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Nintendo Wii U

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    Considering it's the only console I plan to buy next gen, and that I'm a massive Nintendo fan, I do reckon that could be a little costly for many others too. Especially given the sudden price drop of the 3DS last year.


      Oh, this is just a rumour.


        I predict ?249.99


          Nintendo debunked Nikkei's report, "full of mistakes" and "nothing more than conjecture." So no larger 3DS and maybe the WiiU's price will be lower.


            Looking at the Rayman Legends demo ...

            It seems to me to suggest that the WiiU gamepad does indeed have a capacitive screen, it would be near impossible to do all those swipes on the screen if it was of the resistive variety.

            That's a plus point if indeed true.


              Hats off to Nintendo they do do some amazing stuff, don't follow trends just go their own way. Hope this comes to 3DS too. Miiverse looks awesome!!

              Get a glimpse of Nintendo's planned social features for it's Wii U console dubbed Miiverse! What do you think? Leave a comment below and share your thoughts!...

              Rayman demo is very impressive co-op play

              Last edited by JU!; 05-06-2012, 09:54.


                I hope everything is 60FPS.


                  Is there really any point in all that touch screen rubbish for a 2d platform game on a home console. Forcing that stuff in games like Uncharted on the Vita is bad enough without doing in on this too.

                  I don't want to tilt and roll and prod my controller like I'm an idiotic monkey.


                    Why not? You post your opinions like one!

                    Seriously though, I think it looks decent and while I do agree touch screen is in some cases pointless, anything that encourages the return of multiplayer in the same room is good for me.


                      The game looks good, I'm not denying that (Rayman Origins was brilliant).

                      But that just makes me worry more that they have spoiled it by adding all the needless uses of the controller just to show off what the machine can at the expensive of good gameplay. I don't want to pay ?40 for tech demos, and I doubt many other people do either.


                        Touch screen and gyro controls do not automatically mean poor gameplay. Rayman looked like it used it extremely well in fact. It didn't appear to intrude and was used to add to the game rather than detract from it. I fail to see how that frankly superb looking rhythm platform section could have been done as well with traditional control.


                          I was actually talking more about using the touch screen to cut vinves and bits where you have to till the controller to run. Those do seem like needless additions. The vine cutting would tradiontionally be done by the player character, the touch screen simplifies that by making another player simply swipe their finger about, I'm not sure that's good, and the tilt to run bits just look awkward, stuff like that is never fun.
                          Last edited by rmoxon; 05-06-2012, 12:26.


                            Gotcha. I had forgotten about that part to be fair but it didn't look too bad. Have to wait and see how it pans out.


                              Bugger me ... The tablet is bigger than the machine!

                              I seriously cant believe a thing as small as that is more powerful than current gen hardware ... Doesn't look like its going to have an internal HDD either. Lets hope it at least has some flash memory on board.


                                Looking more and more pants by the day. That Rayman game looks tat, unless you can just play through without his stupid friend?

                                Proper control system please Nintendo.

                                Just because you can, doesn't mean you should!

