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Official F-Zero GX Thread (US version)

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    Hope they aren't this late with Mario Kart!

    Post up some impressions fellas.

    Think of poor old me having to play even more Mario Golf. ft:


      Got mine for DVD box office this morning


        This game is heavy. I'm finding the Z button attack pretty hard to use...





            got it this morning and i'm loving it i'm now spoilt for choice soul caliber 2 F zero gx and mario golf all usa lol



              Just spent the last 4 hours time trialling, fantastic.

              Whats with the cranky interviews after you win a Grand Prix?!

              Captain Falcon's profile music is stuck in my head now... doh!


                My F Zero finally arrived this morning along with Soul Calibur II and Mario Golf (it's like waiting for bloody buses sometimes) so I'm rather spoilt for choice right now.

                Anyway, I played it in progressive scan mode for a good couple of hours and succeeded in completing the first 3 arcade cups on novice.

                First impressions (based on the first 15 tracks):

                I don't think it's as good as F Zero X, I can't put my finger on it but it doesn't quite feel right and seems to lack a little of it's forefathers soul.

                I also feel that SEGA's artists have failed in representing the F-Zero universe faithfully; many of the the craft seem to lack their original charm, the colours on several courses are gaudy, and the tracks are sometimes overdrawn and consequently look messy.

                Still, these are only inital impressions and I've read reports that the game really comes into it's own when one encounters the AX tracks and when in 'Story Mode'. With that in mind I'm fairly optimistic these early reservations will evaporate leaving behind a game to be proud of. I do hope so.


                  Well I think it's better than F-Zero X in every way, except for the soundtrack, and that's saying something considering the former was my favourite N64 game!

                  It's so much faster. Mute City/Serial Gaps - What a rush!!


                    I think what a lot of us found initially back in July were similar feelings Pikmin... and then it started to grow and grow on us until it utterly consumed our playing lives
                    Lie with passion and be forever damned...


                      Got it Tuesday, and played it as much as I can. Am finding it a tad hard on some tracks, but I think its mainly the fact that there are 29 other poxy drivers on them with you.

                      I've only played it on novice, and am finding the last track of the 2nd cup rather annoying. Other than that, I love it. Music is ace too, btw. I have F-Zero X, and this seems as good as, if not better than it, in every way. I hope theres a "big hand" track in there somewhere. That track rocks in multiplayer.

                      Anyone else find that last track on the 2nd cup a tough one?


                        Originally posted by Mayhem
                        I think what a lot of us found initially back in July were similar feelings Pikmin... and then it started to grow and grow on us until it utterly consumed our playing lives
                        Yeah this is really right.

                        I think I have put my finger on it - games like this only really come into their own when you get to expert/master difficulty and are actually finding it hard.

                        Nothing beats practicing on a course and then playing it in grand prix mode with the agressive and fast AI and pulling off a victory.

                        I felt the same about GX, especially when I cruised through the cups on novice winning just about every track. Once I put it on master/expert and got taught a lesson in driving. Then I started to realise it was special .


                          Originally posted by MR_BEN

                          Anyone else find that last track on the 2nd cup a tough one?
                          Yeah initially. I kept flying off after the massive gap so I just razzed it for ages on time trial to get practice. I still have trouble staying on the top section but at least I can safely land on the bottom one without any trouble and avoid a retirement... as long as you have energy left you can boost back into contention anyway, even if you hit one of the brown sections.


                            Anyone know how to get past the second stage in the story mode? The one where you have to collect 30 tokens within 60secs? I've been trying for the last 2 hours and I'm finding it impossible with only 29 as my best.


                              Originally posted by Max M

                              It's so much faster. Mute City/Serial Gaps - What a rush!!
                              Too right, frickin' thing cost me all my lifes after I'd got firsts the whole way through the rest of the cup but what an insane course, Firefield is another fave at the mo' too with the heat haze and flames jetting towards you!

                              This game is insanely fast and I'm only playing on novice! Can't wait to get good enough for expert you know its gonna be hard as nails, anyone been playing it on expert? Hows the enemy AI? I ain't got the balls to try it yet, need to get to know the tracks better.

                              All I can say about the game is after a 60 page thread it still exceeded my expectations this game is what racing games are about, well done AV!

                              It'll take longer than a few hours play for me to decide if it betters X though


                                Still there is no sign of my F-Zero GX! It has alreydy been 9 days from it shipping and i think that i have been cheated a lot!Because Courier Postage should come in 3-5 days!I also ordered Advance Wars 2 from them and it shipped on 28/8 and it has been too 6 days from that...No sign of it too!I am almost sure that i wont get my games on this week at all and i can only say to IMPORTMADNESS "THANKS FOR RUINING THE WHOLE WEEK OF MINE!!!".

                                Is there any else in here who hasn't got his Pre-Order of F-Zero GX from IM too????

