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(rumour) Fall update list (inc Xvid)

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    4gb's the limit with FAT32


      Originally posted by Rick View Post

      Mine reads DVD-r's fine, Infact i was watching a DVD i made of my honeymoon in Vegas last night.

      It also reads usb storages devices, but they have to be FAT32 - I have a 500GB external drive formatted in HFS+ for WMV files as FAT32 won't support large partitions or files above 2GB iirc.
      Well, the things you learn. That explains why I can't get it to see my external HDD. HFS+, you say? I'll give it a go (when and if they do include XVID codec support).


        I bought a program called macdrive to format and use the HFS+ partition on the External drive. Picks it up no problem then.
        Windows can't natively use a Mac file system


          This is going to be released on Tuesday 4th December ..


            And MS still haven't said what it contains, other than some parental spoiler settings and Xbox 1 downloads.


              Originally posted by Kotatsu Neko View Post
              And MS still haven't said what it contains, other than some parental spoiler settings and Xbox 1 downloads.
              And I don't even think that's part of the update - I seem to recall them saying it would be an optional download available from the marketplace.


                One other feature is being able to see you friend's friend list.


                  Could it be that the fall update really this tiny? Seems awfully late in the day to be keeping it all secret.


                    Originally posted by Kotatsu Neko View Post
                    Could it be that the fall update really this tiny? Seems awfully late in the day to be keeping it all secret.
                    I was thinking the same thing ... for the last update, there were youtube videos of all the new features, etc. This time we've had an Asian screenshot (mock-up?) of the xbox game menu, and some useless blurb about friends lists.

                    Hopefully there's some mindblowing secret stuff in there too.
                    All I want is DivX tho.


                      Major Nelson's saying on his blog that there's more to the update but nothing is going to be announced just yet (God knows why the big hush hush about it all).

                      All I want is group chat and the option to turn off all other notifications except achievements and I'll be happy.


                        All I want is to be able to change my gamerpic in less than 5 hours.


                          Seemsxbox japan have spilled the details:

                          Find in-depth gaming news and hands-on reviews of the latest video games, video consoles and accessories.

                          Microsoft Japan recently held a small press briefing detailing some of the new features bundled into the Xbox 360 Fall Dashboard Update. With the help of Engadget Japanese's Ittousai we've been able to pinpoint a few relevant changes that are in store for next Tuesday's update. The most significant addition is the reorganization of the "games" blade (pictured above), which now features the "Game Library" (in place of "Xbox Live Arcade"), in addition to the old "Achievements" and "Played Games" sections.

                          When opened, the Game Library is nearly identical to the current XBLA menu, with a vertically-scrolling games list and an info box appearing for the highlighted game [Famitsu image]. New, however, is a horizontal sorting menu, broken down by filters like "All Games," "Arcade," "Demos," and "Recent Downloads." (This new horizontal and vertical organization is not unlike Sony's XMB design -- Microsoft calls it "twist" navigation, the same UI used for Zune.)

                          Additional Fall Update features:

                          * Top level of "marketplace" has been reorganized and reduced to four categories: "Recommended Content," "What's New," "Game Store," and "Video Store" (below top level, categories will be navigated by twist, just like the Game Library)
                          * "Personal Profile" added to Gamer Profile; text field allowing approx. 500-1000 characters, providing space to publish name, nationality, region, and self introduction. (Further social networking tools to accompany 'Friends of Friends' functionality)
                          * XBLA demos deleted from "Played Games" and Gamercard lists


                            Drip drip drip, a few more features leaked.

                            I have a bad feeling about XVID support. I'd love it to happen but it's not looking good.


                              Originally posted by Kotatsu Neko View Post
                              I have a bad feeling about XVID support. I'd love it to happen but it's not looking good.
                              I think the fact that it's in Windows Media Center gives good hope.
                              There's also this:

                              I remain unusually optimistic about DivX on 360.


                                I could care less about DivX on the 360. The console's just far too noisy to be considered as a media player.

