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Gran Turismo 5

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    Shouldn't there be more tramps if it's supposed to be a London street race though?


      Originally posted by Commander Marklar View Post
      Is that PGR4?
      It's GT5, but no doubt Sony will use screenshots/cover art from PGR4 in the advertising


        Cracking Porsche steering wheel aimed at GT5, though looks fully PS3/PC compatible, snip at $350

        Like the line about it being available through Porsche dealerships


          that's a great idea. Hope more car manufacturers get in on this.



              Originally posted by DavidHolliss View Post
              Cracking Porsche steering wheel aimed at GT5, though looks fully PS3/PC compatible, snip at $350
              That's not actually a bad price!! Well it is a bad price until you realise that you'll probably be paying about £150 for the top end official wheel.

              It's good to see that they've added some camera bob into the game now when sing the drivers eye view.


                er that wheel has a clutch.. if they stick that feature in GT5 that will rock


                  ... and proper gears too - not just some change up/down malarky


                    Holy moly, that Porsche steering wheel is to die for, if they let us use a clutch and proper gear changes, I will sooo get that!


                      Wifey now has the link for the wheel - christmas present ahoy!

                      Edit: RESULT! She's ordered it as well. Wahoo!
                      Last edited by ChrisF; 02-10-2007, 17:15.


                        Damn, pre-order cancelled after watching that video. Static cockpit view makes me a sad panda.


                          Originally posted by GamePro

                          GP: How much more realistic can you make the graphics in Gran Turismo, further than GT5? How do you define the next bar? Because GT5: Prologue already looks so realistic...

                          Under limited conditions, we are just now finally at a stage where it [GT5] looks almost photorealistic. But things of nature - sunshine, rays of sun coming through the clouds, rain falling, wet textures on the street, things like that - are so indescribably beautiful sometimes. We are not at that level yet. Obviously we are trying our best in terms of replicating weather conditions and landscape, but there is also the human element. We've brought that pretty far, but there is a lot of room for improvement. There are still many, many areas where we can make improvements [visually].

                          GP: You just announced "GT TV." After air, how fast can you upload a video to that service? How long will GT5: Prologue (and GT TV) users have to wait to see a race?
                          That would naturally differ by the type of content. It will also rely heavily on the nature of that program: if it's race footage, people would want to see it immediately or as soon as possible due to the nature of a race. Whereas a documentary-style program, there is less of an urgency. It could be a month after airing, or shorter or longer.

                          GP: Is there any plan for GT5: Prologue to be a downloadable game, or a Blu-ray disc, or perhaps both?

                          GP: Are there any big technical advantages of being on a Blu-ray disc, and would GT5 even be possible to fit on a DVD?
                          One clear advantage to Blu-ray would be the access speed to the disc itself. It's faster, with faster loading times, in comparison to DVD. We may potentially be able to squeeze it onto a DVD, but taking the factor of trailers and things we want to include...single-layer DVD is no question [we couldn't fit it], but yes, the Blu-ray is a big advantage.
                          This demo that we are using for the Tokyo Game Show is already 4 GB. HD-quality visuals, streaming...that's a lot of data.

                          GP: You announced that you're bringing the Daytona speedway track into GT5: Prologue. Is that something you've always wanted to add to the series?
                          Yes. Not only looking at it as a new track option for GT, but also because we brought up the A.I. opponent cars to twenty cars [racing at the same time]. Without that, a track like this is not interesting to race on. You need [lots of cars] to make that happen, and we're finally at that stage.

                          GP: On that note, how has the PS3 allowed you to improve the A.I. in GT5: Prologue?
                          Absolutely. It gives us more calculation power, and more accuracy. Both. And that in and of itself is already helping us improve the A.I.

                          GP: Has the team determined whether the Sixaxis motion sensor will be used? Are there any ideas?
                          If you look back at GT HD Concept, the free PS3 download, that game incorporated the Sixaxis motion sensor. Not for the controls of the car, but if you had the controller in your hand and then put it down, a menu would appear. If you pick the controller back up, the menu would disappear. Those elements we hope to implement in GT5: Prologue. Not the Sixaxis steering factor, though.

                          GP: You showed us "My Page" and how it works. Is that something you might integrate into Home in some way?
                          The nature of Home and GT are very different. Home is a chat system with 3D avatars where you can hang out. Bringing that experience into GT is probably not easy. But conceptually, we are thinking about building a "GT Clubhouse" or something into Home, where users can gather with their friends and [organize] a race, and launch into the GT experience from Home.

                          GP: Do you try playing games like Burnout or Motorstorm? They're very different from GT, but we were curious if you appreciated them as games as well.
                          I have to say that those games are almost from a different genre. It comes down to what emotions the teams want the players to experience. Obviously those intentions [for Burnout and Motorstorm] are different from those of GT. There are some feature sets that people often talk about, car damage is one of them, and we are looking at them but they aren't the end of the goal for us. They may be one angle we are looking at, but they are not the end of the road.

                          GP: Is there one feature in GT5: Prologue that you are most excited to bring to GT fans?
                          It's difficult [laughs] because there are so many aspects now. It's very difficult to put into words, but it's not just another race's something that might propose a new lifestyle. It would be of course based on a race game, but it's pitching a new lifestyle. I hope people enjoy it.

                          GP: Is the team still interested in working with the PSP on a GT game?
                          Probably after GT 5. We are working on it, and we will get around to it eventually.
                          Kazunori Yamauchi Interview


                            So is GT5P just available on blu ray only now then?


                              It seems to be disc only which is a little surprising.


                                Seems like it.

                                EDIT - beaten by Evo. Second time today. [mental note to self - must think/type quicker]

