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2008- Great year for PS3 owners?

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    2008- Great year for PS3 owners?

    2008 should be a cracking year to own a PS3. I have had a quick scan of the planned release schedule and things are looking good!

    This is my future purchases in 2008 for PS3..

    Everybodys golf 5
    Killzone 2
    Tekken 6
    Playstation Home
    Little big planet
    Condemned 2
    Resistance 2
    Motorstorm 2
    Wipeout HD

    IMO, that is an awesome lineup of games.

    Is 2008 going to be Sony's year or is all too late?

    Since I've aready got a 360, I think there's only three games there that might persuade me to get a PS3 - Little Big Planet, MGS4 and GT5.

    I'm kinda interested in how Haze and Killzone 2 pan out, but after FPS overkill on the 360 last year, I'm not making any rash purchases based on those two games.

    As always on hyped pre-release lists, there's an awful lot of sequels there. I'm more intrigued to see what new Intellectual Properties filter out on the PS3.


      I wouldn't say the year could belong to Sony, but if they get these all out in time and they turn out to be quality, then it's definately a great option/addition for gamers who have been holding off.

      Add FFXIII, White Knight Story, Yakuza 3, Infamous, The Agency and hopefully a Team Ico title to that list.

      Oh and some more PSN goodies like Wipeout HD (oops in your list) and Socom.
      Last edited by hudson; 02-01-2008, 19:23.


        Originally posted by hoolak View Post
        I wouldn't say the year could belong to Sony, but if they get these all out in time and they turn out to be quality, then it's definately a great option/addition for gamers who have been holding off.

        Add FFXIII, White Knight Story, Yakuza 3, Infamous, The Agency and hopefully a Team Ico title.
        Yes, that is an appealing list, especially WKS and Yakuza. If they ooze goodness then I would have to make a BIG decision.


          Originally posted by Fastslyfox View Post

          Thats not def or even likely 2008 unfortunately. Probably 2009-2010.

          I still hope it's this year though


            I had no problem with 2007


              2007 my ps3 was just a dust collector...but looking at that line up...2008 its gunna be a dusty dust collector.
              Id say only MGS4, GT5, RE5, Wipeout HD are worth getting...maybe there is something wrong with me??


                Littlebigplanet has the power to sway me towards a PS3. Whens it due? (apart from this year)


                  2008 is shaping up to be a great year for the PS3. Last couple of months I have been playing my PS3 way more than any other console and I think that trend might continue in 2008. Certain games I will buy on PS3 even if they are multi-format, the main one being DMC4. Then you have the like of GT5, Killzone 2, Little Big Planet and the mighty MGS4


                    I wish I knew what all the fuss is over WipeOut HD - WipeOut HD or not is way overrated & ain't a pinch off F-Zero.


                      Originally posted by Gouk View Post
                      I wish I knew what all the fuss is over WipeOut HD - WipeOut HD or not is way overrated & ain't a pinch off F-Zero.
                      An entirely different discussion mind, but I personally feel the depth to controlling the vehicles inh Wipeout i.e. they're not glued to the floor made me feel a lot more skillful when taking them out to race (provided I raced well ). I like F-Zero too. I actually think they're quite different apart from being futuristic and having the odd loop d'loop track.


                        Originally posted by prinnysquad View Post
                        Since I've aready got a 360, I think there's only three games there that might persuade me to get a PS3 - Little Big Planet, MGS4 and GT5.

                        I'm kinda interested in how Haze and Killzone 2 pan out, but after FPS overkill on the 360 last year, I'm not making any rash purchases based on those two games.

                        As always on hyped pre-release lists, there's an awful lot of sequels there. I'm more intrigued to see what new Intellectual Properties filter out on the PS3.

                        I agree, there is a few multi-format titles on my list,but personally I prefer the PS3 pad to the 360's.Only my opinion though


                          F-Zero> Wipeout> Yaris.

                          End of.


                            haha Yaris > Wipeout HD.


                              I think its sad we will never see a true F-zero GX sequel without wii-mote support thats why I am hyped for Wipeout HD, and have you seen the texture work on it !!

