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    Originally posted by nakamura View Post
    Project Snowblind for PS2 and Xbox, maybe PC too.

    Really enjoyable FPS game that seemed to vanish without a trace. Great weapons, amazing visuals and sound. Has a really nice mix of team warfare and solo espionage. About 2/3 through right now and cannot put it down.

    WOW ! . You are indeed right, can't believe I missed out on this, it really is a class game and looks great on my X-Box


      I just re-bought Stalker SOC and forgot how awesome the atmosphere is in this game. When I had it in 2007 my PC struggled to run it but of course now I can max it out and it still has it's gorgeous moments with great art direction.


        Currently playing through Alice: Madness Returns and I think it's great!!

        Been getting decidedly average reviews, reduced within weeks and will no doubt sink without a trace - it's a shame because I know a lot of people would actually really enjoy it if they gave it a chance!


          I need to test it out but I might now have a copy of Propellor Arena on the Dreamcast. Given it wasn't released that is automatically underrated


            For future generations to discover:

            Captain America: Super Soldier (not a great game but a fun enough and ignored title)

            and Dead or Alive Dimensions which despite the popularity of the series is a decent entry which seems to have slipped by many


              Recently, this gen, the first game springs to mind is NFS Shift 2. People got hung up far too much on the NFS badge on it and didn't take it for what it was, a brilliant driving game.

              Also F1:CE on the PS3, Studio Liverpool's take on the sport as a launch title for the PS3, it still can outperform Codemasters effort, and yet it had terrible reviews, mostly those who take it as an oppertunity to slag the sport off.


                The might of Renegade Ops!


                  One word: Sentient.


                    Originally posted by crazytaxinext View Post
                    The might of Renegade Ops!
                    Seemed like a strange post for this thread but I've just had a look around some tracking sites and it hasn't done very well it seems. The monthly gamasutra article should be up in a few days for a more clearer picture but it reviewed very well.


                      There's been a big increase in quality download titles across the service lately but I think they're suffering through making the mistake of releasing at a busy time of year when people are aiming their cash towards retail releases.


                        Ay, there's a reason the most heavily promoted XBLA titles are in the 'summer of arcade'. People with limited cash already have their next 4 or 5 purchases lined up in this quarter so are less likely to take a gamble.

                        DOA : D is indeed a fun game, but from things I've read the DOA series as a whole doesn't have much of a tournament scene. From what I can gather there was some bad blood involved, feuding or some such between rivals, and most people just walked away and never went back.

                        Sentient, that takes me back. That was the one where you basically had to solve a mystery before the space station fell into the sun right? Very clever stuff. Always reminded me a little of the ancient C64 game Pandora. Often thought that a game like that would find an audience at the casual end these days (the Layton games, while ace, don't really tie their puzzles into the actual plot, but that's the closest modern analog I can think of).


                          Originally posted by noobish hat View Post
                          One word: Sentient.
                          Eerie you should mention that, I installed it onto my PC the other. Tis a very cool game.

                          You could fail the game in like 8 minutes if you didn't do the right things at the start, I'd love to see a modern version of it or a game that had the same kind of branching story and consequences.


                            I think targetting mobile would be the best way to do a game like that these days. Big console publishers don't really like 'branching plots where a player might not see all the assets we're paying for' much.


                              Jumped back into Killing Floor last night. Bewildered as to why this hasn’t had more attention. Such a fun game.


                                Originally posted by englishbob View Post
                                Recently, this gen, the first game springs to mind is NFS Shift 2. People got hung up far too much on the NFS badge on it and didn't take it for what it was, a brilliant driving game.

                                Also F1:CE on the PS3, Studio Liverpool's take on the sport as a launch title for the PS3, it still can outperform Codemasters effort, and yet it had terrible reviews, mostly those who take it as an oppertunity to slag the sport off.
                                Funnily enough I just picked up F1 206 for ?6 from CEX! Had a blast on the full blown career mode where a team has to hire you and my god it is hard. I couldn't get hired by anyone and got disheartened... Must try harder.

