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What has everyone been playing this week? 2

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    Assassins Creed: Rogue

    Part of my push to clear PS3 games from my backlogue this year. It's nice for a PS3 era game but a stark reminder that new machine gen games are better looking than they first seem to be. The game is literally half of AC3 and AC4's content mushed together. So far it's alright, nothing unique to it as an entry goes.


      Serious Sam 3.

      This has to be the longest pure run and gun game ever. I'm 11 hours in... 11 HOURS!

      I used to play pro to so take that into consideration - I've repeated two boss battles that's it. Croteam definitely made this too long.


        The Testament of Sherlock Holmes on the 360.

        Elementary, skanks.


          Currently... Kingdom Hearts 2
          God... the years I've spent wanting to get into this series. I've tried tackling KH, the GBA entry, Birth, DDD and now this. The idea of the series appeals so much. However, every single time I've dropped out as I find the gameplay is just so bad. I'm a few hours into KH2 but have a massive amount to do and I'm getting the same vibes again, it's just not clicking. There's far, far too much Square in the game. I know it's made by them and uses their ip as well as Disney's but at times it feels pointless the Disney aspects being there as you spend so much time bogged down in the nonsensical plot and characters. The cutscenes... it's been a while since I've played a Square game but there's so many cutscenes and the writing and V/O's are so awful. To pep myself up and motivate me I rewatched the trailer for KH3, the set pieces and visuals are so lovely... but as soon as it showed combat it looked as bad as these ones are. Enduring at the moment but badly need to find the joy in it.


            Yes. KH2 is ****e for all those reasons you mentioned.


              They both are.


                Originally posted by Superman Falls View Post
                Currently... Kingdom Hearts 2
                God... the years I've spent wanting to get into this series. I've tried tackling KH, the GBA entry, Birth, DDD and now this. The idea of the series appeals so much. However, every single time I've dropped out as I find the gameplay is just so bad. I'm a few hours into KH2 but have a massive amount to do and I'm getting the same vibes again, it's just not clicking. There's far, far too much Square in the game. I know it's made by them and uses their ip as well as Disney's but at times it feels pointless the Disney aspects being there as you spend so much time bogged down in the nonsensical plot and characters. The cutscenes... it's been a while since I've played a Square game but there's so many cutscenes and the writing and V/O's are so awful. To pep myself up and motivate me I rewatched the trailer for KH3, the set pieces and visuals are so lovely... but as soon as it showed combat it looked as bad as these ones are. Enduring at the moment but badly need to find the joy in it.
                I actually think the Voice acting is quite good in these games. There are many professional actors doing the voices so it's one of the strong suits. There is tons of story and the never ending tutorial in KH2 is just too much.


                  It's starting to slowly pick up, that tutorial opening was damned long and still doesn't seem like there was much of a point to it either. Square loves its screens upon screens of info overload too. The Disney voices are very faithful but everything is very stilted and poorly edited, so much watching characters move about in silence, it all needs cutting way down and made zippier. Gonna keep on plugging though.


                    I think even as professional actors some are dreadful as voice actors... I'm looking at you Mena Suvari.

                    I loved the first two games back when they came out, more the first than the second but I could never get into the side games. Now I can't seem to get into any of the HD remakes and I really want to like BBS but I only played one characters story in that before I got bored.


                      Gundam Breaker 2 (PS3) completed, started Guilty Gear Xrd (PS3) and 6x1 (3DS).


                        Originally posted by Superman Falls View Post
                        It's starting to slowly pick up, that tutorial opening was damned long and still doesn't seem like there was much of a point to it either. Square loves its screens upon screens of info overload too. The Disney voices are very faithful but everything is very stilted and poorly edited, so much watching characters move about in silence, it all needs cutting way down and made zippier. Gonna keep on plugging though.
                        I remember getting this on release and being so excited. Then slowly playing it I realised just nothing clicked for me. Like you I've tried most the entries to no avail.

                        It's one of those series I want to love yet I just can't bring myself to play past 5 hours before utter boredom sets in :/


                          I started playing Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons on PS3. It is a puzzle/adventure game whereby the left stick controls the big brother and the right the little one. It takes a few minutes to begin to adjust to the controls but once you do it is quite satisfying.

                          Graphically it looks like a labour of love with great attention to detail within a isometric 3D viewpoint. The musical score is subtle, only there to add to the mystery of the caves or beauty of the views. I really recommend it if you are a fan of puzzle/adventure games, it is really well made and I cannot believe I have left it so long to play it.

                          Last edited by 'Press Start'; 11-01-2015, 21:26.


                            Originally posted by fishbowlhead View Post
                            I remember getting this on release and being so excited. Then slowly playing it I realised just nothing clicked for me. Like you I've tried most the entries to no avail.

                            It's one of those series I want to love yet I just can't bring myself to play past 5 hours before utter boredom sets in :/
                            I haven't played KH2 but want to due to some of the world's featured. I loved the idea of the first but found the game itself a real chore and never finished it. Then played the GBA and hated it. But like SF, always wanted to get into it. DDD was the one that clicked for me. I think because the combat is much better, controls better and no rubbish platforming. I like platforming but KH1 did it terribly. So went and got Birth By Sleep then and I really enjoyed that. But I dug out my PS2 last year and decided to give KH1 another go thinking that I'd like it now that the series clicked with me. But no. Still don't like it. So I'm still on the fence about ever getting 2.

                            I'm still playing Oracle of Ages and I'm loving it. It's a really strong one and, having gone straight from Seasons, I'm impressed with how different they managed to make both games. Whole new stuff and a different feel. This is really my personal favourite type of Zelda game.


                              Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
                              I'm still playing Oracle of Ages and I'm loving it. It's a really strong one and, having gone straight from Seasons, I'm impressed with how different they managed to make both games. Whole new stuff and a different feel. This is really my personal favourite type of Zelda game.
                              Oracle of ages and seasons were amazing efforts. Its really hard to believe it was capcom that produced them and not nintendo.


                                Infamous:Second Son. Might be old but I got a PS4 for Xmas and this and I'm finding I really like it. The feeling of power is wel implemented.

