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Importers: Firmware update and trouble shooting thread

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    Originally posted by DCharlie
    But you can!
    i had the same "BUGGER ! i can't use my card!" but someone mentioned a work around.

    Basically - set your system country to Brazil (reason : Brazil matches card details on post code only - not on country, state, etc... and accepts no numeric characters)

    Enter your credit card details in the card charge screen, enter you UK post code, TADA!!! there you go! you now have points!!!

    I just added 10000 points (two batches of 5000) - it works.... now all i need is to find something worth buying!

    Is it possble for you to give a more detailed/in depth explination please. Even better could the mods post this a sticky as it solves a lot of problems for those of us who import from the US


      How did you find that out :@)


        Bloody hell if that works, then that's absolutely genius.

        Any other Wii owners tried it out?


          Originally posted by Spatial101
          Bloody hell if that works, then that's absolutely genius.

          Any other Wii owners tried it out?
          Just tried it now and it accepted my credit card! I only bought 2000 points so once the $20 price shows up in my credit card statement I will report how much this really cost. I would expect it to be about ?11 or so (much better than the ?15 I had to spend a few days ago on eBay to buy a card code!!)

          To validate the credit card it only asks for the postcode (and it does say post code not ZIP now) - aside from that it is just the cc number, expiry date and 3 digit security code which is needed.

          There was some warning about delinking accounts when switching countries but mynintendo seems to still have all my details linked up. Can others post their opinions on this linking process please? 8)
          Last edited by AllYourBase; 29-11-2006, 07:00.


            It's not gonna cause problems with yr card is it? Like, it being blocked when your bank assumes it's fraud


              Originally posted by toythatkills
              It's not gonna cause problems with yr card is it? Like, it being blocked when your bank assumes it's fraud
              LOL I will let you know!


                I'm going to play it safe and stick to the points cards. Heck, you dunno if some games will only come out in some countries 360-style.


                  It's not gonna cause problems with yr card is it? Like, it being blocked when your bank assumes it's fraud
                  well, as i heard : the Brazillian credit card system only transmits the following details to the -global- credit card check system :

                  Name, card no, exp. date, 3-digit check code, post code.
                  It doesn't send details like country i believe, or if it does, it's not explicitly looking for a match for security purposes.
                  So - as far as the Mastercard system is concerned, the details you provided were totally valid, and as such , i don't think this would be looked at as fraud.

                  Given that this is the default for all brazillian CC transactions, i think we should be golden as a change to check for the country as well would be required on the CC companies side, not on nintendos side.

                  I must add that these details were gleened from Jiguryo from GAF who is a Brazil resident so was able to point people in the right direction. Just thought i'd share the love over here as i'd assumed that people would possibly be importing from US.


                    Originally posted by DCharlie
                    So - as far as the Mastercard system is concerned, the details you provided were totally valid, and as such , i don't think this would be looked at as fraud.
                    Well I've tested with a Visa card. I'll keep you boys posted if I get a call from the fraud squad!!


                      Originally posted by DCharlie
                      ... set your system country to Brazil (reason : Brazil matches card details on post code only - not on country, state, etc... and accepts no numeric characters)

                      Enter your credit card details in the card charge screen, enter you UK post code, TADA!!! there you go! you now have points!!!
                      Does this mean your Wii account is permanently tied to Brazil? Or can you open another Wii account for a different country if you need to in the future? Or is is just not a problem? I haven't been keeping up with this online stuff.



                        just to confirm as i am back in the uk now with my usa Wii

                        which internet dongle type device do i need to access the online section of the Wii ?


                          Does this mean your Wii account is permanently tied to Brazil? Or can you open another Wii account for a different country if you need to in the future? Or is is just not a problem? I haven't been keeping up with this online stuff.
                          you can go in and switch it back to Brazil - my account was originally linked to the US.


                            Originally posted by Strolls
                            Does this mean your Wii account is permanently tied to Brazil? Or can you open another Wii account for a different country if you need to in the future? Or is is just not a problem? I haven't been keeping up with this online stuff.

                            After I bought the points with my account set to Brazil I switched it back to Canada. You have to read the t&c's again (3rd option in the internet menu under settings) - You can then link your mynintendo account back up (if you would like to)


                              Originally posted by RuBiQ
                              just to confirm as i am back in the uk now with my usa Wii

                              which internet dongle type device do i need to access the online section of the Wii ?
                              The official Nintendo one is your best bet.

                              It just so happens I have one up for sale in my current sales thread, if you're interested


                                So am I the only person on here with a bricked Wii? VG+ want ?70.00 to get me a new one so does anyone know the Nintendo support number so I can see if they'll help me instead.

