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Xbox Live Market Place - General Discussion Thread 1

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    Wouldn't surprise me if there's something in there to ready the banhammer for the idiots who get pirated copies of MW2 and then play it online.


      Originally posted by Spatial101 View Post
      About time they put WPA2 support in, it should have been there from the start really.

      Probably got more than a little bit to do with the fact they're releasing that new N speed wireless adapter soon.
      Wireless n adapter? How much are we expected to pay for that I wonder?


        Originally posted by ChrisField View Post
        You're even more cynical than I am! But you're probably right too...
        My first 360 (import NTSC unit) died straight after the Jan 07 update, so I was fairly determined to find out what was going on. It turned out that the update was a patch to deter the very first security exploit (King Kong).
        I took note of MS' use of the words "stability and performance" as intentional misdirection.

        Originally posted by Spatial101 View Post
        Wouldn't surprise me if there's something in there to ready the banhammer for the idiots who get pirated copies of MW2 and then play it online.
        There is infact a revoked console list which gets updated and flashed to every console connected to the Live service. If you ever tamper with a game save and redistribute it, MS traces it back to your console ID and adds the ID to a master list.

        Every time any end-user wants to copy/move a game save between storage devices, this list is cross-checked. If your consoles' ID is on that list, the copy/move gets denied.

        This list gets flashed to the onboard eeprom so it needs to be done via a Live update such as the one we've just had.

        Its probably too early for Forza 3 hacked saves (?) but the timing is probably perfect for banning a whole lot of Halo 3: ODST hacks.


          November Deals of the Week have been announced.

          Peggle for 400 will swing that for a lot of people, Death Tank also gets reduced down to 800 points, may have to pick that up now.


            I assume that's from the Japanese Xbox blog, in which case, pinch of salt.


              Well it's been correct in the past and it's better than nothing, we shall see.


                Two games I already own, sadface


                  Originally posted by Family Fry View Post
                  Well it's been correct in the past and it's better than nothing, we shall see.
                  It was entirely wrong last month. At least 3/4 of the deals it publicised were incorrect


                    Isn't the Left 4 Dead 2 demo out today for everyone?


                      Should be Tuesday November 3rd, demo was one week exclusive Monday to Monday, so today is last day to grab from pre-order.


                        Left 4 Dead 2 demo is up on the marketplace, but I'm getting an error when trying to download it.

                        Edit: Working for me now.
                        Last edited by Malc; 03-11-2009, 11:08.


                          i was just wondering, does anyone know if i download the GTA Ballad of Gay Tony expansion from the US xbl store, would it work with my Australian PAL copy of the game?


                            Its finally happened. Raiden Fighter Aces is now a Game On Demand through the JPN Marketplace.

                            I'd rather have a physical copy but if there's a way to download it without being told it's region locked, I'd go for it.


                              Pretty sure it IP checks and slaps you with "content is not available in your region" apparently does this with Idolm@ster.
                              So unless your in japan it's a sad face all round.


                                If you can find a free Japanese proxy to route your internet traffic through you might have some joy, but I don't know if even after that and downloading it, it checks the console region when you try to run. I would love it if someone could test this out...

