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Dead Space 2

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    Dead Space 2

    The existence of Dead Space 2 has been leaked by the tech director of the project. Which was good of him.

    Good news after all the talk about the first one not selling so well. Adored the first and hope this one will blow that out of the water.

    And that they take the time to make more of those animated webisodes in the run up to the games release. Those were aces.


      First one sold pretty well, got figures of something like 1.4million sales.

      Hope there's a genuine attempt to make a proper sequel and it isn't just a lengthy expansion pack.

      Would like a plot that isn't Doom 3 with Scientology too


        Looks like it will have some form of online multiplayer.

        Originally posted by Eurogamer
        A new job advert has kicked off speculation that the next Dead Space game could feature an online multiplayer mode.

        The ad is for a senior online level designer at EA Redwood, to work on "the Dead Space franchise on Xbox 360 and PS3". The successful candidate will "work collaboratively with creative director and online producer to create extremely fun, satisfying and polished multiplayer levels".

        He or she will also "drive online design by taking the initiative to bring all parties together to execute on the overall vision for the levels".

        Apparently, "The previous instalment in the Dead Space franchise received numerous awards for gameplay, visuals, and sound design, and the same core team is in place to create an even better follow up," the ad reads.

        "The game is in the later stages of pre-production, ready for production in the next few months, with many of the navigational and combat mechanics in place."


          Can't say I'm excited about MP but the confirmation it wasnt one of the 12 games cancelled makes me happy.

          Some sort of co-op mode might work I guess but I hope its not forced ala Resi 5


            Unfortunately i think games like dead space "top secret skunk works like projects" will become virtually non existent soon.

            And given that the team behind it have been making extraction and dantes inferno in the mean time they have hardly had time to make a worthy sequal surely?


              I'm very optimistic about this one, Extraction was the clincher that showed a real commitment to quality from EA and the peeps involved. If a Wii rail based side game was of that quality I can't see them letting the true sequel be a knock off release.


                Extraction wasn't done by Visceral. They over saw it but it was done by Eurocom in Derby.


                  Originally posted by crazytaxinext View Post
                  I'm very optimistic about this one, Extraction was the clincher that showed a real commitment to quality from EA and the peeps involved. If a Wii rail based side game was of that quality I can't see them letting the true sequel be a knock off release.
                  What a shame that Extraction crashed and burned so badly, was it 17,000 sales in its opening week?


                    I'd forgotten about Eurocom, still I'm optimistic, EA have been on good form of late.

                    Yep, Extraction tanked but I largely attribute that to EA. The marketing was shocking, sometimes they seem to ignore their own releases and then moan when the sales aren't stellar.


                      No multiplayer please. Unless it's good, which I can't see it being.

                      But yeah, fantastic news, Dead Space was my favourate game of last year. The atmosphere/sound/graphics/gameplay were insane. Much better than Resi 5 imo.


                        It might work in co-op, although it would certainly take something away from the atmosphere the game created.


                          Along with Bioshock, this is another game series that just doesn't need multiplayer shoehorned into it.


                            Agreed. If they are going to do it though, I'd take co-op over competitive any day. Ideally built around separate scenarios from the single player, but that's probably asking too much.


                              Originally posted by Spatial101 View Post
                              Along with Bioshock, this is another game series that just doesn't need multiplayer shoehorned into it.
                              Amen to that. GOTY for me last year - hoping for big things..

