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Help me decide...

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    Help me decide...

    Very simple. Xbox 360 or PS3 for xmas.. My missus is being generous and letting me have one or t'other..

    I'm swinging heavily towards the 360 at the mo, but every now and again I get this niggling feeling that I'll miss out if I don't get a PS3.

    Help. Please..
    Last edited by k0pp0; 09-10-2007, 12:06. Reason: typotastic.

    Just look at what's out now and for the first half of the year or so and decide on that basis. You can always pick the other up if you get one for xmas, and if you're going to have a console over winter it might as well be the one with the most games you'd like to play.


      360 has so many great games out now / on the way before Xmas that folks are moaning. It also has Xbox Live, which is the best thing that ever happened to gaming IMHO.

      PS3 has, um, Lair. And Heavenly Sword. Unless you're a total AV freak who'd get off on all the multimedia stuff there's really no reason to buy a PS3 just yet.


        360. No question.


          Cheers (so far)/ That was pretty much my opinion on the xbox live stuff.

          Plus the idea of the new Katamari game..... C'mon PS3 fans, give some reasons..


            Originally posted by Squirtle View Post
            360. No question.
            This man knows his stuff.


              No he doesn't. MGS4 is out in early 2008. That alone is reason enough to get a PS3.

              If you were real smart though, you'd get a DS Lite as it kills PS3 and 360 dead like Domestos.
              Last edited by J0e Musashi; 09-10-2007, 12:41.
              Kept you waiting, huh?


                Without the risk of having a bunfight about it, I haven't played any MGS since 1, so that doesn't worry me much.. DMC4 will be on 360 right?


                  Originally posted by Squirtle View Post
                  360. No question.
                  Agreed. I own both and there's no contest, absolutely none.


                    Originally posted by k0pp0 View Post
                    Without the risk of having a bunfight about it, I haven't played any MGS since 1, so that doesn't worry me much.. DMC4 will be on 360 right?
                    You should be very worried about MGS4, very, very worried.
                    Kept you waiting, huh?


                      Did you ever complete 3 Joe?


                        360 all the way. PS3 has 3 games on it worth playing at the moment, imo.

                        And 1 of them (VF) is coming to 360. Plus the Live aspect is well snazzy. The PS3's is mug.


                          Originally posted by J0e Musashi View Post
                          No he doesn't. MGS4 is out in early 2008. That alone is reason enough to get a PS3.
                          But that one reason is not reason enough for it to stand on its own.

                          Lots of great games > a couple of great games.


                            MGS4 will MDK any and every game on 360. Just wait and see when it comes out. That alone is reason enough, well for me anyway (but I already have a PS3 so yeah!).

                            Yers Shane, I finished part 3. Only thing is is that the JPN Subsistence has no English language select like Integral and Substance so I could only gather part of the story from the cutscenes. I shall have to get me a cheap PAL unit and play it in English.
                            Kept you waiting, huh?


                              PS3... you won't need to worry about 'having to buy' so many games in an effort to keep up with your peers Free online gaming, you only need to get Warhawk and you're laughing if shooty FPS/vehicle combat is your thing. Stardust if you like shooters and Locorocco is pure brilliance. Some quirky titles for sure but enough to keep you going. Depends what you want to play though and the amount of time you spend playing Lots of games are irrelevant if you're not going to play them.

                              Get both if you can swing it

