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Resident Evil 4 + Code Veronica HD Remake

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    Ah but you're referring to RE4.. ive just played through that recently.. what I was really interested in was CV.. since i never played that and this was the perfect opportunity.. I'm better off getting 5 at less than 20 euros.. I don't know.. I'd go for it if it was the disc version ..


      Yeah actually, CV isn't great value for money. It is HD in name only and doesn't have much life once you've completed it. It is the same as the X version and Gamecube and PS2 versions are a lot cheaper.


        Shame as I was looking forwart to getting all the achievments also... Guess I'll wait for a price drop


          The achievements for CV are ROCK HARD mind...

          However, I downloaded 4 myself the other day and have 850G from one play through :P


            Is it true that Code Veronica is cropped to achieve widescreen?


              Originally posted by Shakey_Jake33 View Post
              Is it true that Code Veronica is cropped to achieve widescreen?
              Yeah, I think both versions are a dogs dinner from what I can remember


                resi 4 is the wii version with proper widescreen instead of the cropped ps2 version iirc. CV supposed to be cropped though


                  Actually, I seem to recall the Wii version being zoomed as well, they just did a better job of disguising it.

                  I'm only really interested in CV, but I'm not interested in any cropped shenanigans. I'll stick with the Dreamcast game.


                    I dont mind RE4 being zoomed in... Heck i played the gamecube on my Panny plasma zoomed in at 480i and looked stunning!!

                    But CV being cropped? How bad are we talking??


                      CV being cropped sounds silly, considering how tall Claire is. I often find she takes up a fair chunk of screen height.


                        Beware of Resi 4 though, it looks like ass at times in this "HD" port. No texture work or anything, just literally upscaled it seems. Imagine a box with a really sharp line, filled with muddy messy textures :P

                        I just played through it, but it certainly isnt a looker by any means!


                          Originally posted by kyo_244 View Post
                          I dont mind RE4 being zoomed in... Heck i played the gamecube on my Panny plasma zoomed in at 480i and looked stunning!!
                          If it's supposed to be a 'HD' re-release though, it's a bit crap if the actual resolution is massively sub-HD.


                            This hasn't got anything to do with the resolution, but on a recent Resi themed Podcast I was listening to, they mention that some of the lighting in the original Resi 4 for GC can't be emulated, and as such, the ports will always look inferior.


                              Hopefully, with Nintendo's plans to do GC releases on the WiiU estore, we'll get a rerelease and the HD output will soup it up


                                I remember in Edge's special console issues a while back the GC one mentioned it has funky lighting capabilities. I would have thought they could fake it somehow, though, especially given the processing headroom they'd have with 360 and PS3. It's like them saying they couldn't do the fog for the PS3 Silent Hill HD - just sounds weird to me but I guess it would require heavily altering the original code and the requisite testing that would go with it to adapt the fog for the PS3 architecture or introduce some other fog to create a similar effect.

                                If that's the case, I think it's less about possibility/ability to emulate and more about economics, although I may well be missing some elementary aspect of how these things are made/ported in the first place.

