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Official F-Zero GX Thread (US version)

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    Loving the game, but its being spoilt by my damn memory card. Ive had it for ages and its been absolutely fine, but now i keep getting messages saying it needs to be formatted and that data is corrupt. It then works fine for a while, then screws up again. Anyone else having this problem or has my memory card just randomly packed up?


      Asides from the insane speeds you can reach and the pretty courses, don't you guys find it slightly dull? I mean a bit soulless?

      It doesn't feel or play like a Nintendo game and you can tell Sega were behind it. Can't quite put my finger on it but it just doesn't feel balanced to me or approached in the same way Nintendo might have done, making an effort to ease the learning curve slightly rather than taking Sega's approach and strictly appealing to a certain audience from the outset. This is why I say Sega are continually shooting themselves in the foot by releasing specific titles for a specific audience on each console. They are going to be ****ed before long I tell you. Just take a look how poorly Xbox exclusives are doing worldwide.

      Sorry to sidetrack this thread but that's the thing with young game designer's these days. They're so ****ing concerned with making games as hard as they possibly can for some unknown reason.

      It's in their blood.


        C'mon you slackers!! Get TTing!!!


          I dont really agree at all npg.

          You only have to compare F-Zero X to GX. Did you find X soulless and dull too?

          X and GX are very similar indeed, with GX upping the difficulty via the Story mode and adding in new courses and characters - all good IMO.

          Because of its similarity to X I would say it was very hard to say that it lacks the Nintendo magic, unless of course you felt the same about X.


            Originally posted by rjpageuk
            I dont really agree at all npg.

            You only have to compare F-Zero X to GX. Did you find X soulless and dull too?

            X and GX are very similar indeed, with GX upping the difficulty via the Story mode and adding in new courses and characters - all good IMO.

            Because of its similarity to X I would say it was very hard to say that it lacks the Nintendo magic, unless of course you felt the same about X.
            To be honest, the only other F-Zero I've played is the N64 one which might be the one your talking about and if so, it was not as tough as this or even as fast if I remember correctly and I didn't seem to have a problem getting into it. Either that or I'm getting old and my gaming skills and/or attention span is wearing thin.


              Originally posted by Marmite
              Loving the game, but its being spoilt by my damn memory card. Ive had it for ages and its been absolutely fine, but now i keep getting messages saying it needs to be formatted and that data is corrupt. It then works fine for a while, then screws up again. Anyone else having this problem or has my memory card just randomly packed up?
              Freeloader or not? What size and make of memory card?

              This is worrying! I won't want to lose my 10+ US saves!


                1.06 freeloader on pal machine with a 3rd party mem card (logitech i think). Never had any problems with it for the year ive had it already, then it goes mental. Lost all my English and US saves as well


                  I agree totally with rjpageuk. This has a similar feel to F-Zero X (N64) to me. Just like on that game, I hit the sides continually for the first runs round each course, and then started to improve. The course difficulty in GX seems to be a nice progression. I got 6/6/8/22/29 on my first run and 1/1/1/2/1 on my next turn (easy level & all that as I am teh suq at these things) - it has a nice feel that once you start to learn the courses, it flows really nicely from boost to boost, just like some of the courses on X. Really looking forward to getting some more time to open this one up.


                    I've had the same stuff happening with my memory card, it's official Nintendo one. I lost my Mario Golf Save (NOT v.Happy) I formatted it and now it seems fine.


                      Originally posted by Dukesy
                      I've had the same stuff happening with my memory card, it's official Nintendo one. I lost my Mario Golf Save (NOT v.Happy) I formatted it and now it seems fine.
                      Was you using Freeloader too?


                        I finally got my copy today, i have to say i was not impressed at first,mainly becuase of the view point being to low, so i up'ed it a bit to the N64 standard above and behind postion. SOme how i haven't felt that surge of energy in most of the tracks because the effects of the boosts really get in the way making the other racers less clear, still moving on to Standard improved things, still i really don't like the new music, i loved the tunes from SNES and N64 version's but this Rock/techno stuff mostly sucks as does mosty of the character themes, i was expecting better as someone in another thread point out it a similar to Daytona's style but lacks all of its good sounds.

                        Love the ship customization, i spent ages making a Sonic the hedgehog logo, its not that good but if i can be bothered i'll upload a pic of it


                          I used to find F-Zero X a bit souless... the handling felt simplistic, after a while it got boring, and I went off the game for ages.

                          Not too long ago, though, I picked it back up and discovered the ultra-difficult joys of Master mode. ****. That **** was addictive.

                          Winning a GP by a whisker against rock-solid opponents... planning which racer to strategically asassinate in the next round... pipping the enemy to first by a millisecond to scrape those vital points. The real edge-of-your-seat dramas are only there if you look for them.


                            Originally posted by SharkAttack
                            Originally posted by Dukesy
                            I've had the same stuff happening with my memory card, it's official Nintendo one. I lost my Mario Golf Save (NOT v.Happy) I formatted it and now it seems fine.
                            Was you using Freeloader too?
                            Nope, Jap Switch GC


                              Weird, I started getting corruption messages from Mario Golf. Would only happen at the end of a round. Trying to save midround (even after one of those errors during the auto-save at the end of the previous one) would work fine. Changed mem cards around and haven't had it since.


                                Anyone got theirs from DVD Boxoffice yet?

