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Most Addictive Game Ever?

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    Addictive...well Tetris is an obvious example. That game can still effortlessly eat into the hours even 15 years after I first played it. My favourite version, Tetris DX, is the sole reason why I keep my GBA SP around and still take it away with me along with the DS and PSP.

    World of Warcraft is another one. I never got into it on the level that many people have but still managed to clock up nearly 100 hours in two months. I got out before it got too much and am now finding myself tempted by the new stuff in the expansion. I might manage to stay strong with so many other games that I want to play this year.

    Another one that makes the list is Return to Castle Wolfenstein on the Xbox. I played that online for like 120 hours over summer 2003. I knew it all like the back of my hand and it's still my favourite Xbox Live game, even above Halo 2 and COD2.

    Pokemon really got under my skin back when that released, but I've never got into one to the same extent since. Seems like the first one was a real one-off.

    Overall winner has to be Counter-Strike on the PC. When they announced that HL2 on the 360 was coming with all the freebies and I thought CS: Source might be included I was actually worried because that game is so maddening. I dread to think how much time I've put into the various versions but it's easily close to the thousands of hours.


      The Football Manager/Champ Man of old are easily the most addictive games ever, as mentioned before you know it has you in it's grip when you wake up in the middle of the night with a new idea for a formation or potential signing

      Beyond FM, Card Fighter's Clash on the Neo Pocket would get my vote. It has so much character and personality that it is impossible not to love it, and the perfectly balanced gameplay means you will keep coming back for more. I remember collecting 298/300 available cards then starting all over again, something I very rarely do with any game. Pretty sure the last 2 cards can only be acquired by linking up with the opposite version, though I never did manage it and am still on 298 collected.


        Originally posted by Concept
        Wipeout 2097/3
        Good call bro

        For me Wipeout is the most addictive game I have ever played in my life

        I have played wipeout pure on my PSP every day since March 05 - Now thats what I call a AAA title

        Alongside Wipeout, the last game I played which took over my life was GL Quakeworld back in the day on Wireplay. I fear a crack pipe would have difficulty coming close to its addictiveness


          Loads of addicition here, easy. I play SEGA Rally 2 none stop for a couple of months. Rez too, oddly enough. It's a short lived experience but I'd just run through it over and over and, well, yeah... I can just pick it up and play 95% shotdown without thinking now. It may be clich?d to say so but I play it to get an occasional 'zone' fix rather than being totally hooked now.

          I wrote the last bit a couple of times and it still doesn't read correctly, maybe. I'm going to bed >_<


            Daytona Arcade took pounds off me and Thunder Force 5 on the saturn, months I played that along with Sega Rally, both gaming moments at there very best.


              Originally posted by Sigourney Beaver
              SF2 Special Champion Edition on the Megadrive. I really can't say how long I spent playing that game. In fact, it scares me to think about it.
              Same here
              Back then I was a naive PAL gamer, I didn't know about 50/60Hz, I didn't care about having to press start to alternate between kicks and punches, I didn't care about how much people raved about Turbo on the SNES, the game was just smooth as butter and a total charm to play which was all that mattered


                Tetris nuf said it really doesn\'t get any better. I am still playing it now that has to say something about because how many twenty year old games can you sit down and play and it doesn\'t feel dated.

