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Nintendo Wii U

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    I love it, although the way to get pictures into MiiVerse messages has bugged me - I think you press Home without pausing, like the gamenote function on the 3DS.

    As for the menu on TV only being controlable on the TV, it takes a second to swap imaged between the two screens. Change it and bingo.

    I'll be getting to transferring my Wii data across tomorrow.


      That's what those lucky yanks get having it so early I suspect most if the features will be ready by. European and Japan release , Apart from playing vc games ect , However first and foremost it's for playing games, anything else it does is just a nice bonus ,


        Originally posted by originalbadboy View Post
        Sadly this is going to be the story of the WiiU as well, you just have to hope your new WiiU arrives and doesn't go wrong in the next 6 months, otherwise that's going to be a problem potentially.

        I really don't understand how a company like Nintendo can be so backwards in thinking, they want to play with the big boys but at every step they take about 5 steps back. They really do need to get a grip on whats going on.

        I am really not surprised though, so in that regard its business as usual.
        Yeah totally agree with you. I suppose its not just Nintendo it was the same with Vita and the PS1 games. How i miss the old days when you used to buy a console, get it home, set it up and that was it for 5-6 years. No having to download a big update once turned on, no features to be implemented in a few updates time. Ahh the good old days.


          Originally posted by yesteryeargames View Post
          That's what those lucky yanks get having it so early I suspect most if the features will be ready by. European and Japan release , Apart from playing vc games ect , However first and foremost it's for playing games, anything else it does is just a nice bonus ,
          Yeah but most of these issues are not going to get fixed in a couple of weeks. And even if they do is there going to be a 1GB (or 5GB) update every time they want to change a little thing?

          You are not going to see a minor or major system update anytime soon, unless Nintendo have left some gaping security hole that needs fixing.
          Last edited by originalbadboy; 19-11-2012, 09:51.


            This is more worrying, guy accidentally hacks into the online hub. Nintendo have no clue to online gaming and always seem about 3-5 years behind,


              Yeah i just read that too, slightly worrying he was able to get access so easily. Does make one nervous about putting any kind of credit card details on the system but then again i dont trust Sony or Microsoft in the department either so i choose not too.

              What is more scary is that this guy could get access to deleting user accounts which could potentially be very costly. Seriously i cant believe it would have been this simple to get access to.


                I gave up on using the Wii online and hadn't really considered the Wii-U to be a viable online console. It'll be for playing Nintendo games locally. Maybe a couple of years down the line when they've sorted out their infrastructure and tested it on other people I might consider it.


                  By a couple of years down the line i take it your talking about Wii U Me or whatever the next console may be called


                    Myabe that console had something on it it wasn't supposed to have? Maybe it was a dev machine put in a retail box by mistake, that's the only conclusion I can come to.

                    Otherwise others would have found a way to get to this information by now.


                      Originally posted by yesteryeargames View Post
                      That's what those lucky yanks get having it so early I suspect most if the features will be ready by. European and Japan release , Apart from playing vc games ect , However first and foremost it's for playing games, anything else it does is just a nice bonus ,
                      And Canucks.

                      I'll take a stab at that hack later, as I can't read it in work (due to filtering, gah).


                        Despite their alleged inexperience with online features, you'd think that Nintendo would be hiring the very best of the best. This is just embarrassing.


                          Originally posted by Decider-VT View Post
                          Despite their alleged inexperience with online features, you'd think that Nintendo would be hiring the very best of the best. This is just embarrassing.
                          Exactly, i was thinking this too. If they dont have experience of implementing an online service like Xbox Live or PSN you think they would have hired a company with plenty of knowledge to do so.


                            Why no internal 2.5" HDD bay?

                            It seems to me that no matter whether you go for white or black, Nintendo are essentially expecting you to use an external USB drive. Neither model realistically has enough inbuilt memory for, say, five years' worth of games. If that's the case, why not allow for a HDD to be plugged straight into the console internally? If it had been designed with this in mind from the beginning I don't think the system would be noticeably larger.

                            Both colors could have then contained the same 8GB (or less) motherboard, except the premium package would have a 60GB HDD pre installed.


                              To cut down on costs I guess, they are already asing enough for the console as it is, an internal HDD would have bumped the price up by another 50 quid or so.

                              I don't have any issues with this myself, what I want to know is if you can install games from disc to HDD ala 360, that would be a nice feature to cut loading times / prevent drive wear.


                                It would have been nice just to have the bay as an expansion port, they didnt have to put anything in it. Then 6months or so down the line when I need space I could just stick a drive in.

