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PSVita (Successor to PSP, was PSP2 then NGP)

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    You don't need to be a game coder to spot differences in frame rate. You just need to have played games with differing framerates!


      30 vs 60 is easy, yes.

      20 vs 25 though?

      I'm also pretty good at telling the difference between a stutter caused by streaming failure and one caused by gamecode glitching...

      It's nothing special, just something you pick up. Everyone has things about their job that seem really obvious to them but aren't to the general public.


        30 vs. 60 is easy, though I'll concede that it makes a bigger difference on some times of games than others. Racers are one of those types of games, in my opinion.

        20 vs. 25 though, surely what you'll be noticing is frame sync issues, unless vsync is enforced.


          I can tell the refresh rates on the old CRTs so why not, the low rates <50 you could see the scan.


            @ EvilBoris: That's an interesting skill

            I was wondering if I would be able to guess someone's prescription, too. It wouldn't be very accurate because I've never thought to guess someone's prescription until now but, looking at TTK's photo, I'd base it on how much he's rotated his head to get the side of his face above/below the lens to line up with the side that's visible through the lens.


              i can tell if frames are dropping, whether somethings running at 60fps/30 (or below), v sync problems/screen tearing, Hz judders etc.....after 30 years of gaming its easy!


                Really, is there anyone here who *can't* tell the difference between 30 and 60? Whether or not it really matters is a different matter entirely.


                  NCSX have Wi-Fi only Vita up for $479.90 rather than the $549.90 for the 3G / Wi-Fi version.


                    Originally posted by Shakey_Jake33 View Post
                    Really, is there anyone here who *can't* tell the difference between 30 and 60? Whether or not it really matters is a different matter entirely.
                    I can't, and anyone who thinks they can is just fooling themselves.


                      Lol. Sweeping statements are the best statements.


                        It never really bothers me to be honest, until I play a game that is 60, then you feel it straight away.
                        When you return to the land of 30 it's quite jarring


                          Never thought I'd see a thread about an exciting new handheld descend into a discussion about frame rates. Can this talk not be moved to the frame rate thread?

                          Anyways, email from NCSX received. Deposit taken, launch day machine confirmed (for delivery a few days after launch).


                            What does the fact a new handheld thread has descended into fps talk tell you about that handheld?

                            Only joking

                            Ok back OT:

                            So, PSVita, guys. Crap name, innit? What happens when the inevitable light version hits - PSVitalite?


                              I prefer Ry-Vita. (Sorry).


                                It would be awesome if Sony really did call it Vitalite for a laugh. Unfortunately, I fear only British people would understand why.

