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What has everyone been playing this week? 2

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    House of Dead 2 on Dreamcast, had forgotten how tough it can be if you've not played it for ages.


      Apotheon on PS4.

      Its excellent so ancient Greece metroidvania type game. Looks stylish and plays really well, lot more combat than is usual in these games too.
      First PS+ game in a while to hit the spot!


        Yes it's been getting 8/10 reviews from what I've seen. Has gone down well with most sites and players.


          Silent Hill: Shattered Memories on Wii. Quite impressive but I wanna kill summat! Just DLd Sniper Elite V2 on 360, free on Gold right now, will be shooting testes off shortly, uuuuuuuh yeeeeeeeah.


            Dying light - the game dead island should have been


              Hotline Miami(PS3)

              It's wicked. Gf is digging the soundtrack but said I was frightening her when I started shouting things like F YOU YOU BALD T**T at the 500th gangster to gun me down.


                Still doing the EDF twins, trying to get as afar as possible on the Vita version as I've got the new one coming end of March. PS4 is due August so I've got a while yet to play EDF4.

                Managed to get a few good weapons now so it's like a brand new game I've never played!


                  Loving Super Star road on Mario 3D world Wii U.


                    Because of the sad way the new Ghostbusters film is heading I've decided to play the real 3rd movie again on the 360. Loving it but I can notice a lot of low resolution textures now unlike when I last played it in 2009.


                      Finished my time with The Order and also revisiting Killzone: Shadow Fall and DOA5 so all going for trade in tomorrow. I have Oneechanbara Z2 lined up but I'm thinking it's time I returned to GTA5 on PS4 and really plugged on with it. First triple dip of the new gen as well as I've preordered the Steam version in the end just to muck around with the inevitable mods.

                      So, should be restarting GTA5... need to start something up on PC. Maybe continue plugging on with my Saints Row 4 replay


                        Xenoblade Chronicles had me doing a non-stop 30 hour session over the break, not done that since the FFXI days.

                        I also used a 10 hour coach journey to get all of my neglected Fire Emblem: Awakening blokes up to advanced class levels.

                        Both of those will likely be shelved now that I'm back, and on with CS:GO.


                          MH4U has me. I think I'm at 10 hours nearly, which is practically unheard of in the space of just a couple of days.


                            Finished Tales of Hearts R on a plane, clocked up 15 or so hours of MH4U whilst away, and now that I'm back, a tonne of FFXIV.


                              Played a smidgen of GTAV, too much Marvel Puzzle Quest, a night of Roller Coaster Tycoon and I went bowling last night with an arcade area. Got fairly far on Time Crisis 3 and saw a couple of new games: Let's Go Island and Pac-Man Smash.


                                Been playing dragon quest 8 on the iPhone as I've managed to forget to take any handheld on my trip abroad. The portrait mode works surprisingly well although at times i do feel like i should be seeing stuff on either side...

