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Resident Evil 4 + Code Veronica HD Remake

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    I think there were some others, too. I didn't try them myself as I had the mod chip by then.


    I found this post by some guy who says DC-X plays ALL his NTSC games in 60Hz on his PAL DC
    Last edited by randombs; 31-03-2011, 23:21. Reason: mo(re in)fo


      Thanks for that, I wish I had known a few years back. Better late than never!

      I think I still have a Pal DC, I might have to locate one of those discs and start collecting for it again.


        DC-X was great. Worked with all my import games.

        Sold it for ?25 on eBay and wish I hadn?t now. :/

        The reindeer boot disc was for playing pirated games I believe. Not sure about the video mode stuff.

        Maybe something to do with the whole Bleemcast thing?


          Reindeer one(Utopia) was apparently made to play imports, according to the Wiki:

          I may have used it myself to play a few UK games when I first got my JP machine but can't remember now. It didn't do any video mode stuff. I think it also didn't even display over VGA(you had to turn your monitor off while it booted, then turn it back on when the game had loaded up).

          In other news, I've been playing CV this weekend. I've just done the freaky downstairs torture chamber bit with the anatomist in the body bag


            Dreamcast Codebreaker, google it, did forced 60hz on all US/JP imports. I used that for all my import originals and CV import was indeed one of those that went to 50hz when used with Utopia or Gameshark. Codebreaker was free while the DC-X was a rip off. Granted, DC-X could force VGA mode but its not all that stable.

            Utopia is shoddy, doesn't work with a boatload of originals and doesn't force 60hz too. Later on I had a Japanese machine and to just boot up originals like Border Down or Ikaruga without using any bootdisc was so worth it.

            Kind of shocked about the high price for CV: Complete though. When I bought it was like a tenner on eBay. But its the best version of CV in existence. EDIT: BIN for 22 USD on
            Last edited by saturn-gamer; 03-04-2011, 22:19.


              Originally posted by saturn-gamer View Post
              But its the best version of CV in existence.
              Apart from the PS2 version.
              Kept you waiting, huh?


                I thought that was the crappiest port, it looked and ran less smooth than the DC one. Even the GC version was better than that, as Capcom chose to port the DC code.


                  Only if you played the PAL version. It was ported so badly.


                    The PS2 version is definately the worst version, with muddier textures and the aforementioned motion blur. The differences might be trivial enough for it to not matter for most people. Going from the Dreamcast version to the PS2 version is quite jarring though.


                      So will these have 500 achivement points each?

                      Played through Lost in Nightmares recently and loved it.

                      Not sure about plodding through all of RE:5 again but I would gladly play RE:4 with a 360 pad and teh shiny.


                        If they are XBLA game they will have to stick to the rules.

                        "XBLA games still must have 12 achievements and 200G, DLC can add up to 9 additional achievements worth up to 150G."

                        There have been some exceptions and the guideline is old (circa 2007) don't know if it's been updated but I would expect the games to be 100g each (200 max) if they are one single download on XBLA.


                          I highly doubt they'll be a single download, I see it being a retail double pack on one disc (Crosses fingers) or 2 seperate arcade titles at 1200 each.


                            I want it on disc so that I can play it on my hacked roxorz boxorz without having to pay for it LOL. In all seriousness though, it would be a purchase for me on disc with the full compliment of achievements, but I doubt I'd bother on download


                              Well if its on XBLA and they are individual they will be 200g each. If it got a disc release it would be 400 total, they would be classed as separate games.


                                My hope is 500g each if they get a disc release.

