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PSVita thread 2.

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    Is Jet Set Radio on the PS Store?


      I believe it is only on the PSN Store.


        So I downloaded a bunch of games and stuff yesterday to my PS3 in anticipation for the arrival of my Vita but it seems it wants to delete the source content on my PS3 after I've copied it over. I want to keep the files on there for when I delete them from my memory card and want to reinstall them at a later date without having to download them again. So what's the deal?


          I believe you can make backups of your Vita card to your PC using Content Manager anyway, if that helps.


            You can on to your PS3 as well if the faffing about I did yesterday was anything to go by.

            Gave Unit 13 a proper go last night, lovely wee game. I think with the pile of Vita games I have sitting to get through, I won't need to buy another game this year. Well, apart from when killzone comes out, because that was really my reason for getting another system.


              Do you want to play Unit 13 online in co-op ikobo?


                If I buy a pre-owned Vita, how do I go about downloading games directly on my Vita if the previous owner hasn't de-activated it before? I heard there can be issues?


                  Quick question about Persona, I have a UK PSN+ account and am looking to pick up Persona 4, but I would prefer the Japanese voices. Does the UK version support multiple languages? I'd prefer to just buy through the store but if not i will just go and pick up the JP version locally..


                    there is no japanese track on the uk/us version.

                    english dialog is of a very good standard though.


                      Just got NFS: Most Wanted thinking it would deliver a better online experience but I'm pretty underwhelmed by Vita's online offering so far, it's so difficult to add friends, none of the people I play with in public matches in any games I've played show up in the shared play history (completely empty) and there's hardly any games that support public voice chat, for a game like NFS I thought it would be a given. Also, having 3 different apps to see friends list/send messages/chat is ridiculous.


                        Pretty much all multiplayer games seem to support cross-game chat on Vita via the Party app. It works well. Agreed that splitting friends list, audio chat and text chat over three different apps is bizarre.

                        EDIT: Just realized you were talking about public chat, which I don't ever use.


                          Looking for some English speaking friends to play online with on the Vita, I've got Wipeout 2048, NFS: Most Wanted, Unit 13 & When Viking's Attack, feel free to add me guys!



                            When vikings attack is so much fun, love that PSN Plus introduces you to these kind of games too, and not just endless shooters.


                              I'd like some of these shooters you get over there ;(


                                Sorry, by shooters I mean Western style, FPS.....

                                ....those endless COD type games.

