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US Wii: Preorder Details Thread

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    The hardware is sent via courier, which is trackable - you pay by credit card and dispute the transaction with the CC company if it doesn't turn up. It's hardly a massive risk.

    I've ordered stuff from DVDBO and it's turned up in 3 days. Nuff said, though VG+ do a great job


      Originally posted by 112
      ive said this many a times and ill say agin, i brought a DVD from DVDboxoffice and it took9 months to turn up. lol!

      nuff said!

      I've had similar bad luck with DVDBO when ordering DVD's. Wouldn't touch them with a barge pole myself.


        I tried to order a wii from DVDBO about a week or so ago with a Mastercard, and they said they are only accepting orders for the Wii using a Visa. (but i think they do allow a few exceptions if you are a long standing customer)
        So thats something to bear in mind as well.


          The fact they dont accept MC is strange, MC is more commonly used than visa I think nowadays.


            Maybe things will be different this time.
            Maybe they just forgot about me as I did not complain.

            I pre-ordered my GameCube from DVDbo pretty much as soon as pre-orders opened - that was a good number of months (four/five I think) before the GC was launched.

            I finally received said GameCube over 6 months after it launched in Canada.

            In total it was over 13 months after I made the intial pre-order.


              If that had happened to me I'd have told them to shove it and called VISA to lodge a complaint.


                This sucks..there is still no action on the videogameplus website


                  It has been a Public Holiday in Canada (Thanksgiving) so they only got back to work today.

                  I agree that it is frustrating though.


                    I had a chat with my supplier in the US last night, and he told me he would know stock on or around the 3rd November, which is quite late, so i dont think VG+ will have pre orders up until the 1st week in november, if they are waiting for confirmation of stock.


                      NCSX also promised preorders once they had confirmation of stock, and things have been quiet on their front too. So clearly suppliers just don't have the numbers yet.


                        Originally posted by shane3107
                        It has been a Public Holiday in Canada (Thanksgiving) so they only got back to work today.

                        I agree that it is frustrating though.
                        Do you know if VG+ are off today again? I've sent them an e-mail yesterday, no reply yet. Sent another e-mail today, nothing again. Put through an order, no progress on that front either. Whats happening?


                          I've just had a shipping mail from them, so they're about somewhere.


                            Cool, thanks for your reply, hopefully my order will be shipped today too.


                              goddamn it i want to order my wii!! its out in like 4 days


                                Originally posted by Mr Fujisawa
                                goddamn it i want to order my wii!! its out in like 4 days
                                4 days

