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Most Technically Advanced Graphics Today?

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    the demo track is good - though a bit boring compared to some of the other tracks after you have worked it out ... there is one track early one which is a few long straights with some massive jumps and high speed banking turns, few different ways around as well - you can find yourself in 6th or 7th place, look up and see the other cars above you on another hill, floor it and you can overtake them before both paths merge back into one


      Originally posted by Number45 View Post
      Have you seen the environment that's available to play on the demo? Trust me, you couldn't be more wrong. It's incredible, there are multiple paths as well as an awesome long banked turn (Which drops off to a cliff edge! ) that you can hammer the turbo through!

      And the view distance, as has been mentioned, is absolutely stunning.

      Now if only I could finish a race without my car being in flames.
      No as I've said I've not played it at all, so maybe should not be commenting. I guess what I was more saying is the enviroment is a desert enviroment which has rocks some shrub life, and then a few other structures from the videos I've seen, but this surely is not as hard to push around as a fully realised city. Add to that the highly detailed interiors in PGR3 and from the what I've seen that to me remains the more impressive technical specticle ! I'm sure I'll see motorstorm running in the flesh at some point, and will be better equiped to comment !


        A desert enviroment that degenerates depending on car weight, racing lines etc etc - compared to asphalt that never changes .... I actually thought the deformable track was just PR bollocks, until I did the same track with a motorbike and then a heavy truck, in the truck race the same track got mashed up on some of the bends, track mark after track mark making the racing lines more and more ****ed, until on the 3rd lap you go through some bends and you can't see **** due to the track being thrown up behind your car (mud covers the screen - tbh I hate this effect but its still technically impressive).

        Yes there isn't dashboards etc as seen in PGR3, but the cars have so many parts which are animated perfectly (suspension etc etc) - one race I kept just catching things with my front left side, further on into the race I noticed that the FL wheel wasn't turning as true as the FR wheel (it was wobbling as though the tracking was off) - blew my car up and the wheel was perfect again ... tbh I am not sure if this dodgy wheel effected my buggies handling or whether it was just my imagination, though I feel as though some of the vehicles when they have been mashed (losing all panels, spare tyres etc etc) seem to handle better when lighter.

        And once again, the draw distance is unbelievable


          Wow.. you've just sold me on Motorstorm John! I normally don't buy racing games, because they're all the same to me. But I'll seriously be giving this game some consideration.


            I think GOW looks stunning, does on my Sony X anyway and would get my vote for number 1.

            Motorstorm pees me off big time. Their is so much going on in that game whats wasted as you do not get to see it. If it had a cockpit like PGR3 it would be an experience to behold but instead your left with a terrible bonnet camera where the deformaty is very low res (the mud for example is very low and bitty) and just disapears, likewise the car in that view goes seethru. Behind camera looks lovely but you loose the total sense of speed. Games rubbish anyway imho so cant say Im that bothered and after playing it for last 3weeks Ive swapped it for Departed on BR

            Things what have impressed me in last year have been Company of Heroes on PC for RTS graphics, really improved the genre but for wow factor I would say the Crysis videos Ive seen of in game footage is top then Resistence for geomatry on everything after Manchester as it has some cracking design after GOW. Clouds and boats on Battlestations midway on 360 impressed me since playing it also. I might come back in morning after I go and load VF5 up for first time now though and say that looks lovely on 1080p, you never know


              Darren - you are so wrong about motorstorm

              An in-car cam wouldn't work, with the undulating terrain throwing you everywhere you need to be able to see all of you vehicle, this game is all about fighting, fighting your competitors (they give you a challenge for every single lap of every race - one slip and you lose a place (or 10)), fighting the weight of your vehicle, fighting the enviroment, fighting your own natural urge to go quicker quicker quicker (some of the tracks, if you go too fast you will crash (and lose places) - its about knowing what areas the vehicle you are using can go as fast as possible safely, when boosting will give you an advantage and not put you into trouble, for example when using the heavy truck I use my boost as I would use the booster in Thrust, its there to get me out of trouble rather than to keep me at top speed all the time (boosting away from cliff edges, from walls which will crash my car, from other vehicles).

              The sense of speed is good - go onto a fast track (the one with the many jumps and fast bends) on a bike or atv or buggy, then boost like mad (keeping your boost temps nearly maxed out) - the game becomes hyper fast, for me tracks and conditions like this remind me so much of something like f-zero (and playing f-zero from an external cam is a good thing isn't it?). Heavier vehicles aren't as fast (as to be expected) but then you have a different approach to racing them anyway (fighting the weight into corners).

