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The King of Fighters XIII

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    You can't wait.


      KOF is so now right now.


        *Looks at kernow's avatar.

        **** just got real.


          They should give all customer with KOF 12 free upgrade to KOF 13 as apologise for making crap game.


            This is deep stuff, son, etc


              Last edited by Kongster; 25-03-2010, 22:36.


                I am enjoying this thread. Carry on.


                  Originally posted by J0e Musashi View Post
                  I have it. It's not as good as 2, so nobody has to worry.
                  Which wasn't as good as the first, so nobody needed to worry back then either. SNK still put out all those great fighting games.

                  Pretty sure the Metal Slug series and the King of Fighters are done by different teams.

                  XII had a lot of promise, it was just released half-baked. XIII could be a contender


                    Originally posted by Legendary View Post
                    They should give all customer with KOF 12 free upgrade to KOF 13 as apologise for making crap game.
                    And a Lobotomy!(why have a 1 sh8t game when you could have 2)


                      New Info: (Warning... includes Mai Cosplay )
                      First link has 3 pages.

                      人気格闘ゲーム最新作『KOF XIII』の稼働時期が決定! さらに、参戦キャラや新システムの情報もお届けする。

                      There will be a total of 31 characters with around 7 still to be revealed



                        Looking good. Hope the game is good on all fronts. KOF XI was enjoyable to play. KOF XII was too but was bare bones. Let's hope KOF XIII readdresses the balance.


                          Originally posted by nem View Post
                          XII had a lot of promise, it was just released half-baked. XIII could be a contender
                          That's what I think too. Never played much KOF before but the gameplay system really interested me. There's so much more you can do compared to most other 2d fighting games.

                          But there's too much negativity about this based on XII when they were redoing all the graphics and animations. With much of that out of the way now I'm expecting a lot better this time.


                            Originally posted by Shoju View Post
                            That's what I think too. Never played much KOF before but the gameplay system really interested me. There's so much more you can do compared to most other 2d fighting games.

                            But there's too much negativity about this based on XII when they were redoing all the graphics and animations. With much of that out of the way now I'm expecting a lot better this time.
                            True that. From the looks of the playtest things will be a lot more interesting with KOF XIII and hopefully SNK Playmore have been able to quell a lot of the issues people were having with the previous game (lack of characters, backgrounds, solid online play, more meat to the single player experience). It looks like they're onto a good track this time.


                              High res screenshots here.

                              Can't wait to see Mai's animation. Looks like her boobs are going to be bouncing allover the shop


                                felt with kof went upto date but game play and features almost went back to kof 94....and perhaps in some ways worse

                                just have a feeling its going to take a few sequels for it to be at the gameplay level that kof XI was
                                Last edited by eastyy; 26-03-2010, 21:16.

