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Should I sell my Wii for a PS3?

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    Keeping it for defo... started collecting a few cheap GC games off ebay in the past couple of days (hey, Pikmin for £5.50). Just remembering the stuff I missed when I did have a GC (which includes Resi 4 ) so got a few things to fill the gap between the good new Wii stuff.
    Cheers all!

    edit:alledgedly, my Wii and other stuff will be getting delivered from the insurance co next Wednesday, so will be good to get it back. Bizarrely, the tealeaf did not take the RGB scart lead, so now I have HD, is it worthwhile switching to component (I have a Panasonic 32LXD60 LCD) as I remember the previous issues about some stuff (esp VC games) not working properly? Also, any noticable difference between official and 3rd party leads?
    Last edited by smithers0105; 07-07-2007, 17:01.


      I don't know about any issues with VC games, but I have a Panasonic TX32LXD52 (Daddy of your D60), and component always looks better on it than RGB - with any source.

