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Rock Band 3 - Rock it man, piano introduced.

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    Harmonix responds to the set list leak




        Originally posted by Skull Commander View Post
        NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Not f*****g Free Bird AGAIN
        Also bloody devo again, what is it with music games and this ****e song!!


          thank god for the new rating turn off button there is a hell of a lot of ****e in there maybe 10 songs i like at least dlc moves over


            For my tastes RB3's is a real letdown. There are only about 2 songs there that appeal to me that haven't already appeared in another game I might just buy GH this year, the Warriors of Rock song lineup absolutely destroys this.


              Some of you must have seriously limited taste in music if you can only find a couple of songs in that list that you like. The only thing I'm disappointed with is the selection of songs from the last two decades, almost everything else is pretty damn good if you ask me.

              It's never been the on disc songs that have kept the majority of Rock Band fans playing since the series launched, it's the vast amounts of dlc. From what I've read, the Rock Band 3 dlc that takes advantage of the improved gameplay features i.e. harmonies and pro charts wont work with other older games, so those that skip RB 3 will be missing out. The addition of keyboard/piano is another of the game's big selling points that makes it worth picking up if you like this type of game.

              I'll definitely be picking it up along with the new Guitar Hero like I do every other year and I'm pretty sure I'll get more gameplay time out of Rock Band 3 than Guitar Hero:WoR.


                The GH songs "re-appearing" aren't that surprising - they were included in those games because the devs liked them, and with the new RB3 additions (piano, pro-mode), now would seem the perfect time for them to get their favourite tracks on the Rock Band platform.

                Would be nice if a music based game could be released without the constant "Crap song choices!" posts. There is no way to make everyone happy. Best they can do is mix things up, include many artists and styles. Seems they've done that. The DLC is where you get to choose the songs you like.


                  I can't agree with either of those to be honest. If I'm paying ?40 for a new game I want new songs. If you want to put 'No One Knows' or 'Beast and the Harlot' in a music game for what is essentially the THIRD time thanks to GH:Smash Hits (I know this wasn't Harmonix but still...) then add them as DLC, not disc songs. They must know that a lot of people buy both? The strange thing is with both of those songs is that QotSA and A7X both have plenty of songs with piano parts in them

                  The DLC excuse is a bit of a cop out really. From GH1-GH3 I loved about 80% of the song choices but that figure has completely reversed in recent years and whenever I do put RB2 or GH5 on I am mostly playing from my DLC. Admittedly there's a good chunk of the RB3 setlist I don't know and may turn out to enjoy, but as a 27 yr old metal/hard rock lover theres very little here from my 'lifetime'. I mean, THREE Rock Band games now and only ONE Muse song? I thought the addition of piano would have guaranteed one but alas no....


                    Man, I don't think there's one band on that setlist I'd listen to in the car. Not one. But I'm sure they'll all be fun to play. I don't buy RB to just play songs I like, if you know what I mean. It's good to give everything a crack. Plus variety is the spice of life and all that, and RB is, for my friends and I, the ultimate Party Game - and as we all have different tastes in music, I'm glad for such a wide range.

                    And what is it, 17 out of 83 games are "repeats"? Not a high percentage.

                    Regarding Muse, yes I'd like more as well, but there must be a reason as they'd be a very obvious, popular addition. Some bands probably don't like the idea, and I can only imagine the legal issues of getting a title into something like this. There's at least one big record label holding onto their titles until they get more share per title sold.

                    Personally, I won't be entirely happy until Appetite is available. And the original recording, not the re-recording with the new band. But that is never, ever going to happen. I'd like some Springsteen, some Radiohead, Libertines, Pumpkins, and many others. It may sound silly, but I gave the RB3 song list no more than a quick scan. It genuinely doesn't bother me what's on there - well, if it was all Abba I'd be worried, but you know what I mean I'm buying into the platform, to use the hundreds of songs I already own, to build my song library, and to keep the Rock Band parties rocking


                      Game + keyboard listed on Amazon US for $129.99. Yikes.


                        I found the keyboard to be quite high quality. The midi out port was a nice confirmation that it can be used elsewhere.

                        That said, me and a friend both agreed that it didn't have that "wow" factor that the guitar and drums have. Was still fun, mind.


                          I can hardly play piano (literally I know 1 chord, and the opening of November Rain and Bohemian Rhapsody, that's it) so am interested in it as a learning tool. I'll wait for the inevitable price drop


                            Keyboard is cool but I'll be leaning more drums / vocals this time. Me and the other guys that went to E3 did 'Power of Love' in front of some bewildered Americans. Honestly, it was like they'd never seen the Family Guy BTTF skit with Peter as Marty McFly!!

                            Ooh, and we put the swears back in 'American Idiot' by Green Day. Rock, and indeed, roll!!


                              The final setlist is much better and more varied than the 'Q Magazine' range of rock tracks that they originally released. Some of the tracks are still a bit 'obvious' (Lennon wrote loads of songs better than Imagine and choosing Space Odditty over some other Bowie tracks seems a waste of the keyboard) but at least family/friends will want to play them, which is what RB is all about IMO.


                                And at last we're getting some reggae in there which will be great for bass players, even if it is Bob Blimmin' Marley.

