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Xbox Live Market Place - General Discussion Thread 1

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    Sadly it's off line co-op only.

    Shame as this would have been kick ass over Live.


      Originally posted by Spatial101 View Post
      Sadly it's off line co-op only.

      Shame as this would have been kick ass over Live.
      Noooooooooooooooooo! Lame! That would have been brilliant.


        Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
        That may of been US only,thefilm only came out here a week or 2 ago.
        Don't know but I'm certain I saw an ad for it in a UK mag stating that the demo was on Live!


          Just so you know, Partnernet isn't affected by the Xbox Live problems.

          How's Ikaruga you ask?

          Pretty good, thanks for asking


            You know how much we hated you before? Well... yep... you guessed it...


              Originally posted by chopemon View Post
              Just so you know, Partnernet isn't affected by the Xbox Live problems.

              How's Ikaruga you ask?

              Pretty good, thanks for asking
              Rez HD is pretty awesome as well.


                Originally posted by chopemon View Post
                Just so you know, Partnernet isn't affected by the Xbox Live problems.

                How's Ikaruga you ask?

                Pretty good, thanks for asking
                You must be excited about recently getting into the industry, but please stop this boasting thing going on... I think you're the only one who makes it known to all of us so much.

                Anyway, when's Ikaruga coming?


                  Tron is coming (400 points) as well as Omega 5 (800) this Wednesday.

                  What's Tron like?


                    That Omega 5 looks good, not sure on how it will play though.


                      Originally posted by Malc View Post
                      You must be excited about recently getting into the industry, but please stop this boasting thing going on... I think you're the only one who makes it known to all of us so much.

                      Anyway, when's Ikaruga coming?
                      It's not recently actually.

                      The recent I post is to let people know that they are up. There is a bit of bragging but everyone brags when they have played something early.

                      I can't give too many impressions other than to say if something is good because of NDAs.

                      If people rather I don't post stuff about things on Partnernet that's fine. They are supposed to be good natured posts (without too much bragging) about what's going on with Partnernet as I assume there are people here who might be interested.

                      Anyway, The Club demo is confirmed as hitting the Marketplace tomorrow in Europe and Australia but not the US.


                        come now chaps, it's all in good humour


                          Originally posted by toythatkills View Post
                          What's Tron like?
                          It's this one


                            Brag away chops. What was that big secret again?


                              Originally posted by chopemon View Post
                              It's not recently actually.

                              The recent I post is to let people know that they are up. There is a bit of bragging but everyone brags when they have played something early.

                              I can't give too many impressions other than to say if something is good because of NDAs.

                              If people rather I don't post stuff about things on Partnernet that's fine. They are supposed to be good natured posts (without too much bragging) about what's going on with Partnernet as I assume there are people here who might be interested.

                              Anyway, The Club demo is confirmed as hitting the Marketplace tomorrow in Europe and Australia but not the US.
                              I'm sorry,

                              It's just it seemed to me like you were purely bragging; as with the new Blizzard game headline thread and all that. I know you guys sign an NDA, I had to aswell, so you should keep it all quiet untill you get some news that can be told. Otherwise you just make others jealous, as you can't reveal proper iformation untill it goes public anyway.

                              Anyway, sorry if I sounded or do sound rude... I'm not meaning to.


                                Originally posted by Malc View Post
                                It's just it seemed to me like you were purely bragging; as with the new Blizzard game headline thread and all that.
                                Ah, now see that was bragging...

                                Sorry if I've come across badly, I'll keep posts about stuff like Partnernet as more updates about what's on there rather than using boastful language.

                                On the Partnernet note, just because it is on there it doesn't mean we'll see it any time soon.

                                There have been (from what I can tell) fully complete games sat on there for months so don't start planning your life around Ikaruga and Rez being released soon.

