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What has everyone been playing this week? 2

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    I found myself in a bit of a gaming slump for the past 2 - 3 weeks after I finished Windwaker HD, where I couldn't seem to get into anything properly.

    However, I've finally gotten my PS2 going again and had a blast over the weekend playing Outrun 2 Special Tours and Yakuza 2. Both just absolutely superb games, and perfect foils to each other. Drift more!


      I've been playing some proper crap and Good stuff too this week. Terminator Salvation on the 360 and Big Run on the SFC in the crap corner. And in the good corner there's Darius Gaiden on the Saturn and Sword of Berserk on the Dreamcast.


        Pretty much wrapped up playing GTA Online with the exception of the upcoming Heists. Returned to the sp which I was about 20% through so plugging ahead before the PC edition lands. Other than that mostly my Saints Row 4 replay


          Just started Atelier Ayesha Plus ~The Alchemist of Dusk on the Vita and liking it so far


            Thoroughly enjoying de Blob 2 on the 360. Just nice and laid back, might end up being a bit too long though looking at how many more levels I've got to polish off.


              Finished off the platinum on Dying Light and got stuck into Dead or Alive 5 Last Round. I forgot how brutal the combo training is on that game!


                Originally posted by k0pp0 View Post
                Thoroughly enjoying de Blob 2 on the 360.
                Turning the 360 on should help warm the house up whilst the heater is broken! Win/win!


                  Trying to finish PS4 Alien:Isolation it's great but never ends. Should end now at Mission 10 or so instead of 18 I think. Dabbled in Evil Within Assignment DLC. A bit of 3DS Special Levels Mario 3D Land and OutRun plus SOR.


                    Astebreed and Croixleur Sigma on the PS4, Iron Combat on the 3DS, started a new character in Dark Souls.


                      I'm playing Final Fantasy Type-0 on the PS4 and still chipping at Atelier Ayesha on the Vita


                        Originally posted by JU! View Post
                        Trying to finish PS4 Alien:Isolation it's great but never ends. Should end now at Mission 10 or so instead of 18 I think.
                        Exactly the same - been playing this most of the week and am at mission 14. Levels are long, save points are scarce, and - as much as I'm enjoying it - it's also as frustrating as hell. It's like watching one of the extended version of one of The Hobbit - 'how can they string it out any longer?' Just when you think you've got to the end of a level, you realise you've still got more to do, and you die before you reach a save point.....

                        Decided I needed to play something light for a day or two, so downloaded Tennis In The Face for about 50p from the U.S. PSN store. It's like playing an old Nintendo Game & Watch, easy to pick up, challenging at times, and provides a bit of light relief after dying repeatedly at the hands of aliens and super human androids!


                          Ironically enough, same story here. Returned to Isolation this week and found myself getting bored quite easily. It's a brilliantly made game but it's so overlong and exhausting to play that your mind just kind of grows weary of it eventually and I find myself getting distracted by other games easily. They should have really cut big chunks of it out, can't be bothered sticking with it to the end.

                          Also plugged on with GTAV Remastered. Didn't make a big point of doing the side missions as the PC edition is here soon so I took the opportunity to try one of the alt endings out, pretty brutal ending.

                          Lastly, as it had arrived anyway, tried out a bit of Type-0. Nice combat system to be honest but the game is so dry, bland and poorly delivered on its plot that there's no chance I'm going to spend 30hrs on it so won't even try. Must double check preorders are cancelled in future.


                            Surprised by that- you loved 3rd Birthday and this plays very similarly.


                              I'm enjoying Type-0 so far still early on in it


                                Taking a three pronged approach now to try and mix things up and make progress across all fronts so going to decide tonight what to play through next.

                                I'm going to have three games, one from each type to play through:

                                -One PC
                                -One Console
                                -One retro

                                The first PC title is going to Life is Strange Episode 2

