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Duke Nukem Forever - Gold!

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    Agreed, if you look at what they have canned that hasn't been Duke and the fact that they licensed tonnes of dodgy Duke related tie ins for mobile phones and even Prey was developed out of house they effectively haven't made and released one game since 1997ish


      And of course their was the chair incident what came out last year about it all being one big marketing ploy.


        Never before seen screens have been released by the art director:

        Level design:

        Concept art:

        All environments were completely destructible.
        Last edited by Kit; 08-05-2009, 15:41.


          Bland Generic levels are bland and generic.

          One of the things that made Duke Nukem 3D good was the variety of the locations.

          Big concrete army base, big concrete power plant, goey alien biomass. No doubt we could also look forward to sewers, a research lab, an abandoned housing block and warehouses.


            This is all so gonna just generate more hype for DNF, and it'll be picked up again by someone else, and the hype train continues on towards 2010.


              Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
              Bland Generic levels are bland and generic.

              One of the things that made Duke Nukem 3D good was the variety of the locations.

              Big concrete army base, big concrete power plant, goey alien biomass. No doubt we could also look forward to sewers, a research lab, an abandoned housing block and warehouses.
              Can?t say I disagree.

              Duke?s more about the tech and the humour though. Never really thought the art direction was that inspired; only exception being the character design and the box art.


                I feel sorry for them. The Art Director's blog reads "I've been making games for 15 years".

                Shouldn't that be, "I've been making game for 15 years"?

                That concept artists work is excellent. He's not going to have any problem getting work, I would hope. In terms of the screenshots though, I found them pretty bland too. They're just work in progress of course and it's hard to get that sense of fun from screenshots but I guess that seems to be exactly what's missing - fun.


                  Very nice but it looks half finished.

                  Damn, there was a third blog with 3D models etc... but it's been taken down.


                  Awesome, someone saved the screens.

                  Last edited by Kit; 08-05-2009, 17:39.


                    The thing is if its genuinely that great someone else will buy it and release it. Dont Take 2 have the rights to do that anyway if they so wish?

                    I just think that looks average. If you look at the texture of the flooring its very basic and reminds me more of an UT Rainbow 6 style engine.


                      I'm assuming Take2 don't own any of the existing code though. The project was funded by 3D Realms themselves, Take2 would have to assign their own funds, find another developer and start from scratch.

                      That's not to say I can't see it happening, mind.


                        "Duke Nukem Forever publisher Take-Two has confirmed to Shacknews that it was not funding ongoing development of the 3D Realms project.

                        "We can confirm that our relationship with 3D Realms for Duke Nukem Forever was a publishing arrangement, which did not include ongoing funds for development of the title," said Take-Two VP of communications Alan Lewis in a prepared statement.

                        "In addition, Take-Two continues to retain the publishing rights to Duke Nukem Forever," he added. "

                        Think it will depend what the contract is.


                          Basically, Take Two don't own the IP rights, so they can't make a Duke game themselves. But this particular game can't go to another publisher without that publisher buying out whatever contract Take Two have.

                          It's dead. The franchise simply isn't big enough for a new publisher to get involved.

                          Remember, many 2009 gamers are so young that they simply don't know who Duke even is.


                            Im really liking the design in some of those shots, this would've been a nice game 3 years ago. Budget release now though, they should just bung it all on PS network/X box live although they'll never get enough money back.


                              3D Realms have released a goodbye photo...

                              Rumours on the web are that they took it in 1997 but it took them 12 years to develop it!


                                Cool. Now everyone knows who not to employ.

