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Xbox Live Market Place - General Discussion Thread 1

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    I don't like the remake of MI, is it me or does the original version (Back button) have loads more charm? Perhaps it's just childhood memories...
    I love how you can switch between the two versions on the fly though, every remake should have that.


      Originally posted by ChrisField View Post
      Jeez, bit of an understatement. TdF is terrible!

      Wasn't really a fan of that ball game either. I take it it's based on some obscure (or just American) license?

      toy from the 80s


        Madballs were not obscure. I think you just have to be of a certain age.


          Played all the way through the first three trials on the first bit of monkey island last night. I have to say I'm really enjoying it. The voice acting is really good and the new pad based controlls are quit intuitive. I really dident like the new look at first but it's the script that brings this game alive.

          Really glad I bought it to be honest I would of been happy at 800 points for just the classic, so the remake is a nice bonus.

          One thing I did do was put the subtitles on to compliment the voice acting, it makes it feel more like the original
          Last edited by Lebowski; 16-07-2009, 06:24.


            Gears 2 All fronts pack is up on the markerplace.

            Its says its all 19 maps and an extra campaign level

            Am I right in saying this includes the two previous map packs?? if so a bargain at 800 points


              I seem to recall reading that it was going to be released for 1600 points?


                Hmm. Getting an error has occurred message when I try to download it. Methinks it's a pricing error.


                  Yes you may be right I just tried and got the same


                    Isn't it supposed to be out on the 28th? I think someone has made a mistake.

                    EDIT: Confirmed on the GOW2 forums as an error. Apparently a very lucky few managed to download it at that price before MS cut the link. Release date is still 28th.
                    Last edited by peeveen; 17-07-2009, 09:54.


                      It's no longer there. Although I have found it by searching on Still not downloadable mind.


                        This bloke has stuck a load of videos up on YouTube. Crappy quality and all spoilers but they're there (for now) if people are interested.


                          Anyone know the price on Xplosion Man?


                            i think its the only summer arcade game that is 800 pts, im pretty sure its 800, and all the others are 1200


                              Splosion Man is 800 points and looks very decent from the videos:


                                Apparently it's the first game to have unlockable crap for your avatar too (probably a pink tutu).

