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FEZ - XNA Created Gem of GDC08?

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    I never had a single problem with mine, whilst I might have the "worst" version I can take solace in the fact I got to play it 18 months before the other version were even announced.


      Would imagine it will hit mobiles and PC, not sure if Monogame supports PS3 or Wii U.
      It has been converted from XNA to Monogame, like Bastion, which only appeared on pc mobile/tablets.
      Think XNA was a main reason it never made it on playstation, not just MS publishing.


        I can't wait to see that pixel art in 1080p and Gomez's walk cycle at 60FPS


          Played a few hours of this. Not grabbed me yet. Seems a bit pretentious, like it thinks it's better than it is (seeing Phil Fish in the Indie Game movie may have had a part in me feeling this way). But, I've heard that there's something special in here so I'm carrying on. There'd bloody better be something good though because if it's really just find-the-cubes with a 2d/3d gimmick I'm gonna be pissed off.


            I'd stop now, if it's not grabbed you yet after a few hours, there's no chance it will later.


              It's very much a game of two halves. The first half is soaking in the environment, collecting and platforming. With the second (in the form of NG+) comes the hardcore puzzling. If you don't appreciate the first half though, you'll not likely appreciate the second.


                I started this and Braid at the same time (a mistake now I think about it) and Braid just appeals so much more.


                  Sorry to resurrect this thread Just watched indie game the movie (Stumbled across it on Net flicks) and I cant understand why the comment from one of the super meat boy dev’s hasn’t been jumped on with the same level of Daily mail red tab fury as Phil fishes comment, at one point in the film the super meat boy dev clearly states that all modern big budget games are **** and he doesn’t make **** games, I’ve never heard such a generalized load of garbage in all my life, he name drops Halo and a few others to add a bit of weight to his statement but I’ve never seem any negative press about this guy or super meat boy what gives?. His tantrums are quite funny through out the film and I don’t think he comes out of it well. The Film starts off with him swearing at the TV because super meat boy is up a few hours late on launch day. He still doesn’t cheer up when the 20,000 first day sales figures come in (breaking previous xbla game records).

                  Fish on the other hand seems to have made the rooky mistake of getting riled up by Internet trolls bitching about his game and stuck two fingers up at one too many people on the Internet giving him a very negative online persona. Add in the comment from the gdc conference and we have a new Internet villain to get wound up over. It’s a real shame as bits of the film really do show him as some one who really cares about his games and that he’s trying to gain validation and respect, he certainly didn’t come across as the cocky self assured smug hipster douche bag he’s portrayed at on various forums like this.

                  The film also shows that He lost a massive chunk of money from Fez to an ex partner who walked away form the project before it was finished and this seems to plague the promotion and development of the last few years of fez. In the film when fish shows the game off at pax he has to make the decision whether he can still show it as his ex partner hasn’t legally given him permission to do so.

