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Nintendo Wii U

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    The skyward sword controls are a joy, i would love to see the next zelda use them, the controls are perfect for shooters too.


      Originally posted by crazytaxinext View Post
      The worst thing anyone can do is write Nintendo out of the race.
      That's fair enough .. I would never write Ninty off before they had launched new hardware, but then the same was probably said about Sega when the DC first came out.

      I guess we know where we stand by the time next week one way or the other.
      Last edited by originalbadboy; 29-05-2012, 12:33.


        There's definitely a fair chance the WiiU won't appeal to many like the Wii didn't. Nintendo also have a strong history of not getting it right with 3rd parties so they might have not learnt their lessons but the flip side is the 3DS shows they can turn public perception around quick if they have the drive to. Either way, their coffers are deep and public perception is strong so even if the Wii has a bad E3, they'll turn a profit with it and be around for the following generation and likely the one after that too.


          Originally posted by originalbadboy View Post
          Its also sad to see that the WiiU won't enhance Wii games graphically either, that's something Ninty could have implemented easily enough. I suspect they are not doing it so they can release 'HD' versions of SMG etc. And in honesty if they are priced right I would probably take them up on that offer.
          In fairness, I don't think it would be as trivial as you'd expect. GameCube games actually run in a completely separate 'compatiblity' mode on the Wii, with the components running at GameCube-level spec, when running on the Wii and I assume the WiiU will do the same with Wii games. In this mode, the WiiU would be essentially operating as a standard Wii with any additional functionality disabled.

          They could probably have made is so that the WiiU can operate at full spec mode when playing Wii games, allowing for potential rendering in higher resolution, but the impact that could have on compatibility could be high (especially with games that rely on the clock speed for timing). They could also have implemented upscaling, but that obviously wouldn't actually be rendering in a higher resolution (it is a small irk of mine when I read articles on gaming sites where the writer clearly does not actually know what upscaling is).


            Originally posted by Shakey_Jake33 View Post
            In fairness, I don't think it would be as trivial as you'd expect.
            I'm sure its not trivial, but possible, as stated though I will take 'HD' versions as long as they are priced right. And given the potential lack of launch software, as this is Ninty we are talking about, it would make sense for them to do this.


              A Japanese newspaper has said that the wii-u will be 30,000yen.

              If it's true that would make it about ?300


                The rumours always say that and are wrong every time. It'll be 200ish or less


                  Is that a rumor and you are wrong too, or is that just an arbitrary number you've plucked from your head?


                    It's my own estimate sure but one based on Nintendo's history of launches. After the mess up of the 3DS they won't risk an OTT rrp like 300.


                      Regarding Unreal 4 - i can understand why Nintendo has perhaps said no - or not jumped at it straight away. It is costly - very - and currently untested, no one actually is aware of the reality of it, and it is a lot to gamble because there are equally as good engines out there - or soon to be out there, believe it or not. Although on the surface its worrying, it's not actually the end of the world as people may fear.

                      Wii Us specs are important however, not for OMG POLYS!!! but rather for optimization. Next gen consoles wont have loading times - or at least they shouldnt. If WillU cant keep up with 'simple' details like that it will suffer.

                      ..If it can, than the artistry will be first and foremost and Nintendo will own. To be honest, Galaxy to me looks nicer than pretty much all 360 titles ive played
                      ----Member since April 2002



                        ?300 Ott? That's funny.


                          ?300 sounds like a bargain to me :-D
                          ----Member since April 2002



                            Well yeah, considering that the Vita was over ?300 'on the road'

                            Everything has gotten more expensive in the last 5 years, I don't see why Nintendo games consoles are the exception.


                              I paid over ?400 for an import vita I dont regret it, if the games are anywhere near as nice as what I have just seen from Rayman think I would push ?300-?400 for one but I very much doubt it will cost that, well maybe with the extra pad and a game maybe 2.


                                300 is too much for me. Needs to be 200 before I even remotely get permission from teh Mrs. I think I'll wait for some games I simply can't live without, or my birthday in March.

