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2008- Great year for PS3 owners?

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    It is plainly clear from the last 4 months and the coming 12 months that the PS3 is a great console with great games.

    What will be interesting is that as time goes on and more great stuff comes out, and the online develops, I wonder if the system reliability will be more and more of a factor.

    I was playing COD4 with Mike the other day and XBL was all over the shop and he said he was going to drop out and use the PS3 version he had.

    If the PS3 continues to prove to be a reliable quiet black box, then I too will be picking PS3 titles more often.

    For me 2007 gave me:

    - RFOM
    - Ratchet
    - Uncharted
    - Motorstorm
    - Internet in the Lounge with bluetooth keyboard!

    2008 has some great looking games too, but the fact of the matter is I'm on my 5th Xbox 360 in 2 years and now even XBL is down half the time.

    I love games, not platforms, so I'll be more than happy to jump ship if MS continue to drop the ball and Sony continue to improve. Like most of us here I own all 3 current gen consoles (And a DS/PSP) and I have no brand loyalty. I just want great games and a stable system.

    2008 will be a great year for PS3 owners.


      I don't have the slightest interest in playing multi-platform games on the PS3 (Rock Band not included... ) mainly because my 360 dominates my gaming time; it's the exclusives I'm interested in.

      Yakuza 3 looks okay, although isn't it another Sengoku Basara/Gundam Musou at heart? White Knight Story I'll quietly look forward to, whilst Gradius 5 remains conspicuous by it's absence, not heard a whisper about that.

      MGS4 obviously, which I hope is half as good as number three, which received little fanfare at the time and proved to be one of the best - IMO.

      New Jak & Daxter would be nice, as would a Sly Racoon, God of War 3... the better Sony IP's.


        Originally posted by ezee ryder View Post
        2008 is shaping up to be a great year for the PS3. Last couple of months I have been playing my PS3 way more than any other console and I think that trend might continue in 2008. Certain games I will buy on PS3 even if they are multi-format, the main one being DMC4. Then you have the like of GT5, Killzone 2, Little Big Planet and the mighty MGS4
        Same here. Since finishing Mass Effect its been PS3 all the way pretty much.

        I think its turned a corner. With the exception of Mass Effect and SMG, I've gotten the most from Uncharted, Motorstorm and especially Eye of Judgement and Folklore. Games offering something quirky or different from the torrent of YEAH!!!!! (double bicep) type games that have appeared this year.


          In 2007 I tried Motorstorm and Resistance. Both had lovely shiny visuals and sucky gameplay.

          In 2008 there's some multi format titles I fancy which I'll buy on the 360 which has a better controller.

          Well hopefully the PS3 Gradius title will be as good as Gradius V.

          At least the folding won't be interrupted too often.


            Seeing as MS has no intrest in keeping its best 1st parties or In-House studios , then the PS3 will have by far the better Exclusives imo, and is the next gen machine of choice for Platform games . Inn less than a year we have 2 quite brilliant platform games from SONY , we’ve had nothing from MS, well we are getting the best action game to make up for it I guess (so its not all bad)

            I’m also really looking forward to Killzone II, Yakuza III, and Valkyrie of the battle field. But as far as my main gaming goes, and more so online and multiplatform gaming then it’s the 360 all the way , the PS3 will always be 2nd best.


              I kind of hope it does have a better year, as i want a reason to get rid of my 360 really. That said there is nothing particually appealing to me in that list, i guess i'm hoping there will be some decent lesser known titles to convince me.


                I think the PS3 is in for a really good 2008, and I actually think that worldwide, total sales will creep extremely close to the 360's. I'm keeping my 360 for exclusives like Halo, Gears, PGR and Amped, but unless they're substantially worse, I'll be buying all my multiformat games on PS3 as I prefer it as a system (hardware, interface, pad).

                As much as Sony (and partcularly Phil Harrison) annoy me, I have to admit the PS3 is a damn fine piece of kit, and I hope it really takes off this year.


                  Didn't realise Motorstorm 2 was due this year?


                    Looking to be a great year for PS3 owners. I'm really starting to think that my PS3 purchase has been one well made. Well it was last year, Ratchet, Uncharted, Resistance, and Heavenly Sword were just some of my highlights from last year. This year looks even better, onwards and upwards I say!


                      anything's better than 2007 right?


                        Haze - supposed to be terrible.
                        DMC4 - port of a 360 game.
                        Everybodys golf 5 - 2007 cast off.
                        Killzone 2 - dear god no!
                        GTA4 - port of 360 game.
                        MGS4 - port of a 360 game.
                        Playstation Home - dunno, probably crap.
                        Little big planet - game for chicks.
                        Condemned 2 - lost interest as the first one was ****e.
                        GT5 - could be ok, if they redesign the PS3 pad.
                        Resistance 2 - enjoyed the first one, although the online was a dire lag fest.
                        Motorstorm 2 - the game I bought a PS3 for & thoroughly enjoyed it.
                        RE5 - port of a 360 game.
                        Wipeout HD - flogging a dead horse.


                          I just got a PS3 and, frankly, I'm worried. I mean, how many FPS's can you play? What about the fiftieth installment of a sports game? The J-RPG selection is lacking, which doesn't apply to the PS2, and they're the games I'm the most interested in (unless God of War 3 comes out). There are a couple of interesting games on that list (MGS4, DMC4 (thankfully it's coming out soon), Tekken 6) but they're all sequels. I haven't heard of this "Little Big Planet" people are talking about or Haze so I'm not impressed.

                          The PS3 might lose this time around to the X360 (at least in the West) cause most of the games that sell are for both systems, which is kind of boring. Which machine are they initially being made for? The guy above is saying that games like MGS, which were PS exculsives, are ports of 360 games?! How? Don't Japanese people usually make games for Japanese consoles? How is the XBOX fairing in Japan?

                          Oh yeah, last time I checked, the 360 controller is much, much better than the PS3 one, at least ergonomically. I didn't know it was so comfortable until I tried one. I was shocked.

                          Motorstorm 2 - the game I bought a PS3 for & thoroughly enjoyed it.
                          Well, I won't be listening to this guy. I was quite annoyed that they bundled Motorstorm with my 80GB! (They could give me nothing better?)
                          Last edited by danholo; 04-01-2008, 02:03.


                            Originally posted by bignige View Post
                            DMC4 - port of a 360 game.
                            MGS4 - port of a 360 game.
                            From what I have read in previews, DMC4 is near identical on both consoles, if anything it looks slightly better on the PS3. On the matter of MGS4 it can't be a 360 port as it is only being developed for the PS3 at the moment.


                              Originally posted by danholo View Post
                              The J-RPG selection is lacking, which doesn't apply to the PS2, and they're the games I'm the most interested in (unless God of War 3 comes out)
                              There is White Knight Story and Final Fantasy XIII on the way.


                                If those two get a Western release this year, I'll be amazed.

