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Most Technically Advanced Graphics Today?

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    gears of war in HD is amazing, but HL2 is nicer.
    Resident Evil 4 is a mention, too.


      Guilty Gear X on the Dreamcast looked great for its time. It still does today.

      I only Sammy vs Capcom wasn't cancelled - we'd have seen the Darkstalkers characters redrawn Guilty Gear style....

      But erm, yeah...back on topic.


        If we're talking about graphics that have been squeezed out of a console that you really didn't think it was capable of, then I'd have to say God of War definitely. You could argue the same for Ninja Gaiden on the Xbox - which gen?



          Out now? Gears of War.


            Yeah I was talking about today, current gen 360/PS3/Wii/Arcade/PC

            The games that exhibit the most graphically advanced processing beef.

            Crysis/PC is a good one.
            DOA4 too.


              Company of Heroes, Prey or Quake 4.

              Originally posted by kernow View Post
              REmake on gamecube
              I swear there's parts of that game that almost look real.
              Last edited by Kit; 14-02-2007, 16:17.


                PSone: GT 2, R4
                DC: MSR, Soul Calibur
                PS2: MGS 3, Silent Hill 3, God of War
                Xbox: Ninja Gaiden, Panzer Dragoon Orta
                Xbox 360: Gears of War
                PC: Half-Life 2
                PS3: -


                  Cube: RE4, Metroid Prime


                    It depends what you mean by technically advanced.

                    For example I think San Andreas is the most technically advanced game on the PS2 thanks to it's complexity and the way it intelligently pushes data around, but I don't think it's the most 'beautiful' game on the PS2 (even if it is wonderfully diverse).

                    If we were to split it up, it'd be:


                    DC: Shenmue II
                    PS2: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
                    GC: Resident Evil 4
                    Xbox: Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath
                    360: Gears of War

                    Artistic & Technical (pushing both together)

                    DC: Shenmue, Shenmue II
                    PS2: MGS3, SotC, Okami, GT4, God of War
                    GC: Resident Evil 4, Metroid Prime
                    Xbox: Chronicles of Riddick, Stranger's Wrath
                    360: Gears of War, Lost Planet, Just Cause


                    DC: Rez, Soul Calibur, PSO, Shenmue, Shenmue II
                    PS2: ICO, SotC, Silent Hill 3, MGS 2/3, God of War, Okami
                    GC: Resident Evil 4, Killer7, Viewtiful Joe, Wind Waker
                    Xbox: Panzer Dragoon Orta, Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath, Otogi 1/2, Psychonauts
                    360: Gears of War, Condemned

                    I don't think it's fair placing the PS3 and Wii here so early in their lives.
                    Last edited by Concept; 14-02-2007, 17:55.


                      Originally posted by DANGEROUS View Post
                      Yeah I was talking about today, current gen 360/PS3/Wii/Arcade/PC

                      The games that exhibit the most graphically advanced processing beef.

                      Crysis/PC is a good one.
                      DOA4 too.
                      This is what I mean as stated on the previous page.


                        Gears of War, nothing can beat that technically, every shader effect under the sun and a rock solid frame rate.


                          Originally posted by Concept View Post

                          DC: Shenmue II
                          PS2: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
                          GC: Resident Evil 4
                          Xbox: Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath
                          360: Gears of War
                          It's so valentines day - lot of love for Stranger's Wrath, and I approve. But I never really considered it that graphically advanced.


                            Originally posted by Concept View Post

                            I don't think it's fair placing the PS3 and Wii here so early in their lives.
                            No love for Zelda Twilight Princess?


                              Fight Night Round 3 is technically very impressive, but that is made possible because there is not that much happening on screen apart from the 2 boxers therefore this allows the developers to pay alot of attention on graphical side. Not to take anything away from their achievement, still very impressive.

                              GRAW and GoW on the 360 are also obviously very impressive.....characters, backgrounds and all. On the PS3 I would put forward Motorstorm, from a technical point of view it is quite outstanding. The vehicles have an extreme amount of detail put into them but you can tell special attention has also been paid to the generation of the terrain (mud, sand, dust etc).


                                Originally posted by babs View Post
                                For its time (and still now if you ask me) the DC version of Soul Calibur was just jaw-droppingly gorgeous.
                                word, we played this a bit at my meet last year... we switched it on and my jaw almost hit the floor, it's still an utterly stunning looking game. i must go and buy a copy (i don't have a copy, wtf is that about?!)

