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Official F-Zero GX Thread (US version)

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    So it is almost sure,that the Game works Perfaectly in Pal Cube with Ar?


      Mayhem Posted: Sat Aug 30, 3:16 pm


      It's 1.06 with Action Replay. I'm so sorely tempted having tried so much to do the Story modes, to just use the AR codes to unlock the AX ships. Seeing as people can get them just using an arcade doesn't make it TOO bad really... does it?
      Who're you trying to convince Mayhem?


        Originally posted by ilgga
        So it is almost sure,that the Game works Perfaectly in Pal Cube with Ar?
        Haven't you ever had disk read errors on a couple of your games?

        Hasn't Metroid ever locked up on you?

        Ive had these problems a couple of times(no big deal) and i found out that some cubes have laser's that need adjusting slightly and this is what the problem seems to be with the users over at GameFaq's.

        I could be wrong though and the game could have a nasty bug but i doubt it


          My US copy works fine with Action Replay. Loving it to bits so far


            No big deal, I just thought Oscar Wilde was dead....
            I talk to Oscar Wilde you know.
            Well, the larger part of his being anyway.
            Although he generally had better things to talk about.
            And could spell.

            Glad everyone is enjoying. Give it a few weeks. Or at most until you play F Zero X again.


              I've been playing my US copy for a couple of hours on my PAL GameCube with Freeloader 1.06 and didn't experienced any problems at all.


                Originally posted by Firsty
                Glad everyone is enjoying. Give it a few weeks. Or at most until you play F Zero X again.
                Everyone is entitled to their opinions but I would rather people wouldnt state them as fact.

                I have , as have many others here, had the game since JPN launch and I think it is something very special indeed.

                And I have had it more than a few weeks... and I have played F-Zero X again, thanks.


                  Well this is my first F zero game. So i'm ok.


                    Originally posted by Pikman
                    Who're you trying to convince Mayhem?
                    I have been trying for a month now. And it is VERY trying
                    Lie with passion and be forever damned...


                      I tried it for a few hours but found it too fast and too demanding for my liking and not being able to blink or breathe for prolonged periods ends up stressing me out these days. After coming off games like Zelda and Mario Golf and going straight into F-Zero, feels like work all of sudden.

                      So I'll be returning mine and maybe getting XGRA instead.


                        and I have played F-Zero X again
                        Good for you!!!


                          I played GX for 5 weeks until story modes #7 + #8 on very hard stumped me into a corner - I'm currently on SOA for a week long chillout sesh before returning to the TTs.

                          One of the most demanding games ever nicely balanced by being probably the most rewarding. Completing story #7 would feel almost orgasmic, if I could do it.

                          I played X again to defeat some the staff ghosts again. Did them with ease due to the 75% drop in speed. If only you could L+R slide as well as you can on GX.


                            And could spell.
                            Try not to start a sentence with "And"....


                              I'm loving the the character profile music, particularily Falcon and Dr Stewarts. It's cheese but it's good!

                              I see what you mean about how difficult the story mode far I've done story one on normal and hard and two on normal. Suffice to say, I'm already stumped.


                                AND Billy has the best music.

