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Xbox Live Market Place - General Discussion Thread 1

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    the demo of DW Gundam is blooming great. i don't know what you people have been smoking to make you think its the worst. i hope the us version will be region free...


      Gave Fatal Interia a whirl last night. I thought the first track was, apart from being extremely short, quite enjoyable. But then I played the second track and I found the graphics got the better of me - I was bumping into things left right and centre. I'm not colour blind, but I was having a hell of a game spotting the obstacles coming at me. I also seemed to be bouncing off the floor a lot? Odd.

      Started up Gundam, but it really is the same game as DW, which I wasn't really fond off, so didn't give it much of a go I'm afraid. Have to say though that the frame rate was fine and dandy! Very smooth.


        Originally posted by Zero9X View Post
        the demo of DW Gundam is blooming great. i don't know what you people have been smoking to make you think its the worst. i hope the us version will be region free...
        I would say the opposite. It seemed to have no gameplay to me, just run into group of cloned enemies, bash button until they eventually die, then repeat.

        But then, I'm playing Okami at the moment which is so ridiculously amazing it makes rubbish like DW Gundam seem even worse.

        If you like it though, good for you, enjoy.


          Well I bought the official xbox mag for the Katamari demo. Not really worth it to be honest its incredibly short.

          I'm disapointed in the game itself as well. I'm sure the online stuff will be really cool, but I get the impression they aren't using the extra power of 360 at all. It seems like the PS2 version running in a higher resolution.

          Doubt PS3 owners are actually all that bothered about missing out since the original creator is doing an all new game for them.


            Originally posted by ne0star View Post
            Doubt PS3 owners are actually all that bothered about missing out since the original creator is doing an all new game for them.
            Well, I was disappointed to find out it wasn't appearing on the Wii or PS3.

            I've already played two versions on the PS2 and one on the PSP, I was really hoping to see something new happening with the motion control on those two consoles. Instead, it's an exclusive on the 360!!

            A Katamari game will probably never be a bad thing but I do think they've messed up with this decision as there is only so may games you can play the Katamari two stick control system before it becomes predictable.

            I may well end up buying it anyway lol. It's a shame they missed the opportunity to experiment with the controls though.


              Originally posted by Evolution-One View Post
              Well, I was disappointed to find out it wasn't appearing on the Wii or PS3.
              There have been a number of news stories that a Wii Katamari game is in the works, and it will be a different game to 360's Beautiful Katamari.


                That sounds promising!

                I imagine the 360 version will be as good as the others but I don't see how they can make it that different to the previous games though.


                  How does Katamari feel to control with the analogue sticks in the wrong place (compared with the PS2 version)? Is it a bit weird or not at all noticable?


                    I imagine the 360 version will be as good as the others but I don't see how they can make it that different to the previous games though.

                    Yeah if you have never played one i'm sure it will be an essential purchase, and if they have done it properly I think the online stuff will appeal to veterans of the series. Just wish they had used the 360 to add a bit more scope and visual polish. Although it was visually quite basic on the PS2 I think they amount of geometry probably pushed it quite hard. This is visually an HD version of the PS2 game which I won't say is a bad thing.

                    The thing is its still up in the air on whether this is retail or xbla. If its the latter I can see why they have done it this way and it will be one of the best things on there hands down.

                    How does Katamari feel to control with the analogue sticks in the wrong place (compared with the PS2 version)? Is it a bit weird or not at all noticable?
                    To be honest I never even noticed and i have played both the PS2 games. Its all nice and responsive.


                      Originally posted by Yoshimax View Post
                      Seconded - This "worst demo on live" stuff is insane - Unless there's a difference between the US demo (which I played) and the JP one you lot have tried.

                      Won't be touching it with a bargepole but rumble roses and sonic are magnitudes of ****e worse.

                      As for Q3
                      The game is utterly awful with nothing redeeming about it. The visuals are jaggy and overly dark on the night sections and the slowdown is unforgivable. The controls are also terrible and overly complicated when they needn't be.

                      Even Sonic is better.


                        Originally posted by The Cactuar Cat View Post
                        Even Sonic is better.
                        Nobody will ever listen to a word you say now.

                        Where's this bloody stranglehold then ?
                        Last edited by Yoshimax; 06-08-2007, 13:08. Reason: damn & blast


                          Sure we all know you meant listen Yoshi

                          Probably bit early in the day but anything confirmed for XBLA for Weds yet ?


                            Damn you and your beady eyes Holliss



                              I need mouse support!! PLEASE!!! you will all be railed!!!!


                                DH - Probably find out around 5pm our time I guess!

                                Is Katamari a full price title then? I kinda had it in my head it was going to be an XBLA thing.

