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Most Technically Advanced Graphics Today?

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    Motorstorm - the deformable terrain, the view distance, the undulating terrain, the view distance (needs commenting on twice its so good), the animation of the bike riders, the animation of the bikes, the cars, the sense of speed (when on a bike and boosting like crazy).... you get the drift

    The demo doesn't do the full game justice ... just done a track with loads of jumps, and I am stunned at the magnificence on display - nothing else comes close (including PGR3/GTHD/RR6&7 or any other next gen racer out today)

    Just gutted there is no rumble


      Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
      Gears of War, nothing can beat that technically, every shader effect under the sun and a rock solid frame rate.
      Don't attack me people

      I bought GOW- and I think the graphics are terrible. Grainy, dull, lifeless, I was really shocked- after my expectations had been raised sooo high.

      The real headache, has to be the framerate. It feels clunky. I just can't stand the lack of finesse- and it doesn't feel responsive enough.

      I'm not being controversial. GOW was my worst experience of 2006.

      I'd say COD3 is the most impressive cutting-edge game I've played. It runs like a dream- and feels quick and responsive. The effects and overall visuals are great too. Definitely the most solid game around; even if it's nothing new.


        You've lived a very sheltered life if GoW was your worst gaming experience of 2006. :P
        Last edited by Concept; 14-02-2007, 21:14.


          Originally posted by John Beaulieu View Post
          Motorstorm - the deformable terrain, the view distance, the undulating terrain, the view distance (needs commenting on twice its so good), the animation of the bike riders, the animation of the bikes, the cars, the sense of speed (when on a bike and boosting like crazy).... you get the drift

          The demo doesn't do the full game justice ... just done a track with loads of jumps, and I am stunned at the magnificence on display - nothing else comes close (including PGR3/GTHD/RR6&7 or any other next gen racer out today)

          Just gutted there is no rumble
          Totally agree!


            Originally posted by Concept View Post
            You've left a very sheltered life if GoW was your worst gaming experience of 2006. :P
            Worst because I expected it to blow my mind. I can't think of any other game of 2006 that really let me down.

            Oh well.... it's happened before. It'll happen again. ( Please don't let it be Forza 2 )


              the games that impressed me most the last 2 years are:
              Resident Evil 4
              Gears of War

              and I think Strangers Wrath should be mentioned, that looked absolutely stunning on the xbox


                PS2: God of War, MGS3
                GC: Rogue Leader, Star Fox Adventures, Metroid Prime
                360: Anything with Unreal 3 on it
                PS3: FF7 Tech Demo, UT2k7
                Wii: Nothing yet
                PSP: Daxter, Tekken DR
                DS: Nothing yet


                  DS: Nanostray.
                  GC: Rouge Leader.
                  PS2: God of War.
                  Xbox: Riddick and Strangers Wrath.
                  360: Gears Of War.
                  Wii: Zelda.


                    Originally posted by Leon Ahoy! View Post
                    I'd say COD3 is the most impressive cutting-edge game I've played. It runs like a dream- and feels quick and responsive. The effects and overall visuals are great too. Definitely the most solid game around; even if it's nothing new.
                    I don't know how you can be disappointed in the framerate of Gears but not COD3. The first level blew me away, but after that it can really chug in places. That's not to say it's a bad game, mind.


                      Gunstar Future Heroes - GBA


                        Originally posted by Leon Ahoy! View Post
                        Don't attack me people

                        I bought GOW- and I think the graphics are terrible. Grainy, dull, lifeless, I was really shocked- after my expectations had been raised sooo high.

                        The real headache, has to be the framerate. It feels clunky. I just can't stand the lack of finesse- and it doesn't feel responsive enough.

                        I'm not being controversial. GOW was my worst experience of 2006.
                        I'm with you 100% mate.


                          Originally posted by Leon Ahoy! View Post
                          Don't attack me people

                          I bought GOW- and I think the graphics are terrible. Grainy, dull, lifeless, I was really shocked- after my expectations had been raised sooo high.


                          I wouldn't quite go that far, but yes much like the game the graphics are way overrated (imo of coruse) , there's even a bit of nice pop up and drawn in for good messure. PGR3 impressed me far more to say the truth


                            Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
                            I wouldn't quite go that far, but yes much like the game the graphics are way overrated (imo of coruse) , there's even a bit of nice pop up and drawn in for good messure. PGR3 impressed me far more to say the truth

                            Yeah... I've been a bit harsh. Subjectively, the visual engine is probably good.

                            I just hate the look and feel of it though. I'm not going to express why it sickened me soo much, it just did.

                            I much prefer other Epic titles like the PC versions of Unreal Tournament 2003-2004. I really enjoyed the look, feel, and atmosphere in those.


                              PGR3 still blows my socks off today, GOW did not impress me as much as that I have to say. If it didn't have the small AA problem it would be perfect.

                              Have to say the Motor Storm footage I've seen look mighty impressive, however the enviroments seem to be of a far more limited nature compared to PGR 3. Have not seen it first hand though, so not fair to comment.

                              Crysis has to be where it's at for future stuff atm, along with all the DX10 stuff that comes after that. Guess the PC is going to be pretty much untouchable graphically for a while once Crysis is out !


                                Originally posted by Simmy View Post
                                Have to say the Motor Storm footage I've seen look mighty impressive, however the enviroments seem to be of a far more limited nature compared to PGR 3. Have not seen it first hand though, so not fair to comment.
                                Have you seen the environment that's available to play on the demo? Trust me, you couldn't be more wrong. It's incredible, there are multiple paths as well as an awesome long banked turn (Which drops off to a cliff edge! ) that you can hammer the turbo through!

                                And the view distance, as has been mentioned, is absolutely stunning.

                                Now if only I could finish a race without my car being in flames.

