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Duke Nukem Forever - Gold!

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    Duke Nukem Forever - Gold!

    Reported HERE that an article in May 2006 issue of Computer Games Magazine (US) says that DNF is actually close to release.
    I'm still fairly interested in this after 10 years in development. Hope they can pull something out of the hat and although I'm not expecting another HL2 I hope it is at least mediochre.
    Anyone else still have an interest in playing it if and when it gets a release?

    No interest at all until i see the finished game.

    And i really doubt it is going to live up to the amount of years they have put into the game.

    When you consider what games have come and gone in that time


      I know i'm probably not going to be saying anything new here and people have (quite rightfully) stopped even making jokes now, but as I was coincidentally looking into DNF stuff again recently, various thoughts on the whole affair are fresh in my mind.

      After years of 'when it's done!' optimism, theres a far more resigned tone coming out of 3drealms these days. The bit in that article, describing whats recently been seen is pretty discouraging...

      "the update describes the current state of the title, which was viewed at 3D Realms' Texas studios: "mainly just pieces of the game in progress and tech demos", including "an early level, a vehicle sequence, a few test rooms", among others. "

      Tech demos test rooms, an early level! christ. what have they been doing for 9 years?

      I read another fairly recent article (dated around oct '05, recent in DNF terms) with Brussard saying something along the lines of 'we've got all the tech complete, the guns, most(!) of the monsters and levels, now we just have to fit them together and play around with it until we have a game thats fun to play"

      All this 'when it's done' stuff, was suggestive of a development team, that despite it's problems, was always putting the game first, absolutely refusing to bow to any pressure to dilute the experienence. Reading that from Brussard, Any hopes i had of DNF being some tenderly cultivated masterpiece died there and then. They're still just jiggling disperate elements around until something fun 'appears'.

      i can't help but feel they should have just finished up the game they had circa 99/01, (the one that was shown fairly promenently at e3. with the ufo, hobo, and things coming out of peoples heads). Then once that was out, begun work on a new sequel, which would probably be finishing up now and with the benefit of a round of gamer feedback to boot.

      by 2001 point they were 4 years in, already a long time in development by most standards, and getting what they had polished and released should have been the only priority.
      Last edited by Rebelli0n; 13-04-2006, 08:56.


        It's Duke Nukem. People may chew my head off around these parts, but it was always the inferior first-person shooter cousin to the best in the genre.

        Oh yeah, and what Rebelli0n said. Nine years to finalise technology without any concise and clear game design would be very strange. You'd think with technology shifting as it is, that the game design would take complete priority as they couldn't keep pace.


          this game has to be the best game ever... i get the idea they're just releasing it to recoup costs though.

          sad really, though duke nukem wasn't the most amazing game ever i had great fun stomping about shooting things, flushing toilets, chucking pipe bombs etc.


            Originally posted by Concept
            People may chew my head off around these parts, but it was always the inferior first-person shooter cousin to the best in the genre.
            nah, it wasn't amazing but it was a good giggle.


              Duke Nukem was awesome!

              I played hours and hours of 1v1 deathmatch on that game with a mate who lived near me. We designed our own levels and tweaked the weapons so that pistols were 1 shot kills and pipe bombs killed in a huge radius. Battles became sneaky 1-shot kills affairs, and we loved it. The levels were excellently designed too. That first level in a cimena just blew me away when I first saw it.

              But now, can't say I'm that bothered. Is there a 360 version on the way?


                Has the company made any games since duke 3d?


                  D3d had the best level design back then and it still holds it own today even if the graphics don't.



                    Shocking news. Development trouble for Duke Nukem Forever. Let's hope it makes it, eh?

                    In other news, and perhaps it's related to the time travel thread in Off Topic, but development was apparently started for the game in April 2007, according to EG (or at least before they make an edit). :P


                      Originally posted by Concept
                      It's Duke Nukem. People may chew my head off around these parts, but it was always the inferior first-person shooter cousin to the best in the genre.
                      Back in the day when I was mainly a PC gamer, I remember the DN3d vs Quake debate went on for quite some time.
                      I was always on the DN3d side. Worse graphics and tech, but better level design and more innovative gameplay/puzzles.

                      Ahh, memories.

                      Couldnt give a toss about DNF though..........


                        I lost interest a long time ago, but then that other long lost 3D Realms game Prey turned up and who'd of thought it... it was actually rather good.

                        Who knows, maybe DNF will be amazing and we'll all be eating our words. I hope so.


                          Prey always had an interesting concept/conceit at its heart, though. Does DNF? Apart from booby-shaking?


                            I thought DNF did have some pretty good ideas when they showed the last trailer way back when i.e. the riot shield, the alien's tentacled limbs, the vehicles and the massive goat eating worms. The graphics were pretty cool at the time too.

                            Problem is it's been so long coming that the ideas have been copied in one form or another by tons of other games. They'd have to pull something new out of the hat now the FPS crowd has grown to ensure Duke's reentry was something to get excited about.

                            I'm sure 3D Realms know that too, which might be why Duke's development has been stunted.

                            Although I'm quite lowbrow, so just more tasteless smutty gags would be enough for my liking


                              I bet they've spent a huge chunk of their epic development time just playing catch up, continually re-doing their models and textures as PCs improve.

                              If not we're going to be looking at one seriously dated looking game.
                              Last edited by Kotatsu Neko; 01-09-2006, 18:07.

