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US Wii: Preorder Details Thread

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    Certainly not US launch, you'd hve to get one when it hits the UK.


      do we know if a uk lead would work?


        Originally posted by Shozuki
        do we know if a uk lead would work?
        Depends how international Nintendo have designed the machine to be. It could go either way, there's just no way of knowing yet.

        You could use a SCART adaptor for an S-Video lead though. Most TVs will accept an S-Video feed through SCART.


          I hope VG+ have the component cable up for pre order when the pre orders open.. nowhere else in the world seems to have them ?


            Originally posted by gunrock
            Woohoo!! This just in.

            DVDBO just email me to say:

            Maybe I have budget for an extra controller and another nunchuck!
            WHAT! i place an order with them, and i havent got that email from em yet

            My Wii console still stands at $279.95 CA on my open orders. Or does that price include the shipping too???
            Last edited by lettuce; 01-10-2006, 10:00.


              Originally posted by Shozuki
              does anyone know if they'll be a RGB cable available for the Wii on US launch?

              I dont think the Wii displays an RGB signal


                Lik Sang have a Wii RGB cable up on their preorder page...


                  vg+ STILL arent taking pre-orders? whats going on! (and i know the their answer, its just frustrating)


                    Originally posted by lettuce
                    I dont think the Wii displays an RGB signal
                    Does anyone have an answer to this,as i've been abit behind with the wii and i was wondering if i could use an RGB lead as that's all my TV will take,and i'm not into getting some fancy new TV either,what leads will the wii use?

                    Anyone got any info?


                      Originally posted by Corbo
                      Does anyone have an answer to this,as i've been abit behind with the wii and i was wondering if i could use an RGB lead as that's all my TV will take,and i'm not into getting some fancy new TV either,what leads will the wii use?

                      Anyone got any info?
                      None of us know that yet. Certainly there is no need for RGB on an NTSC Wii as in the US, Canada, and Japan people will be using S-Video, Component, or Composite connections, but Nintendo *may* save themselves some trouble by building the Wii to be more international from the start and include RGB in all units.

                      On the other hand they may not, but then your TV will most likely accept an S-Video signal through SCART anyway, so I wouldn't worry too much.


                        Has the Wii been on FCC or something yet? I've got no stepdown so I was wondering what power stepdown I'd need. Can't imagine it'd be more then the Gamecube but it'd be nice to know.

                        Would something like this do?
                        Last edited by Dazzla; 02-10-2006, 14:04.


                          Originally posted by Dazzla
                          Has the Wii been on FCC or something yet? I've got no stepdown so I was wondering what power stepdown I'd need. Can't imagine it'd be more then the Gamecube but it'd be nice to know.

                          Would something like this do?
                          If you watch this weeks IGN weekly they show you the back of the Wii and it says 12 Volts, so going by that and the fact that the cube needs a low wattage step down, im sure we'll be fine with a low wattage transformer like the one we use on our NTSC cubes.
                          Last edited by MarioMark; 02-10-2006, 15:19.


                            Im going to the states on the 16th of novemeber, off to New York. What are the chances of me picking a Wii up and bringing it home? Any idea of the cost?



                              I think it's 7% tax in NY so about $267,50 for the Wii then.


                                My girlfriend wnet 2 days after launch of the 360 , i sent here on a hunt, and most of the shops were very rude, and said go to e bay if you want one, lets hope the situaion is better for th Wii.

