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What has everyone been playing this week? 2

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    Originally posted by Kit View Post
    Jet Set Radio HD. Looks lovely. Still one of the most stylish games ever made.
    Agreed! Why they haven't done the same thing with Jet Set Radio Future I will never understand, I would literally buy an Xbox One just to play that one game.


      Love JSR HD. Got it on the Vita and still play it on the reg.

      Lately I've beaten a massive slump on Windwaker (got distracted by the Bayo double pack pre-Xmas) and I'm now onto the Wind Temple. What a lovely game this is.

      Once I've beaten Zelda it'll be on to W101 I think, as I've still not played it. Still sort of tempted to pick up Forza Horizon 2 on 360 though, although I'm trying to force myself to wait till I have a Bone. That won't be for a while though as I'm planning to pick up a PS4 first (due to mates owning them instead of Xbox/better cross plat performance/PERSONA 5 most importantly). In a quandary on that one.


        I never understand the love for JSR, sure, it looks lovely- but it plays like utter ass.


          Started Lightning Returns. That games is really strange. It's a AAA RPG that actively pressures and confuses the player with the time mechanic. It seems to disregard the '100% completion in one playthrough with no pressure on the player' modus operandi of every other big game. Really interesting but not right for me at the moment. At the moment time management in real life is a major cause of anxiety, stress and upset since I have so many things going on and I don't need a game that uses time management anxiety as a mechanic. Going to put it down for a while until I have more time.

          I have gone back to Lollipop Chainsaw to do at least one more playthrough and grind some achievements. I love Grasshopper games as I always feel I can replay them multiple times to get unlocks and achievements. Not a cheeve whore any more but I like having goals to work for. The game is really archaic and low budget but it has loads of charm.


            I loved LR, initially the time mechanic was a major cause of stress- but then once you realise you can abuse the chrono ability endlessly, the game becomes a bit easier to handle and gives you a lot more time to get things done.

            It really was a Tri-Ace game rather than a Square game, and it felt like one too. Really different mechanics and a great battle system- bollocks story though. I really enjoyed it by the end and did everything in the game on my first playthrough- so it is possible.

            Stuck on 99% trophies though, and need a second playthrough to get the platinum- so no doubt I'll go back through it for fun Givebit a chance- I HATED it at first, as did my traditional FF loving friend- but it does improve once you get your head around it.

            EDIT- there's a lot of love for this game over on USGamer- worth reading some of the articles to see why


              Oh yeah, definitely going back to it. It seems really interesting and looks great.


                Gran Turismo!

                Done 3 of 4 GT races and of the Special Events I think I have 5 left to go. This game is incredible, still. Been playing this as a side title really, will be happy to polish it off I think.


                  Just finished Oracle of Ages. Wonderful experience playing Seasons and Ages together. Excellent Zelda games both of them. Hard to say which I preferred, they both have great things going for them but then why do I have to choose? They're both great and even better together.


                    Lots of Far Cry 3 on 360, short bursts now though cos it gets a bit samey after a bit. Also had the 2DS on, must be my eighth attempt to warm to the Shinobi reboot but I just don't gel with it, the styling's wrong, music generic, just doesn't feel like Shinobi should, and to me the polygonal graphics make the game feel jerky, shoulda felt more fluid. I will give it another chance at some point though, I just wish the first level wasn't so darn dull, a neon sunset cityscape woulda grabbed me much more. Also a bit of Killer Is Dead, a fiver on PS3 from CEX yesterday. Need to get into this, seems simpler than I thought but all the stylings are very seductive, I deffo wanna see more of its abstract gameworld.


                      my gaming life has been battlefield 4, battlefield 4 and more battlefield 4. also helping my kids out a bit on batman lego 3 and little big planet 3.


                        Nothing, I'm decorating the house which is just ****


                          I have no gaming life at the moment. Managed an hour on Trials a week or so ago but that's it.


                            Bayonetta on PS3: Wow.

                            Cutscenes are a mess and cause me to lose attention. Looks like a vaseline filter has been applied on top of the constant low frame rates. It's a shame because I quite like the cutscenes. In-game it isn't too bad but I'm a beginner so I don't know if timing is affected. I guess it was worth the 3 quid to make me consider buying a 360 for it but I don't think I'll go that far. Yet.


                              Universe Sandbox which I was given to me by someone off here.

                              Quite a short game really but it's really well done. The achievements are a bit beyond me (play the game for 27 years wtf) but I assume it's aimed at the hyper intelligent problem solvers who jump into the bios etc to find solutions - like one of the achievements is a pure math problem.

                              Anyway I just like crashing the earth into the sun.


                                Going to be switching back to playing 2 games at a time to vary things up so preloading the PC with stuff at the moment. Dabbled with Assetto Corsa but still spending more time in the settings than playing.

                                Other than that just started Dragons Age Inquisition. Never really liked the series but so far I'm quite enjoying this one

