 06-07-2007, 08:56.


              I feel that all three of the download services seemed to start with very different ideas of what they were aiming to do. Although Live has been around for some time now it's still a very, very young market.

              As is usual in these things I imagine that they will learn from each other and probably grow closer to what the others are doing.


                Regarding MK64 on VC - they couldn't even get ghosts on that ffs - It's better emulated (and looks way better) on my xbox.

                And apparently they patched Lylat Wars to add slowdown present in the original - mentalness.


                  Originally posted by Yoshimax View Post
                  Regarding MK64 on VC - they couldn't even get ghosts on that ffs
                  That was REALLY annoying!!! It made absolutely no sense!!!
                  Originally posted by Yoshimax View Post
                  And apparently they patched Lylat Wars to add slowdown present in the original - mentalness.
                  This is the rumour going around but nobody seems to know what it was for. I've certainly not noticed any difference but I've not actively looked for it with the 2 running next to each other.

                  As the game was only available in PAL territories (As far as I know) it would suggest that it was perhaps, something to do with optimisation???


                    Star fox 64 was renamed to Lylat Wars in Pal land


                      Who's benefit is that for ?


                        Sensible soccer for August 29th release:

                        Also, new content coming for both Forza 2 and Boom Boom Rocket.
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                          Because people have been talking about "Starfox 64" being patched to introduce slowdown, but in fact the US/JPN versions haven't been changed only the PAl one, which should be referred to as "Lylat Wars."

                          I know you haven't Yoshi.


                            Hopefully the DLC for Forza 2 is a new track. Probably be new cars though.


                              Rainbow6:Vegas Red Pack is now on marketplace for free


                                Originally posted by MartyG View Post
                                Sensible soccer for August 29th release
                                I hope it features a team edit mode so we can put real names in.