              Getting back on topic (or nearly back) Motorstorm is graphically more accomplished than PGR3 because there is so much more going on visually (and this is without going into the physics etc etc).

              PS games like this I always play in external camera (wipeout, f-zero, atv games, excite bike, moto gp etc etc) so to not have a dashboard cam is a non-starter for why I consider Motorstorm to be the most technically graphically accomplished game available today


                Im always wrong dont worry about it

                I got up to I think it was book 14 before I gave up m8 so know how the ATV/Buggys and bikes handle but they aint frightning fast for me in behind camera like say Fzero, Burnout etc... I want to be petrified when Im boosting (and I always used it to max when I played it) and jumping but it felt more like Last of the Summer wine on pushbikes I just found the game VERY boring with rinse repeat until you get 1st place with no continuity and was sorely lacking any depth for what is really a tech ps3 showcase but even then it has some nasty textures at times on the surface and bonnet. I didn't even find the game hard when I sussed out how the AI worked in the first hour (if you know the course after a couple of goes you just dont go mad and you can easily win which is easy to do as their is only 8 tracks and you will see them over and over and over and over). The game was showcased last year with cockpit and them stupid target renders but when the final game was released and we got a old camera system of chase and bonnet (not even that on bikes) I cannot say I was impressed at all thats why I was disapointed. I would have really liked to have seen a cockpit with windscreen wipers or even just a dashboard, but instead we get a very low res bonnet what crumples abit then disapears in that camera with mud what looks terrible and very pixelated. I guess I will have to stick to GPL and GPLEA high res dash as usual. Plenty of dirt games use dashboard and get away with it (Papyrus had a great one on PC) you just simulate the head same on Motogp games, I always play them on dash.
                Last edited by Guest; 16-02-2007, 12:26.


                  Originally posted by John Beaulieu View Post
                  Darren - you are so wrong about motorstorm

                  An in-car cam wouldn't work, with the undulating terrain throwing you everywhere you need to be able to see all of you vehicle, this game is all about fighting, fighting your competitors (they give you a challenge for every single lap of every race - one slip and you lose a place (or 10)), fighting the weight of your vehicle, fighting the enviroment, fighting your own natural urge to go quicker quicker quicker (some of the tracks, if you go too fast you will crash (and lose places) - its about knowing what areas the vehicle you are using can go as fast as possible safely, when boosting will give you an advantage and not put you into trouble, for example when using the heavy truck I use my boost as I would use the booster in Thrust, its there to get me out of trouble rather than to keep me at top speed all the time (boosting away from cliff edges, from walls which will crash my car, from other vehicles).

                  The sense of speed is good - go onto a fast track (the one with the many jumps and fast bends) on a bike or atv or buggy, then boost like mad (keeping your boost temps nearly maxed out) - the game becomes hyper fast, for me tracks and conditions like this remind me so much of something like f-zero (and playing f-zero from an external cam is a good thing isn't it?). Heavier vehicles aren't as fast (as to be expected) but then you have a different approach to racing them anyway (fighting the weight into corners).

                  Getting back on topic (or nearly back) Motorstorm is graphically more accomplished than PGR3 because there is so much more going on visually (and this is without going into the physics etc etc).

                  PS games like this I always play in external camera (wipeout, f-zero, atv games, excite bike, moto gp etc etc) so to not have a dashboard cam is a non-starter for why I consider Motorstorm to be the most technically graphically accomplished game available today
                  One of the most impressive things from the trailor at E3 2005 was how mud splashes on your windscreen and you try and wipe it off, smudging it. Since there's no internal view, does this mean you never get to see that in game, and therefore the entire clip was prerendered CG?


                    There is an internal view.


                      With mud splatters.


                        There is a bumper cam view but there are no dashboard views (unless you get one for a vehicle I have yet to unlock)

                        Mud splatters on the screen but I don't think you can wipe it off or smear it


                          When mud splatters is it splattering onto the camera, or onto a windscreen?




                              Originally posted by Simmy View Post
                              Crysis has to be where it's at for future stuff atm, along with all the DX10 stuff that comes after that. Guess the PC is going to be pretty much untouchable graphically for a while once Crysis is out !
                              Some people's machines will be untouchable, sure - but mine definitely won't..


                                anyone see the 1 week footage of oblivion

                                what computer would you need to get the game running like that (Also if i remember correctly it had hi res backgrounds aswell)

