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Gran Turismo 5

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    Originally posted by dvdmike View Post
    Hey I don't remember seeing the rules !
    Damn, he's appealed!!!


      I am getting me a BBFC rating


        Bad news for the non-import minded. Seems Prologue has been delayed until March 2008 in Europe.


          Yep March for USA also, was announced 'bout three weeks back sorry


            Disappointing for all concerned really. The last thing the PS3 needs right now are things like GT dropping into late winter/early spring of next year.


              got em all, really simple, as alot of those screens have been released but the detail in the models is exceptional, and i'll chew my balls if the game looks that good in motion.


                Originally posted by FatGit_UK View Post
                Spot the GT5 car - quiz comparing some images taken from GT5 to real life equivalents (found via ps3fanboy).
                Got 12. Getting hard, but lighting is a good clue.


                  Originally posted by Mofoman View Post
                  got em all, really simple, as alot of those screens have been released but the detail in the models is exceptional, and i'll chew my balls if the game looks that good in motion.
                  I imagine most of what we're seeing is from the replay mode, which is set to 30fps I assume so that they can get this level of fidelity. The actual game is at 60fps and you're right I'll be amazed if they look that good.


                    Still, its gonna be better than the PGR rehash out at the moment.


                      Originally posted by huxley View Post
                      Still, its gonna be better than the PGR rehash out at the moment.
                      ooohhh, controversial!


                        Oh come on PGR4 is nothing new - reskined and everything is sodding wet!
                        Good game but nothing new, apart from the bikes - but does that realy make you want to buy what is just the same game again?

                        2 Stars and a slight stroke


                          whats new about GT5? all game design is evolutionary imo, this constant "oh its a rehash" "oh it's just a prettier version of last years" is starting to get on my nerves.


                            Id get onto the Daily Mail if I were you mate - lets get this car game porn banned!

                            Na just voicing my opinion fella.

                            GT5 looks the nuts and will be proper online for the first time, the attention to the controls (esp wheels) make it a driving experience as opposed to the 360s arcade style wheel. Id call that new.


                              wow, online, and only what, a half decade behind the curve, thats revolutionary really.


                                Did I say or claim it was revolutionary?
                                Dont get ya knickers in a twist fella.
                                You need a hug

